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Thread: Real Plans

  1. #1
    Darien Hyfe

    Real Plans

    All right. Now that we are getting fairly organized in our process of taking over planets, it's time we come up with the official plan.

    First off: Where do we want to be concentrating on taking over planets the most? As of now, we are randomly picking planets scattered around the galaxy that have no particular strategic placement. While it is a good idea to have a strong foot-hold throughout the galaxy by having one or two planets in each system, we need to be concentrating on one specific area. Where is the GMA home base located? Is it in the North, South, East, or West Quadrant? Whichever it is, we need to start taking over the planets in THAT quadrant. Then we will continue to spread and spread. I suggest using the Nav Computer that I have provided a link to in several other posts.

    Next: Now that we have discovered how quickly and easily planets can be taken, we need to get to it. Whatever quadrant we choose, each person should pick one sector (by using the Nav Computer Map). Each sector is made up of a couple planets, ranging anywhere from one through, probably a dozen planets. By splitting up each fleet into several parts, and sending each part after a different planet at the same time, we could take over entire sectors in just a week. And that's just ONE fleet! With all 5 doing it, we could be taking over 5 sectors a week! Now, ofcourse that's pushing it, and surely we wouldn't be moving along QUITE that fast, but several planets a week should be able to be managed very easily.

    Now, I suggest that we pick the sector at which the GMA base is located, and then each of us pick one sector that is near to where the GMA base is located. Then we should start immediately. One fleet to each sector, just a half a dozen or so ships to each planet.

    I will start and finish Dantooine this week, and in the meantime, I will have the rest of my fleet take over any other planets that may be in the same sector. After that, we should begin concentrating on the area of our base.

    How does all that sound?

    Oh yeah, and to keep things moving faster, we should probably stick to taking planets that have little in the way of population. That is, until we decide to take on a major project... like taking over Coruscant! Bwahahahaaahaha! J/K.

  2. #2
    Darth Viscera
    You have to research a planet before you take it over. Some of these groups will own a planet, but they won't tell anyone that they own it. that way, when a fleet comes in-bamm! They've got you.

    Again, Hyfe, we're taking over planets in our own region. I know you don't like my map, but it's the only good graphical map I can find.

    GMA Galactic Map

    See a pattern? You should.

  3. #3
    Darien Hyfe
    Oops. Well, I already wen't after another planet. But I doubt very highly that any of them have ever even heard of it before.

    And who says I don't like your map?? It looks awesome!

  4. #4
    Darth Viscera
    you said it, you jack in the box!

  5. #5
    Gormul Hyfe
    Um, ok.

  6. #6
    Darth Viscera


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