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Thread: Even Angels Fall: Because Angels Deserve to Die

  1. #141
    Teka Kenobi

    At this point Teka had just entered the room. The room that contained so many people..and Warren. Teka had left Leia with Liam down near the forest below and had made his way through the citadel. He knew something big was happening. Still he could feel the evil surround him in the atmosphere. On his way here he had encountered many dead wolf-like creatures, that seemed a strange blue in colour and a slightly over proportioned head in appearance.

    Silently he stepped into the room, knocking over a metallic object that looked like some sort of incense holder. It had sat very inconveniently on a ledge next to the door. The object crashed loudly on the floor and rolled, while its cylindrical top broke off and a brown dry mud-like substance escaped onto the floor. He turned his head and frowned, as simultaneously a smell of 'spring rain' wafted up from the incense mud and all of the non-force users in the room turned to see what it was.

    He thought it was Warren in the middle of the room, and had confirmed it with the force. Watching the weeping Amnde he walked straight past the two not changing from his frowning and seemingly angry face. He continued walking taking his gaze over to the window, but not changing his expression. He gazed over the edge where moments before Abaddon had left. He was too late.

  2. #142

    ::Saphire landed her ship and looked around. Abaddon was here somewhere, and threatening the sith. If you would ask why she had come she would have no answer, but she had felt that she should and your instincs are nearly always right. What she would find out would be of importance and somethign inside her had told her to go.
    Carefully walking, making no sound, she peered around and looked at a nearby building with a strong force signal coming from it::

    Now or never..

    ::The door opened and she walked around to a door and as she opened it found the body of Warren on the ground. Sjhe held no expression but her heart coldly simpathised with the female beside him. Losing someone was hard if they were close to your heart, but life was life. Not wanting to particularly go in there she closed the door silently, to many jedi, too many familiar faces from the past. If he was here then Abaddon would be somewhere else.
    She frowned as the door slammed loudly, and walked outside and looked around. The land looked large and compelling, the sky beconed toward her and she made her large red wings visable, spread them and flew into the sky. Perhaps in the air she'd have a clear view::

    Where are you Abaddon... You dshall not destroy the sith or the one that is not yet in this world..

  3. #143
    Xanatos Etanial

    ::Xanatos chuckled and watched from the side of the room he had moved to unseen, the fact he seemed to have vanished played perfectly into the hype of the whole event. Xanatos muttered under his breath at the fact he hadn't successfully gotten all of Abaddon's power, he could still sense Benison's energy and power, but Etanial had stolen a good portion of it at least, nearly half of it. And that was good enough for X.

    He turned swiftly and quietly on his heel stepping through the shadow and towards a concealed exit::

  4. #144
    Sorsha Kasajian

    :: Ignores the others around her as she searches outwards with the force, a low growl rising in her throat as her impatience grows ::

    "Show yourself. I know you're here."

  5. #145
    Warren Azalin
    <center>Wake up, Wake up, Wake up.</center>

    Time and space had closed in on the lone Jedi Knight as he awoke to a sea of darkness. He didn't know how he had gotten here, or for that fact where here was. Somehow he felt something strange though, somthing he should not be feeling....


    Judging by his new surrounding Warren assumed the worst; he was dead. It took him some time to admit that he was dead but a part of him would just not go with the flow, he had to survive somehow. Trying to think on the situation he began to use what came naturaly to him; the Force. Well not exactly the force, because he was sort of dead, but he had heard tales that at death those strong enough of will became one with the Force. Thats what he needed now, he would need to become one with the Force if he hoped to do anything at all....... but how could he? He had no knowledge of how to, all he had was the determination. And it was this determination that left him there meditating a way back to the living, after all this was a win/lose senario, and he had to win....

  6. #146
    "I'll get you for what Abaddon did to my friend. You'll pay, you'll all pay!!!"

    "So it's true....."

    "What the Frell did you say you FREAK??????"

    Moving swiftly Arachulas grabbed the mans gun before he could fire the rifle again. He had had enough the first time and was not in the mood for seconds, but this man would feel his pain soon enough.

    "Your friend, Drake I believe it was. Yesss, I remember him. I helped desttoy him."

    Before the man could react in his usual outbursts of hatred Arachulas grabbed his arms and slammed him into the wall.

    "Don't worry boy, you'll be with your friend soon enough. Now hold still, this will only hurt for the first 20 minutes..... then the real fun will begin."

    Tightening his grip on Razor Arachulas smiled as he lifted the man into the air. He would keep this man as a prize and soon would make him one of his pets.....

  7. #147
    Melkibor the Troll
    A low voice was heard from the shadows as Sorsha demanded him to come out...

    "You be who all? Be what doing place here? Me Answer out come will us."

    Even from the shadows he could see the figure of one he had met before at Rama's: Trunks.

  8. #148
    Sorsha Kasajian
    "I am here for Abaddon. Are you his servant?"

    <table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 background= width=555 height=284><tr><td width=271 valign=center><img src= width=240 height=182 alt="Little Viper"></td></tr></table>

  9. #149
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

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    (The freakshow had vanished...likely to some smoke and mirrors, crazy voodoo that the shifty-eyed characters always babbled about. Truth is, blow for can't trick a trickster.

    A sound...from the shadows. I sqinted through the inky darkness at the back of the room. Sure enough, the goon was creeping away from the action.

    The fella was trying to buy more sand for his hourglass.

    I wasn't selling any.

    I slid two new shells into my piece, snapping the breech shut, and pulling back the dual hammers, with a synchronized click that would chill a serial killer's heart. I might be all grins...but I knew exactly what hung between my legs, when the chips were down, and the tough got going.

    The only thing different were the faces and names. The game was always the same.)

    Nah nah now, Sparky...back into the middle of the room. We've still got some business to sort out, buddy.

  10. #150
    Melkibor the Troll
    "Servant be us once were, friend but change time over. Us and we seek now to be Abaddon getting. Be all they same doing?"

    Finally Melki stepped out from the shadow as he looked on at those he knew were Sith; Warriors of the Dark. He despised that he had to go on with this faced of insanity in ront of anyone any longer, but he was a Trickster it was what he was good at. For that he would have to make them play a longer a little longer.

  11. #151
    Amalia Azalin

    *Amalia tried to reach out with the force, tapping into Warren's mind. She continued to use the force, letting the force do what she could not do herself. She would not give up, she felt him still, felt him reaching out..*

  12. #152
    Jedi Neo
    ::As Neo began to near the center of the massive castle, he could see a group of people standing around a fallen body. He slowly advances toward the group...::

    OOC: Sorry for disapearing for a few days, I needed to get my head together.

  13. #153
    TheHolo.Net Poster
    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

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    ::Rock felt what Amalia was doing, and also tried to reach out to Warren with the Force. His first impression could have been wrong.....maybe Warren wasnt dead....yet. He let the Force take over his mind. He wasnt even thinking was just the Force.::

  14. #154
    Miryan no Trunks
    *A quick telepathic message to Sorsha made his thoughts on the matter quite obvious.. The troll had tricked him in Rama's, using the same story.. However, even then, he proved to have been lying..*

    "... We cannot trust him.. He used the same lie the first time I met him.. Besides.. He cannot hide the color of deceit in his aura.."

  15. #155
    Sorsha Kasajian
    "I don't have time for games."

    :: Melkibor feels a stabbing pain in his heart as Sorsha points her finger at his chest ::

    "Take me to Abaddon and I'll spare your life."

    :: the pain shoots down his left arm all the way to his fingertips as he tries to resist ::

    <table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 background= width=555 height=284><tr><td width=271 valign=center><img src= width=240 height=182 alt="Little Viper"></td></tr></table>

  16. #156
    Melkibor the Troll
    "Hell be what doing you? Us Abaddon finding try doing we are, looked not as easy hard then it really is it. Us don't we knew but finding trying we are."

    He assumed the Sith understood what he was saying, because her understanding was of the highest priority. The other he was weary of though, the Trunk's boy. He had met the man before when him and Arachulas had tricked him and the Darklighter one into following them. So of course who was he to trust a trickster, one that was deceitful for a living. This was different of course, for once Melki was telling the truth but would anyone believe him?

  17. #157
    Jehova Eaven
    ((OOC: Hey, Khendon. When are you going to do the attack on the planet?))

    "Get... out....", I yelled out at those that were in the room. I knew that we had to get out of here, I felt no imediate danger, but I knew something was coming. Something that not even the most powerful Jedi could survive.

    Some of those that were in the room at the beginning had gone, they had the right idea. I did not want to stay, but I would not abandon my comrades. The woman that was sitting over the gravely injured man, and those that were fighting off the beasts.

    I ran over to her and knelt down beside her. "I'll.... get... him.... out.... of... here.... Go....", saying so I picked up the man's body and stood up, his body was draped over my shoulder, my weapon in my free hand. I knew that I could not defend myself like this.

    "Cover.... me...." I yelled to those that were fighting the beasts, hopefully they would understand. All this talking was putting a strain on me.

  18. #158
    Jehova Eaven
    ((OOC: Whoops, that last one is with Nobuo Hyde. Gome Nasai))

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