I enjoyed, but it has its problems. As Droo says, Henry Allen is suddenly a dick, presumably because they need an excuse to not have him around all the time. But my bigger problem (and one I hope they address soon) is that they still don't seem to understand how time travel works. They seem to forget that Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne isn't 'dead', he's erased from existence. If Eddie shooting himself makes it so Eobard never existed, everything Eobard did should also not have happened. How can he leave a confession tape if he never existed in the first place? And for that matter, everything he influenced should never have happened either. I'm hoping they'll explain that's why the two worlds are colliding and why the singularity happened, but I don't know yet.... Still loved the episode for being fun though. The Flash is one of those rare shows that just makes me smile watching it.

Arrow was technically better than Flash, in my opinion, but I still enjoyed Flash more. I think Arrow had a lot it had to get through to get things back on track, but I still feel the show is struggling a bit, particularly with its flashbacks, which were a problem in season 3. I love Thea/Speedy so far though, she's really fun to watch, and Oliver's new costume is cool. As for the tombstone? Apart from liking the sudden randomness of the cameo from Barry (I love when they do unexpected small crossovers those shows), I'm not sure what I think. My money is on the death being Diggle, but I'm not sure. And I don't really know how invested to be in it, since we now know they can bring people back to life with the Lazarus Pit (as they're going to do with Sara).

iZombie is like my favourite show. But the opener here was merely 'okay' rather than as great as it has been. Liv eats possibly her most cringe worthy brain yet, and some of the jokes regarding it aren't funny; being racist isn't funny. But it also suffered the worse from one of iZombie's problems, which is Liv's on-again off-again personality absorption. In some scenes she was just playing Liv, and in some she's dialling up crotchety old person vibes to the max. It doesn't feel consistent. Like it changes from literal scene to scene. I like where the plot is going though with all the set up for the rest of the season. The whole thing going on with Liv's family made me just want to give her a massive hug. Although I kind of think she could have come up with a better excuse for not giving blood...