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Thread: :: A Jedi Master walks in::

  1. #1
    Darth Turbogeek

    :: A Jedi Master walks in::

    In the past, he would rarely come in here. He was never a good trainer. But he was one awesome Jedi Master and he was revered, even feared, rightly so. He was One with the Force now, but still now and then found he would need to take some form to do something that was needed. Like now. He had taken what appeared to be substantive form and walked in, to the stunned stares of all the Padawans.

    He pointed twice, once at Dragon Dlayer and once at Gaven13. One hand behind his back he pointed for them both to come clear and meet him in the sparring circle.

    "You two seem to have excessive energy. How about you work it off, hmmm?"

    To the gathered he said "If you wish to fight against your brother Jedi, that I wont stop you. But what distresses me is that you are unwilling to pick fights against Masters. Why is that? Is that because the Masters are stronger and cant be bullied? Wont stand for intimidation? Or is it.... you prey on the weak? What type of Jedi is that, who preys on the weak and uses anger?"

    "Let me see what kind of Jedi you two are now. I would liek to see what you have learned. Attack"

  2. #2
    Dragon dlayer

    Re: :: A Jedi Master walks in::

    you want me to attack you?

  3. #3
    Sage Hazzard

    Re: :: A Jedi Master walks in::

    Another Jedi Master appears from the shadows behind DT.

    "I have been wondering the same thing DT. If you will not attack Turbogeek, attack me. I will be here in case he needs assistance. Or more likely, in case one of you need emergency evacuation to the Bacta Tanks...."

  4. #4
    Darth Turbogeek

    Re: :: A Jedi Master walks in::

    "Think carefully Dragon. What would a Jedi do?"

  5. #5
    Dragon dlayer

    Re: :: A Jedi Master walks in::

    *Dragon took out his Ls and held it pointing at DT..he then let it frop to the ground with a clank*

    "Jedi do not fight other jedi...nor fight at all..unless protecting someone..or in self defence."

  6. #6

    Re: :: A Jedi Master walks in::

    "No. I do not wish to fight anyother Jedi. I don't care for Mr. Dlayer here..." *Points to Dragon* "For what he did to my friend Cerasi. I had a Score to settle with him, And I did.

    OOC: No, I really can't stand Dragon irl man.

  7. #7
    Darth Turbogeek

    Re: :: A Jedi Master walks in::

    Well Dragon... finally you did the right thing. Now I shall tell you one mor ething. If your brother Jedi hits you, turn the other cheek. Do not strike back. Only if you are under mrtal danger should you reply.

    You Gaven... wrong answer. You DO NOT strike another Jedi for ANY reason. Do I make that clear? We Jedi do NOT have scores to settle with one another do we. Have I made myself clear?

  8. #8
    Dragon dlayer

    Re: :: A Jedi Master walks in::

    *nods at DT*


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