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Thread: Sanis walks into the bar...wearing a suit

  1. #21
    Hunk Seidou

    Re: Sanis walks into the bar...wearing a suit

    Really? How exciting for you. Would you like something to drink, or perhaps a little bite to eat? My treat, of course.

  2. #22
    Seerrasseei Tsseerra

    Re: Sanis walks into the bar...wearing a suit

    jYou would thjink ssso but jit's a lot of harrrrd worrk. Food orrr drrrjink? well jI guesssss jI'm a ljittle bjit hungrrrjy. What jisss therrre to eat arrround herrre?

  3. #23
    Hunk Seidou

    Re: Sanis walks into the bar...wearing a suit

    To eat? Well, I guess the cooks could whip up just about anything you could want. If you want my suggestion, I would recommend the root stew, the house specialty. It was the first thing I ever had here and is still probably my favorite.

  4. #24
    Seerrasseei Tsseerra

    Re: Sanis walks into the bar...wearing a suit

    Rrroot ssstew? no thanksss, rrroot anjythjing would a vegetarrrjian meal, jI would ljike somethjing wjith meat jin jit. Do thejy serrrve anythjing otherrr than rrroot ssstew herrre?

  5. #25
    Hunk Seidou

    Re: Sanis walks into the bar...wearing a suit

    Like I said, you'd be amazed at what the cooks can "cook up".

    ::laughs loudly at his own joke::

    Ha ha ha...anyway, I'll try to find the waitress to take our order. Don't move.

    ::gets up to find one of the young waitresses::

  6. #26
    Saarrreeaa Meorrrei

    Re: Sanis walks into the bar...wearing a suit

    **She ignored the two newcomers, her slightly tilted vision resting solely on Sanis Prent. The Kree-rou burned in her veins, and the humans in these parts were less than likely to entertain her pleasures. Even this Sanis Prent, a notoriously disgusting man, would not. This had become a rather depressing section of the galaxy to be sent to. Human males did not seem to be a particularly entertaining lot. Saa began to brood over this while staring absently at Sanis's face. Men here had way too much independance. The thrill of the chase was fun, indeed, but there was always that slim chance the prey might get away. And Saa hated when she didn't get her way.

    **To add to her frustration, her aunt silently manipulated her behind closed doors. At first she had expected to be welcomed with open arms as a partner, instead she was treated as a burden. Given no responsibility, no say in anything, and now she was being thrown into the frey with a human? And a human male, no less. Giving a vexed grunt, her hand shot out with amazing speed and snatched her glass back. She drained the rest of the drink before the expression could change on Prent's face. Saa had never been much for rum, but today seemed like the perfect day to start. The alcohol only increased her frustration and anger, and unfortunately Sanis Prent happened to be sitting in front of her.

    "Sssjit and talk??! Sssjit and talk, Sssanjisss? Pleassse, jI can tell jyou hold me jin contempt. jYou and jyourrr attjitudesss. jYou have barrreljy talked to me, and ssstjill djisssljike me."

    **Her claws came out and she dug five neat holes into the bartop

    "And what do jI know of ourrr sssjituatjion? jI know nothjing. Mjy aunt trrrussstsss a human male who morrre than ljikeljy hatesss herrr gutsss morrre than ssshe trrrussstsss herrr own kjin. Frrrom the moment jI've ssstepped foot nearrr herrr, jI've been a burrrden. jI am alwajysss the lassst to know, the one that jisss left behjind."

    **Her claws began to sink deeper into the wood as her grip contracted.

    "Do jyou thjink jI wanted to leave Carrrssshouljisss? To jojin jyou people? Pleassse, jif jyou thjink me ssstupjid, jyou have the wrrrong feljine. But, even though jI am not a ssstupjid Cjizerrrack.. jYou ssstjill know morrre about the sssjituatjion than jI do."

    **Suddenly a look of sadness passed over Saa's face. She always kept such good control over her emotions, but now they ran free. She couldn't exactly remember what she was saying, but she knew it came from her soul. The last time Saa had cried had been eleven years ago. There had only been one time in her life that she had lost control like this, but now this makes two. Her claws came out of the wood and she put both hands to her face to hide her emotions. Her world tilted slightly as the rum's effects ransacked her system. Saa's emotions began to run off-kilter, finally pouring out after being hidden for so long. She could only sob out the words that came next,

    "Whjy.... whjy do ... people trrreat me the wajy thejy do?? What... do jI do... wrrrong??"

  7. #27
    Sanis Prent

    Re: Sanis walks into the bar...wearing a suit

    (Now Sanis felt a conflict of interests. On one hand, Miss Meorrrei was a volcanic, moody, and downright bitch of a girl. To top that off, she was a Cizerack, and that meant she had some kind of nymphotic chip on her shoulder 24/7. Then, on the other hand, she was a kid...probably no older than 18. She was a bit tipsy, and she was upset, and now she was crying. And it probably had something to do with what Sanis said. As much as Sanis felt indifference to the emotional felinoid, something made him hesitate. Maybe he could come off as less of an ass to her. Maybe that would at least help the situation.

    Sanis shrugged. Ah, what the Hell. Why not? He draped an arm over her shoulder slightly...not wanting her to get any wrong ideas, but at the same time, trying to console her somewhat. He gently allowed her head to lean against his shoulder.)

    Hey, its okay...I'm here in this with ya. I don't know much about it, either, but we'll find out. I'm sure your aunt has a reason that she hasn't told you yet.

    (The bartender came over as Saarrreeaa's head was leaned against Sanis' shoulder. He gestured to her drink, wondering if it should be refilled. Sanis replied with a subtle shake of his head. She did not need any more alcohol in her system.)

  8. #28
    Hunk Seidou

    Re: Sanis walks into the bar...wearing a suit

    ::finding it impossible to ignore the raised voice of the woman, Hunk whispers to Sanis::

    Hey Slick, you may want to cut her off. I think she's had enough.

  9. #29
    Seerrasseei Tsseerra

    Re: Sanis walks into the bar...wearing a suit

    Seer watches Hunk leave but then notices the sound of crying, and turns in the direction of the sound. Hmm Saarreeaa, Seer hadn't really met the young Cizerack but she knew a little about her. She had a rough idea of what may be wrong since her mother had told her a little bit about the Cizerack she would be working with and the fact that the younger Cizerack was going through Kree-rrou didn't help either.

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