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Thread: A new figure enters

  1. #1
    Jedi StreetBum

    A new figure enters

    :a man in a torn brown cloak walks in and sits down beside a near by cantina:
    :he pulls out a battered holo projector and turns it on:
    :a holo image of himself apears:
    "I am jedi StreetBum...this is not my eal name but a name I have taken on so that I do not offend my family...please if you would be so kind s drop your spare change in my bucket I would be very Thankful."
    :he then pulls ou a ppeice of chalk and writes on the sidewalk...."will kill for food".....
    :te hooded man starts rocking back and forth and sings a tribal song:
    "howa wafn nfnje nndm ,mds jeejnf hoooooooowwwwwjdjdjdjdjjd "
    :he sings it over and over again:

  2. #2
    The Lounge Lizard

    :: LL drops a coin at his feet ::

    Here traveler. Eat well tonight. not forget your past, no matter the pain it brings. It will give you wisdom.

    Best wishes, traveller.

  3. #3
    Princess Ami

    ::dropps 20000 credits into the bucket:: hope that can help you....

  4. #4

    That's to nice for a sith ami...

    ::drops some canadian coins::

    Go find a job.

  5. #5
    The Unknown Gamer

    *UG walks by and drops 50 credits in the guys bucket*

    Have a nice day.

  6. #6
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    ::hands the bum a comand card to ISD in orbit::

  7. #7
    Darth Turbogeek

    Here, have a free invitation to visit the Jedi, to be fed and made warm

  8. #8
    Jedi Alpha

    ::Alpha walks by and drops a saber and 50,000 creds in the bucket::

    Here ya go...

  9. #9
    Itala Marzullo

    such a fitting name for a jedi...

  10. #10

    yeah, up there with one-man freak show for you...

  11. #11

    Walks by looking down on the beggar...then stops.

    Where I come from you won't need those. Saurron waives his hand and the credits fade giving way to a vision of the beggar in dark clothing surrounded by the aura of the darkside....

  12. #12
    Jedi StreetBum

    :the man puts his things away and says thankyou to the fols who gave him money and gifts:
    :he then walks to a near by pawn shop and sells the isd and the saber:
    :he thentakes all his money and burrys it in the woods:
    :he thenputs a few new holes in his cloak and sets his things back up and starts to sing a new song:
    "hhoooooowwwwwrvbbb vbvnbgfgkjh skjfgkjsvkjfgkj aaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaa lalalalalalalalaalala kakakakakaka"

  13. #13

    Comes back by and see's the beggar sitting there.
    Grabs him up by the throat and sinks his teeth into him as his arms and legs fling about kicking over his credits spilling them about the walkway ...

    Saurron drains him close to death then looks into his eyes... ::: food is all you are... food for me ::: smiles as the blood drips from his mouth...

    Saurron leaves him laying in front of the cantena...casting him somewhere between life and death....

  14. #14
    Sith Kat

    OOC: Go Saurron! Nigel Bennett eat your heart out! : !

  15. #15
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    Re: A new figure enters

    The Imperial Empire claims this pond shop!

    ::takes his ISD back from his newly claimed pond shop::

  16. #16

    Re: A new figure enters

    : Sith Kat thats all street trash are good for anyway!

    Thrawn I'll take the ISD if your just gonna give it to whomever

  17. #17
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    Re: A new figure enters

    tell you what give me 100,000 imperial credits and you have your self a deal.

  18. #18

    Re: A new figure enters

    Now that's a cheap price for an ISD

    Either it is a really busted one, or the Empire has a surplus of new ships.

  19. #19
    Darth Turbogeek

    Re: A new figure enters

    Did you see the sate of the toilets that guy left it in?



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