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Thread: anybody wanna see a real saber in making?

  1. #1

    anybody wanna see a real saber in making?

    I bloodofwolf or plainly Shuruga,
    will make the flame saber!
    It is a greeny blue saber with blue flame on the sides of it.
    yet it will shine silver when danger or enemies are near.
    Meaning that I will have to enter into it a good deal of the magic that I have learnt at my home planet.
    And an awakining power that I first learnt when I came here.
    This awakining power will give the saber power of speech and the holder will still need training in the art of using a saber but not as much.
    if the holder has any other sabers he or she will still need trainig.
    Because the saber will block and attack by itself,
    just like a trained jedi.
    the saber will not always block the attacks or strike the opponent you will still need training in the arts of fighting.
    A reminder if you do not have the saber
    but if you weilded it when you were in traing you will not be very good at the art of weilding a normal saber.
    so despite what I just said you will need just as much traing.

  2. #2

    Re: anybody wanna see a real saber in making?

    *grabs a blue saber*
    *opens up the wires and melds the blue wire with the green wire.*
    now we have a blue green saber.
    mandufyt blojkurt fludikit. those are the words to a spell long forbidden in my planet.
    it is the spell that will make the thing that I want to use it on be alight forever with blu flame.

    *looks thoughtful*
    i have now given the saber the power of life and doing what it was made for.
    *looks thoughtful once again but for much longer.*
    now I have given the saber the saber the awakining,
    it is now the flame saber.

  3. #3
    Jedi Rebel X

    Re: anybody wanna see a real saber in making?

    ........I just don't know what to say.........

  4. #4

    Re: anybody wanna see a real saber in making?

    Impressive ha.
    I might make you one tomorrow if i get the chance

  5. #5
    Jedi Rebel X

    Re: anybody wanna see a real saber in making?

    You don't need to go to any trouble. I rather prefer a saber that doesn't talk back to me.

  6. #6
    Anbira Hicchoru

    Re: anybody wanna see a real saber in making?

    :: Anbira walks in, and looks utterly dumbfounded at the...person, who seems to be talking in a language he cannot understand. Thinking he at last has the key, Anbira smiles really big and makes a dramatic pose. ::

    <font size=50>FORM BLAZING SWORD!!!</font>

    ...oh wait.

    What the Hell are you talking about, kid?


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