Feb 15th, 2001, 08:42:05 PM
Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
The Sith Lord leans against a small shuttle, its cargo bay door is open and various items are loaded onto it. The Sith waits as the wind blows gently in the air his white hair trickling across his face.
ecided to continue your training here, less forum jumping.
Feb 16th, 2001, 11:36:54 AM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
De'Ville walked across the duracrete towards her master. Once by his side, she watched the shuttle being loaded. "I am here, master."
Feb 17th, 2001, 01:56:31 PM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
Lynch turns toward his apprentice and nods.
"You have a good understanding on the finer aspects of fighting and using the force to your advantage. That much you've done well to prove so far."
He gives her a stern look.
"Now we shall see how you cope with the odds against you, a test of your will and determination. Survival will as always be your main goal"
Feb 17th, 2001, 02:51:20 PM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
Keeping silent, De'Ville merely nodded, and then followed her master onto the shuttle. She didn't bother asking where they were going, but concentrated on the Force as they took their seats.
Feb 18th, 2001, 09:35:51 PM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
Taking his seat, he pushes several buttons on the ceiling before turning his attention to the control panel. The ships loading doors react as they shut with a gritting sound. The engines of the small ship roar to life, with a small upward thrust the ship rises into the air off the ground several feet.
Pushing a button the ship rockets skyward as the two Sith watch the blue sky gives away to darkness with millions upon millions of shining dots.
"What gear do you have upon you?"
Feb 19th, 2001, 12:25:34 AM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
She touched her lightsaber which hung from her belt, and added, "My vibroblades, and my blaster." De'Ville looked out on the stars, but chose not to ask where they were headed.
ooc: see pic for vibroblades, plus one six inch boot knife /ic:
Feb 19th, 2001, 09:44:53 AM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
The ship passes several planets, setting it on auto pilot Lynch walks to the back where several of the containers were loaded on. Kneeling down in front of one swipping his cape over one shoulder he access the ID panel lock. Several beeps later the container opens. The Sith lord takes out a thermal gernade tossing it in his hand before putting it back in sealing the container.
With a quick once over of the other containers he walks back to his seat satsified with the contents. Making a course change the ship avoids a small asteroid cluster that rockets close to their side. Hours later a planet comes in view, the obvious course to which they are going.
"There" he says.
Feb 19th, 2001, 02:29:52 PM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
De'Ville looks out the viewport, but can't identify their destination off the top of her head. "Where are we?"
Feb 19th, 2001, 10:54:21 PM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
"Usually an unremakrable planet in an unremarkable sector of the universe." he said with a smile.
"But today it shall be more than a worthless mess of jungle flora and fauna. Today it shall be the grounds for your test to survive or die"
The ship begins to enter the planets atmoshpere, hot lines of red surrounded the vessel as goes deeper towards the planets surface until the black of space is gone. The red of reentry is gone, only the blue of the sky is seen as clouds pass by.
The ship zooms across an ocean daring to go so low as the water is thrown up away from it. The Sith grins.
"There is where we land"
His words come as land is in sight upon a beach near a vast jungle.
Feb 20th, 2001, 11:43:32 AM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
De'Ville tightened the restraints around her body for the landing, and began mentally preparing herself for her test.
Feb 20th, 2001, 10:00:43 PM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
The ship rockets past several nine foot lizards lazily sun bathing off the rocks on the beach causing them to snarl and snap at the flying beast that soars past them. Punching in the landing vector the ships engines slow down, turning in the air it begins to make its descent hot thrusters scorch the earth darkening it by the intense heat. With only a minor bump the craft lands.
Unbuckling himself from his seat and moving to the back he slams his fist into a acces panel, the cargo door imediately reacts, swinging open giving open passage to the planets surface. Walking out onto the beach the Sith looks around taking note of the area thinking it good enough for her test. Activating a remote on his belt, several seemingly cubes begin to break apart before each -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-s into a cargo droid similar to that of the old battle droids. Each droid gathers some of the valuable cargo taking it out into the hot glare of the sun.
"I do think this adequate"
His eye catches the movement of a 12 foot creature moving in the far distance of the jungle eyeing them intently.
"I think this shall do just fine" he adds with a devious smirk.
Feb 22nd, 2001, 11:20:11 AM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
The sun felt warm on her back, and the beach was more than idyllic, but De'Ville kept her mind focused, and ready for anything. The cargo droids were emptying the shuttle of its contents, and were being so thorough about it that she would not have been surprised to find them pulling out the seats as well.
Her mind threatened to wander, it is beautiful here, but for all she knew these surrounding spelled out her ultimate death. Huge lizards were basking in the sun not too far away.
De'Ville waited for her master to decide he was going to fill her in, and kept her mind sharp.
Feb 22nd, 2001, 07:26:06 PM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
Removing his hood from his face Lynch notes the droids are almost done.
"Tell me Lady De'Ville, exactly what do you hope to accomplish in the service of the darkside?"
Feb 23rd, 2001, 05:02:09 PM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
She thought carefully before attempting an answer. What do I hope to acheive?
"I will become powerful in the Force, able to achieve whatever I wish. I will find closure to certain areas of my personal life." As she spoke she made certain that her deepest thoughts were carefully masked, not wishing Lynch to be able to read her past like a book.
"I am going to work with TSO to achieve the destruction of the light side, and the users of it." She stopped, her hands unconsciously clenching at her sides.
Feb 24th, 2001, 08:54:46 AM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
Stopping to consider her words for a moment and the tone in which she had said the, he noted there was something in that tone and the hands held firm to her sides. Much anger in the past? he muses to himself, knowing if that is true then she can use that which has hurt her to be a powerful Sith if properly trained in the ways of a darkside.
A droid walks up to the Sith its face moving slightly from side to side in an odd twitch.
"Lord, the cargo has been removed as you specified, the area has also been fully scanned as you wished"
Lynch takes a second to consider for a moment at that which can happen, wondering if it is slightly rushing her training. Easily the thought is driven away with a second thought.
"Tell me then, can you handle the killing? The need to cut through a persons flesh with your weapon? Can you always get past the times when you may look into anothers eyes as they grow dark and cold as their life is drained? It might be a person your own age, then again walking down a charred town you may see a child. A child badly burnt as it cries out in pain in those last few moments of life. Could you ignore such pleas?"
Feb 24th, 2001, 11:46:46 AM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
Who heard my cries as a child? She nodded. "I am able to ignore such pleas. Although if it were a child I would put it out of its misery."
She stared into her master's eyes. "I can handle the killing."
Mar 2nd, 2001, 09:38:24 PM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
A grin came to his face at the way she spoke the words and the determined look that she wore upon her face.
"You are here to undergo several test as you know"
Holding up his hand with a small holoprojector in his palm a hologram shoots up showing a map of the island they are upon.
"The l'island d'streeaor, more universally translated it means Isle of Death, a charming place where any who travel usually do meet a grim fate with the perils that lurk, then again they never have encounted one of our kind before, that is unless they encounter you"
Walking over to some of the cargo he opens one crate.
"Inside these are items like food packs, weapons such as knives, guns, explosives and medical equipment, many things you will need for survival out in the wilderness for days or weeks. You can take what you need or decide to take none of this. For your upcomeing situation will require you to be well prepared if you are to suceed with the task I give you unless you instict to survive is supreme."
Mar 7th, 2001, 12:35:01 AM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
De'Ville looked at the hologram, and then back at her master. "Perils?" She knew better than to be too cocky, and so she walked over to inspect the contents of the crate as she talked.
"What exactly will my trials be?" She picked up an extra power cell for her blaster and tucked it into her belt.
Mar 9th, 2001, 07:12:35 PM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
"The trials you face will be a serious of task I shall have you under take to prove you are one of the fittiest to survive in this Sith age. I will give you one in a few moments, the others will be presented to you as time goes on."
"The perils that I mentioned are various flora and fauna life that live and thrive upon this island. Many large beast roam and prey upon the lesser creatures for food and survival, many plants also around here are rather violent as well, I'm sure you heard of a venus flytrap before? Think along the same lines"
Holding up the miniture holo projector in his hand he lets the image of the island shine again and points to the base of a mountain many miles inland. "This is where you must trek by yourself, it should take you several days if you do survive the climate and obsticles. Once there you let be given further instructions."
A droid walked up to her holding a similar holo projector.
"Take that one and keep it near you at all times, I will communicate with you via transmitter or perhaps even the force if I feel the need to interrupt you suddenly."
The Sith Lord looked up at the sky and then back down at her. "The day grows late, have you any questions before you begin for the time is now to go"
Mar 11th, 2001, 09:44:25 PM
Re: Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
She walked to the droid and took the holoprojector. Fastening it securely to her belt, she shook her head. "No, no questions."
De'Ville pulled a medpac and a ration of food out of the crate and stuffed them into a bag which she slung over her back. "I am ready to go now."
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