Muuulv 'Muzzle' H'neh

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Pirate Log

Muuulv 'Muzzle' H'neh
Eye Color
Hair Color
Home Planet
Black Bloods
Weapons Expert

Early History
Muuulv H'neh, better known as Muzzle, is a male Togorian who decided to leave his homeplanet behind him when the Empire began taking too much of an interest in it. He hated the "white shells", otherwise known as Stormtroopers, who swept down on his planet in droves and looked on the native Togorians as some kind of servant race. True, Togorians had been amongst the first non-human races to swell the ranks of the Mandalorians, but to the Togorians that had ended with the warrior group's demise - and the white shells were a far cry from their original templates.

So Muulv had left Togoria, but not until after getting into a bit of a scuffle with two of the white shells which had ended with them shooting him in the legs before he could finish them off. The wounds healed while he was on the first ship off-planet, but the scars remained.

Life as a Pirate
Muzzle and his toys

Life off Togoria was exceptionally difficult for the young Togorian. Sharing his race's gender-based superstitions and dislikes, there were a lot of things he came to hate in the galaxy - most of all of course white shells and metal men (droids) and all manner of technical devices, but he soon discovered that some of them weren't so bad after all: Muuulv found he had an aptitude for blowing things up and he was a natural with a blaster. These two qualities got him the attention of various dubious criminal gangs, but it wasn't until he met the Black Bloods Pirate gang that he decided that this was the life for him.

He's the gang's weapons expert and responsible for the various cheats and tricks involved in making their schemes work. He keeps the Voodoo Heart well armed and loves nothing more than the smell of a glob grenade going off.

When he's not busy blowing up things or working on the ship's weapons systems, he enjoys stalking his Defel crewmate Alekeg and making the drunkard's life hell. Since this dislike is about as deep as the one the Defel feels for him, the two of them are always at war with each other, but only very rarely does it come to blows. But if it does, then they both come out of it a bloody mess. Despite of all of this, the two of them seek each other's company and work quite well when teamed up.

Current Timeline of Roleplays

1 Years, 9 months AE

  • U kalle rah doe kankee kung! - The Hutt Blarga is off to new adventures after winning a ship in a game of sabacc from Rylard 'Lardo' Tenf, but finds out for once he chewed off a bit more than he could swallow as he falls victim to the wily schemes of the Black Bloods pirates. However, this is one Hutt unlike any other - as the pirates soon have to realize.

1 Year, 11 Months AE

  • Gambling Between the Stars - Unlucky escapee Tri'ahna Zylary is rescued by Kal Olorin on board the pleasure cruiser Morning Star but soon finds herself entangled in one of Black Sun's schemes; at the same time, two Imperial Intelligence agents - Qourr Mhawat and Jekaan Oludh - are trying to verify the status of a suspected Force User, Darth Binky. Events soon spiral out of control as Rebel operatives, the Inquisitoriate and the Black Blood pirates also take an interest.

2 Years AE

2 Years, 2 Months AE

Out of Character
See Mara