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Thread: *DF enters the Chamber*

  1. #1

    *DF enters the Chamber*

    Since Dagger isn't around he left you the word for me being a Knight or not. So I'm a promoted or not?

  2. #2
    Darth Viscera

    Re: *DF enters the Chamber*

    HOLY FLYING JESUS! Have you ever heard of patience? What is this, the 3rd thread asking for a promotion in the last two days?

  3. #3
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *DF enters the Chamber*

    heh, well, we aren't Jedi, you know. No, Dragonflamer, you are not to be promoted. But I would move for your promotion, just like Kahn, under the circumstances I outlined in that thread.

  4. #4

    Re: *DF enters the Chamber*

    So I have to battle a jedi and beat it to become a Knight.Ok. I asked Jedi Amnde too.


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