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Thread: Our Webpage

  1. #1

    Our Webpage

    You know, guys.. I'm pretty good with HTML.

    If you guys trust me enough, I can update our website.. seeing that it's REALLY REALLY out of date. I know Yog is probably really busy, but I might have some time on my hands this Easter weekend.. so I can work on it if you guys don't mind.

    Email me at or just IM me with either AOL (Gatorgirlie20) or MSN (

    Just let me know if you want to take advantage of my offer.


  2. #2
    Jedi Knight Leia Solo

    Re: Our Webpage

    Coincidence for sure. Yoghurt just emailed me info to update the site. I am hoping to do that real soon.

    I (we) really appreciate the offer Jen. That is really sweet of you. I will let you know if you can help out.

    Thanks again

  3. #3
    Jedi Teka Kenobi

    Re: Our Webpage

    I also am pretty good with html. If you do need help please feel free to contact me here - :-)


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