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Thread: *Awaits Lady DeVille*

  1. #1
    Big Bad Naga

    *Awaits Lady DeVille*

    Naga bows his head in silence, standing up straight and confident. He was waiting for Lady DeVille to arrive. In his left hand he held his lightsaber firmly. He was ready for anything.

  2. #2
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *Awaits Lady DeVille*

    She swept into the room, her lightsaber clipped to her belt. De'Ville took off her dark cloak, tossing it to the side of the room. "Greetings, Naga. I am looking forward to furthering your training."

    She removed her saber from her belt, and placed it on her cloak. Turning to the far wall, she called two swords to her hands from where they had been hanging. She offered one to Naga.

    "Take this. No sabers today, we're going to do a little dancing in the dark." And with that the lights in the windowless room went out, casting the pair in sudden darkness.

    "Attack me!"

  3. #3
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: *Awaits Lady DeVille*

    Naga grabs the sword and throws his saber aside. He eyes DeVille, but to his suprise the lights went out. He could no longer use his eyes. He had to use the Force and sense her.

    Naga discarded his hood and cloak, throwing them aside with one hand. He was now clad in black except for his ghostly pale white face. He felt the sword handle and took a few practice swipes in the dark. After a few seconds Naga stopped. He grinned, but he doubted LD could see.

    "As you wish...Master"

    BBN leaped from his position sprinting across the room to where LD was. He jumped high into the air and swiped downwards at LD. She was quick to block. He again attacked, swinging his sword at her right side. Using the Force for extra strength, he gripped the sword with one hand. LD brought her sword down and blocked it. Naga used his other hand and punched her in the face. He ducked under a slash and rolled back. Naga stood up and assumed a defencive stance.

  4. #4
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *Awaits Lady DeVille*

    It was darker than Jabba's shadow in the room, and De'Ville felt herself grunt as Naga attacked. He was good indeed, able to zero in on her position with no problems at all.

    She felt his presence in the Force, and leapt forward at him. The swords sang as they sliced through the air, clashing together at the last moment. She spun off the block, putting her sword's point into the small of Naga's back. She stopped her motion and only pricked her apprentice, backing off once more.

  5. #5
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: *Awaits Lady DeVille*

    Naga very well knew she could've stabbed him. He had to try harder this time. He closed his eyes and focused on the anger inside of him. Visions of the past and enemies popped up in his head. He bit his lower lip and clenched his hands around the handle of the sword.

    With a burst of rage, Naga ran at her. He jabbed forward, slashed across, cut left, swung right. All of his moves were fast, but they were blocked. He focused and closed his eyes letting the Force guide his movements.

    Naga struck left then feinted and swung right. DeVille brought her sword over and blocked it. There they stood, in a Stalemate. Naga opened his eyes, they were glowing red. He used all the power in him and pushed his master back with the mightiest Force Push he could muster. Naga stood straight. His heart was beating, temples throbbing. He was full of adrenaline. In other words, he was ready to fight.

  6. #6
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *Awaits Lady DeVille*

    His senses in the dark were extraordinary, and De'Ville had to concentrate more than she had anticipated. But his attacks were uncontrolled, and anticipated. Their swords locked, and with a mighty push he heaved her away.

    She could almost see the glint of his red eyes as she flew backwards, slamming against the wall. De'Ville fell to her knees on the floor, calling her sword to her hand again. She intensified her grip with the Force as she got to her feet.

    Everything was silent, but her danger sense pricked, and De'Ville ducked under a swing that could have taken her head off. Naga's sword clanged off the stone wall, sparks flying in a spray of silver. De'Ville rolled to the side, and slashed at his knees.

  7. #7
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: *Awaits Lady DeVille*

    It was bad enough that Naga couldn't see, but now he was being attacked from behind. Closing his eyes he focused on the Dark Side. He could sense De'Ville attempting to slice his legs off. Focusing, Naga executed a back flip and landed behind De'Ville. He lunged forward.

  8. #8
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *Awaits Lady DeVille*

    De'Ville felt the air move as Naga backflipped out of reach of her sword. As he lunged forward again, she spun and swept his feet out from under him. He landed lightly, springing back up to his feet in the dark.

    She swung hard, catching his blade with her own, and twisted the swords together, disarming him and sending his sword flying off in the darkness.

  9. #9
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: *Awaits Lady DeVille*

    Naga watches as De'Ville jabs at him once more. Now that he was disarmed, all he do was dodge. He ducked, moved left, leapt, bent backwards, using the Force to guide him. He couldn't keep this going for long. She was incredible with a sword.

    Naga gripped his stomach in pain and jumped back a few feet. She managed to score a hit. He couldn't even see how bad the gash because the room was pitch black. Naga got up and muttered to himself.

    "Whatever doesn't kill me, can only make me stronger."

    He took another step back, his boot stepping on something hard. He saw the shine in the darkness. His sword! He dropped down and grabbed it, just in time to block another quick attack by his master. Naga flipped over De'Ville and turned around with a roundhouse, sending her flying (with Force speed). He kept aware of her presence and moved into a defencive stance.

  10. #10
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *Awaits Lady DeVille*

    Again, her newest apprentice sent De'Ville flying backwards. She had to work hard to keep her feet underneath her; there was no wall to fall against this time. She had scored a hit on Naga that time. The blood on her sword was not visible in the dark, and De'Ville hoped she hadn't hurt him too much. It wouldn't do to lose such a promising apprentice.

    She stood still in the darkness, sword in a defensive position in front of her. De'Ville silently slid around in a circle, Naga's sense was in the center of it. She kept moving, waiting for her apprentice to attack.

  11. #11
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: *Awaits Lady DeVille*

    Naga could feel her circle him. He kept his senses alert while thinking of what he should do next. BBN closed his eyes, focusing on the Dark powers. He felt the evil in the room. The hate, the sorrow, the anger. All of this he felt. He felt and absorbed it.

    Inside of his mind, lost souls screamed and wailed. A red aura shielded itself around him. His eyelids opened. At the same time they rolled upwards, as if he were unconscious. The aura around him expanded. Suddenly, Naga snapped back to reality. He had unleashed a Force Blast in each direction.

  12. #12
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *Awaits Lady DeVille*

    De'Ville erected a Force shield around her which evaporated as the blast crashed into it. She fell backwards and rolled to her feet quickly. The shield had taken the brunt of the blast and dissapated it before it could harm her.

    She clapped her hands. "Good, good. Naga, you are very advanced, just as I had hoped." The lights came on again, and she twirled her sword in the light.

    "You wish to learn the ways of the Sith, their magic... Meet me here tomorrow." With that she turned on her heel and walked out of the room.

  13. #13
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: *Awaits Lady DeVille*

    Naga nodded and walked away.


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