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| Faction=[[Rebel Alliance]]<br>[[Special Reconnaissance Regiment|Special Recon Regiment]]
| Faction=[[Rebel Alliance]]<br>[[Special Reconnaissance Regiment|Special Recon Regiment]]
| Spouse=-
| Spouse=-
| Mother=Alluria Tur'enne
| Mother=[[Alluria Tur'enne]]
| Father=Jacob Tur'enne
| Father=[[Jacob Tur'enne]]
| Siblings=[[Charlotte Tur'enne]]
| Siblings=[[Charlotte Tur'enne]]
| Children=-
| Children=-

Revision as of 18:32, 22 February 2010

Alexander Tur'enne
Alexander Tur'enne.jpg

Alexander Tur'enne
138 lbs
Eye Color
Hair Color
Home Planet

Alexander Tur'enne is a former weapons researcher from Frohad Galactic Firearms who defected to the Rebel Alliance. At the request of Colonel Sogan Dalgas, he currently serves in a support role providing various technical support and analysis to a number of SpecForce units, incluing Dorn Force; his sister, Charlotte Tur'enne is an officer in that unit.

Born on Corellia, Alexander was adopted at a very young age by Alluria and Jacob Tur'enne, who had been struggling in their attempts to concieve. Though they made no secret of Alexander's adopted status, they always raised him as if he was their own blood; even after, five years later, they managed to have a daughter - Charlotte - of their own.

Though the children suffered from the expected sibling rivalries - though with the younger Tur'enne always the more aggressive of the two - they were always close; right up until at sixteen Charlotte ran off to join the Corellian Resistance movement. Alexander had been away studying at university for much of her rebellious phase; when he tried to reason with her about the questionable legality of her activities, the conversation descended into an argument that ended their communication for six years.

Laura Dechen had been an important part of Xander's life for years, beginning as high school sweethearts and eventually becoming engaged. As the two made arrangements to move into their first home together however, things with their relationship became problematic, and ultimately Laura left Xander for another man. The fallout left him effectively bankrupt, homeless, listless, and heartbroken. It soon emerged that the only viable option for Xander to salvage something from his life was to accept a job at Frohad Galactic Firearms, as a low-level member of the weapons research team.

Over the course of half a decade, Alexander managed to rise through the ranks at Frohad. However, the higher he got, the better his view was of the inherant corruption in the company, and in society as a whole. After Alderaan, and after being moved to a specialist research project where the scientists were kept under lock and key with Stormtroopers providing "security", Alex decided that enough was enough, and contacted the Rebellion in the hopes of defecting.

Xander was rescued from Corellia by his sister, along with her direct superior: John Glayde. Over the course of the operation, Major Glayde was shot; feeling that he needed to somehow find a way to repay the Major for his efforts, and also wanting to stay as close to his sister as possible after six years of non-contact, Xander made an arrangement with Colonel Sogan Dalgas to serve as a tech specialist under his command, working closely with various units including Dorn Force, in which both Glayde and Charlotte served.

Current Timeline of Roleplays
Out of Character

Jace has been around on the site since January 2007. He knows all the things, including board lore, random trivia, and really really terrible jokes and puns.

Star Wars
                    Inyos Aamoran : Jaden Luka : Amos Iakona : Vittore Montegue  : Lúka Jibral

Achilles Sienar-Santhe : Ambassador Wrath : Atton Kira : Ceto Rübezahl : Delgado Xaanan : Soto Terius : Torrsk Oruo'rel : Tristan Tahmores : Vansen Tyree

Adonis Inirial : Aiden Tahmores : Alexander Tur'enne : Alexi : Amaros Koine : Amés Falcon Liszt : Aonar : Arnan Jsorra : Augustus Valorum : Avar Adamas : Azrin Shadowstar
Chir'daki : Crotalus Viridis : Eckard Batāna : Elias Akasha : Ernan Jsorra : Ethan Tahmores : Garrick Kane : Ghtroc the Hutt : Hugo Montegue : Issiodorr Enssiss : J'onn Scarlet
Jaan Furlow : Jaron : John Glayde : Justin Dechen : Kalibac : Kelvin Stark : Khalid : Kieran Luka : Kijirra Adhaferra : Kolya : Lazuli : Father Lucian : Lujayne Barzilai : Lux
Mace Riko : Mackenzie Tallen : Mandalore the Liberator : Marhaus : Max Valorum : Maximus Whitesun : Merrin Altink : Muridaemus-musculus : Nen Lev'i : Niomon Terius
Nix Neutron : Norio Itzalizar : Nychus Antirr : Oisin Ocasta : Olso Ayl : Oolan Valx'ir : Ophion Rübezahl : Oran Jsorra : Orenth : Ouran Akasha : Prael Atalon
Quin-Tain Starwind : Red Queen : Regan Altink : Rinzai Terius : Rurrick Grov : Ryota Navarro : Sabinian Tellar : Sphyrna Mokarran : Thaumas Drude : Trance Farani
Tukphen : Ulysses Cygnus, Jr : Usil Anansi : Varon Farani : Vhiran Antilles : Victor Montegue : Vulcan Tanner : Vyna Moyzenvyo : Xanthos Asael : Xi Vanadís
Yon the Butcher : Zane Brasko

Ayla : Trip : Sleazy : R4-K8 : Bumblebee : Greg & Abby : Lapis : Ivy : STE-V : D.M.O.

Andor Tyree : Anpher Inirial : Benton Inirial : Gideon Lazuli : Lance Inirial : Mandan Hidatsa : Pharos Inirial

† : Crichton Stark : Ecidae Mandrill : Jacob Tur'enne

Al-Maisan : Contras Ath-Thu'ban : Cor Leonis : Nair al Saif

The Force Awakens
DC Comics