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Thread: Shipyard: Chandrila - Customer Relations (NR)

  1. #1

    Shipyard: Chandrila - Customer Relations

    Shipyard Size: 40,000 meters
    Status: Operational

    This shipyard is for constructing ships to be sold only.

  2. #2
    General Scorpion
    Ahh, my good Mon Calamarian, I believe we discussed this earlier.. Two Corellian Missile Destroyers.. How much and how long should it take..?

  3. #3
    Now, lets see.. 1 million credits for each and that would take one week.

  4. #4
    General Scorpion
    You'll get your money when they're finished..

  5. #5
    Hey, I thought you would haggle!

    Production: 2 Corellian Missile Destroyers
    Scheduled to be finished at 23.08.00.


    Corellian Missile Destroyer
    Length: 450 metres

    Crew: 34 officers, 612 crew

    Armament: 8 turbolasers, 28 dual warhead launchers

    Speed: 12 mglt

    Shields: One Nebulon-B shield generator

    Armour: 18 inch maximum

    Engines: 4 Corel Fusion engines

    Fighter Compliment: None

    The two massive box-like projections are storage facilites for projectiles, and can hold more than 3,000 proton torpedos. The torpedos are automatically loaded, at a very fast reload rate. On either side are the actual projectile launchers. Each launcher carries 14 dual launcher tubes, for a total of 56 total tubes between the two.When firing at maximum speed, this destroyer can pump out 28 proton torpedos per second. The double tubes allow one set to be firing, while the other one is being loaded. At this rate of fire, a capital vessel of any size would be reduced to rubble after only a few salvos... The torpedos also afford the Missile Destroyer to stay well out of range of turbolasers while destroying its target.

  6. #6
    General Scorpion
    I'll just be taking those, and your money's on the table..

  7. #7
    COMBAT Jedi Beal
    alot of brass here. is everyone a general or something lately?

  8. #8
    Jedi Knight Katarn
    i would like to order 2 ssd's $ is no object


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