I took the box from Xazor and hugged her back. I listened to Ki Adi's words with my best attention. I picked up the flask Dios tossed me and took a swig, "Thanks for the gift. I will enjoy this." I smiled and turned to the door. "Thank you for everything my friends. I hope our paths may cross again." I waved my hand in the air and walked outside. The hall was empty, but I continued on. Past the marble statues, past the elevator to the temple, past the training hall, and past the garden. It was all so beautiful at night. I walked up to the doors and closed them behind me. My hair brushed my face in the wind. I walked out toward the forest, and before heading out I turned back to the order. The building was massive, and the moonlight glinted off of its surface. I smiled and took the dagger from the box. I clipped it onto my belt and waved to the order. My best memories were, and always had been, there. I turned around and walked into the night. My place in society was now the Knight of Justice.