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Thread: Checks his rifle at the door....

  1. #1
    Avolon Bisel

    Checks his rifle at the door....

    The man finnaly handed over his rifle to the security droid.

    "Happy now rusty?"

    The droid beeped at the comment. His joints were cleaned just last month he insisted!

    "Sure." said with a wink.

    The man pushed open the doors for his Astromech as they walked and rolled into the bar. Avolon wasted no time as he darted for thr bar.

    "Hey slick, pour me some of the hard stuff!"

    The Astromech beepeed and whistled as he rolled after his owner.

    "And a oil can for the droid."

  2. #2
    Force Master Hunter

    Re: Checks his rifle at the door....

    :: Hunter looked up from the drink he was having, seeing the stranger::

    "Howdy mate"

  3. #3
    Avolon Bisel

    Re: Checks his rifle at the door....

    Seeing the man Avolon raised his new glass of liquor.

    "Hey pal, how's it going."

    Avolon took a gulp of the drink, not strong enough but it'll do. He walked over to the stranger and bent slightly.

    "How's the food here? I'm not feeling like a stomach pump today. So I'd like to poll the crowd before I venture into the unknown."

  4. #4
    Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

    Re: Checks his rifle at the door....

    Cirrsseeto quietly offers up his opinion

    The food herrre jisssn't larrrge enough, and thejy don't offerrr ljive prrrejy.

  5. #5
    Avolon Bisel

    Re: Checks his rifle at the door....

    Avolon's right eye raised as he turned to the Cizerack man.

    "No live prey?"

    Avolon chuckled.

    "Takes the fun out of it, don't it?"

    Avolon took a seat at FMH's table, never asking if he could.

    "So, what's the order of the day? I'm guessing they don't have Dantooine Meatloaf."

  6. #6
    Force Master Hunter

    Re: Checks his rifle at the door....

    :: Hunter places his boots on the table::

    "You'll be surprised what they cook up here. The root stew however is the house specialty and it kicks butt.

    So.... what bring you here?"

  7. #7
    Avolon Bisel

    Root Stew?

    "Root Stew?"

    Avolon was repulsed by anything with the word "Root" in it's title. But why the heck not? He turned his head to the bartender.

    "Hey Fred, could I get some Root Stew?"

    The name Fred seemed to fit the man, so Avolon went ahead and called him that. The bartender nodded and went to the pot to scoop some out. Avolon turned back to the man.

    "Rest mainly. And my junk heap needs a few repairs. But I'm also looking for customers."

  8. #8
    Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

    Re: Root Stew?

    Cirrsseeto lookes quite shocked

    jI jussst found out that therrre jisss no meat jin rrroot ssstew! How jisss thjisss sssludge eaten?!? jIt jisss pojissson!

  9. #9
    Force Master Hunter

    Re: Root Stew?

    "No meat in the stew?"

    ::Hunter looks in his own bowl::

    "Your mistaken the root stew for something else. Mine's got some good meat in it all right. Damn good stuff"

    :: Hunter turned back to Avolon::

    " Customers? For what?"

  10. #10
    Avolon Bisel

    Glad you asked.

    Avolon chuckled.

    "I'm glad you asked."

    Avolon sounded somewhat like a presidential canidate, giving his speech.

    "It's for my buisness. I kill people."

    The words, "I kill people" were said very matter of factly, no hint of sorrow in his words.

    "Do you know of anyone who needs someone turned into Rancor chow? My rifle's getting cold and so is my pocket."

  11. #11
    Force Master Hunter

    Re: Glad you asked.

    "Assasin then? No call for them here, Jedi tend to be able to deal with people pretty well. On the other hand, I know someone looking to get fellows like you semi organised. If your interested of course"

  12. #12
    Avolon Bisel


    Avolon laughs.

    "Oh, I know. Jedi's are a bunch of goody two shoes. I'm here in case someone walks in who gets a little peeved at one... if you know what I mean. Catch them when they're angry, that's my matto."

    Avolon thought of the man's proposal.

    "Well, I don't know. Tell me about this someone. What's he all about?"

  13. #13
    Force Master Hunter

    Re: Hmm....

    :: Hunter casts his mind on some of the Jedi he has known. Goody two shoes aint one of the descriptions he would have used. Man, some of these Jedi - truly high ranked Jedi would do things in a blink that would make the average outlaw think twice. Jedi weilded an obsence amount of power and influence

    He lowered his voice::

    "Mate, dont be insulting Jedi, nor underestimate them. Yeah, there's some fools, but you get that all the time. There are some who talk and act like they have a vegetable inserted in an oriface too. Give you an example. If you trash talked Jedi, their ex-leader would have nailed you to the rafters if you were lucky. He was right sadistic he was. Just my word of advice for free, you dont like Jedi, dont say it too loud in here. Anyone getting peeved at a Jedi in here tends to end up not thinking about revenge, but where the nearest exit is so they can get out alive. You dont go ruffling feathers here, nor at that Rama's Bar. We may be good, but facing down a dozen sabers aint my idea of a good day.

    Now, you wanted to know the low down on the guy who is lookin to group the outlaws sorta together? It might work, it might. Got some plan and got good backers, Says he will pay per day and expenses, got a few target and a sliding pay scale for results. Weapons he has, got some good ones too. I hear if your looking for the best action, he got an Imperial contract from Director Isard that is big stuff. 100,000 credits and up. I can give you details where he's setting up and maybe an interview, if you want."

  14. #14
    Avolon Bisel


    Avolon nodded.

    "Thanks for the words of advice. I was insulting the Jedi, I'm not that stupid. I was just saying they're really good guys. That ain't such a bad thing."

    Avolon leaned in so his words would reach only FMH.

    "Yes, please do. Slip the info under the table here, don't want the guy's plan to be overheard. Expecially if he's dealing with Imps."

  15. #15
    Force Master Hunter

    Re: Hmmm....

    "I'm not 100% of the guys plan. But i know where you can find out what I know. Follow my card (OOC : sig link) to where I can tell you more."

  16. #16
    Avolon Bisel


    Avolon's hand met the card. As soon as it did he raised from his seat.

    "R1, come on, we're going."

    Avolon smiled at the man as he lowerd down to whisper.

    "How much do I owe you for this information?"

    The Astromech rolled beside Avolon as he posed the question.

  17. #17
    Force Master Hunter

    Re: Thanks.

    "Nothing at the moment. Just call it doing a favour to a fellow professional"

  18. #18
    Avolon Bisel


    Avolon's eyes twisted in question. "fellow professional"? He nodded his head, not truely knowing the meaning.

    "Okay then."

    Avolon headed for the door. As he got to the door frame he layed his hand on to rest, he turned his body towards FMH. His Astromech was happy to have the chance to catch up. Avolon looked at the buisness card he still carried in his hand. His words mouthed the letters on the HoloCard.

    "Force Master Hunter."

    Bisel turned on his way, slipping the HoloCard into his jacket pocket.

  19. #19
    Force Master Hunter

    Re: Okay

    :: Hunter watched the human and his droid walk off before picking up a data pad and typing::

    Tepine, there's a bounty hunter on the way. Seems to be pretty good

  20. #20
    Avolon Bisel

    Onboard Trigger

    Avolon leaned over in the pilot seat flipping on the aft and rear shielding. He slid the HoloCard into his Astromech's processing slot.

    "R1, can you get me some coordinates for this? Scum and villany..."

    Avolon nodded in agreement with R1's beep.

    "Yeah, it does sound promising."

    The droid beeped a series of numbers. The coordinates popped up on Avolon's readout screen, deciphering the droid's language into readable format. Avolon knew droid speak pretty well. But when they threw out all those numbers and coordinates it made his head hurt.

    "Okay.... R1? Could you get me started in the right direction? You know the drill."

    The Trigger lacked a NaviComm so flying was hectic at best. The ship lifted with a surge of power coming from it's sub light engines. It rocketed out off the planet....


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