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Thread: An unknown shuttle lands

  1. #21
    Keerrourri Sarrtarroa

    Re: :: At the computer::

    Sarrtarroa nods appreciatively

    Ssseventjy-fjive ssshould be acceptable forrr usss. Ourrr own essscorrrtjing fjighterrrsss werrre onljy desssjigned forrr fljight wjithjin the Cassshouljisss Clusssterrr, whjich jisss rrrelatjiveljy a shorrrt djissstance. Forrr deep-ssspace trrrade, we need a long-rrrange fjighterrr.

    jI thank jyou forrr jyourrr generrrousss offerrr. Ssshall jI make arrrrrrangementsss forrr ourrr sssuppljy ssshjipsss to begjin deljiverrrjing herrre?

  2. #22
    Master Yoghurt

    Re: :: At the computer::

    Hmm.. yes, if do that you would..

    The creature pulled out a Data Pad, entering with gentle movements the flight coordinates according to the current orbit patterns of mining fields and gun emplacements as well as shipping order clearance codes

    Pad information you need has.

    He gave the Pad to the Emissary

  3. #23
    Keerrourri Sarrtarroa

    Re: :: At the computer::

    Sarrtarroa placed the datapad inside the lining of his coat, and once again gave Yoghurt the gesture of respect.

    jI feel awed bjy jyourrr grrracjiousss naturrre, sssjirrr. jIt almossst feelsss asss jif we arrre not pajyjing anjythjing forrr jyourrr generrrousss warrresss.

    "What djirrre offenssse frrrom amorrrousss causssesss sssprrrjingsss."

    Let thjisss be a ssstarrrt of a grrreat frrrjiendssshjip between ourrr people. jI wjill rrreturrrn wjithjin one week wjith jyourrr orrrderrr. Thank jyou forrr jyourrr tjime.

    Sarrtarroa's face broke into a warm smile

    jIf jI majy be ssso allowed, majy mjy men and mjyssself ssstajy herrre forrr the njight?

  4. #24
    Master Yoghurt

    Re: :: At the computer::


    The creature reached for his comlink, ordering to prepare the Guest Suite..

    Perhaps, if allowed.. invite you and your frinds for dinner we could? Unfortunately, "live" food none of we have.. hovever, most requests managed should be.

  5. #25
    Keerrourri Sarrtarroa

    Re: :: At the computer::

    Sarrtarroa couldn't imagine what kind of smallish food might be served at this meal, but he decided that it would be appropriate, in the name of good diplomatic relationships.

    But of courrrssse. We would be honorrred to eat wjith jyou.

    Sarrtarroa turned back towards the gangplank, and shouted for his small contingent of guards to come with him.


  6. #26
    Cizerack Hunter Forces

    Re: :: At the computer::

    Ten red armoured troopers descended the ramp, containing themsevles from growling at the prospect of a meal, expecting, of course, that it would try to flee in terror.

    The chase for food was almost as satisfying as the actual consumption of food.

    Instead, they looked neat and orderly, a disciplined lot of large feliniods. When they reached the bottom of the ramp, they saluted.

  7. #27
    Keerrourri Sarrtarroa

    Re: :: At the computer::

    Sarrtarroa returned the salute

    Mjy men prrresssent themssselvesss beforrre jyou.

  8. #28
    Master Yoghurt

    Re: :: At the computer::

    By this point, the creature had taken notice of the procedurals concerning the Cizerack traditional saluting. He clenched his tiny green right fist over his left chest, and saluted back to the Cizerack.

    The two distant doors in the nearby bunker structure leading from the base of the Landing Platform slid open, revealing a corridor. The corridor led toward a set of elevators.

    If allow me you would, escort you to dining hall I will..

  9. #29
    Keerrourri Sarrtarroa

    Re: :: At the computer::

    Sarrtarroa turned sternly to the soldiers


  10. #30
    Cizerack Hunter Forces

    Re: :: At the computer::

    At the Emissary's order, the soldiers stow away their sidearms with military precision.

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