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Thread: TSC Fleet....

  1. #21
    Itala Marzullo

    Itala goes thumb up at the TSC members as they jump into hyperspace...

    Cell has been programmed to come.

  2. #22
    Gav Mortis

    OOC: Itala, I have been added to your contact list on MSN IM and I added you to mine however, all my messages to you fail, what's going on and when I tried to ad LV to my contacts by using her email address it wouldn't allow me to as it claimed she doesn't have a password and therefore can't be added to my list!!!

  3. #23
    Xanatos Etanial

    ::The Spellbinder drops from Hyperspace and approaches the fleet, Xanatos sends a transmission::
    Not to late to join in I hope.

  4. #24
    Gav Mortis

    *Gav opens a comm link frequency with the Sovereign*

    Here we come Blade, ready or not!

    *Seconds later the entire TSC Fleet jumps outta hyperspace in all it's glory before the Sovereign.*

    My God!

    *Before the fleet were 200 dreadnoughts that formed the Katana Fleet, ready for the taking...*

    OK lets go!

  5. #25
    Live Wire

    ::watches the swirls become stars::


    :sees the katana fleet in the distance::

    What a beautiful sight!!! Lets go guys!!!

  6. #26
    Garrett Blade

    Ok..heres the plan

    ALL ships set your positions to MARK 4: BEARING 0.5 and be ready to attack anything that wishes to take the katana fleet from us. Lord Mortis, Lord Marzullo, Live Wire, Lady Vader, all make your way to my ship.. I will personally greet you. Everything is ready to proceed with the operation!

    "Captain, have the troops and transports ready to deploy in 10!"

    "YES SIR!!"

  7. #27
    Lady Vader

    *LV and her squad come out of hyperspace*

    TSC 3: look at the size of that fleet!!

    *LV scowls and flips on her squads frequency*

    cut the chatter, 3...

    TSC squad... fan out... encompass the entire fleet... destroy any mines or bouys... and anything else that causes a threat to the flag ships...

    *LV swings her ship around towards the first Dreadnaught*

    what a beauty... what a beauty...

    *she then swings back around to the flag ship*

    *as she docks into it's launching bay, she see's Garrett coming to greet her*

    *she eaily jumps from her ship and removes her helmet, letting her hair loose*

    phew, it's hot in there...

    *she smiles at an approaching Garrett*

  8. #28
    Itala Marzullo

    Hehehe, most impressive...carry on with the programming.

  9. #29
    Live Wire

    ::heads to the coordinates::

    Oh this is too much fun!

  10. #30
    Gav Mortis

    Greetings all!

    Hey LV!

    Now I suggest Garrett along with another two/three members from the group, his technical team and some extra support do what he knows he has to do, that ship Garrett, that ship!

    The rest of us take out Piett and others!

  11. #31
    Garrett Blade

    Several assault transports exit the Sovereign, escorted by Lady Vaders squadron. The small task force approaches the flagship dreadnaught. Garrett holds a small datapad in his palm.

    "Execute activation stage: alpha-gamma-zeon-beta"


    "Activate flagship KATANA ALPHA: Code clearance red: alpha-beta-gamma-kappa-katanaalpha-omicron"




    The small task force enters the flagships hanger

    "Lets go.."

  12. #32
    Live Wire

    ::charges weapons::

    Deflectors on full power...weapons charged...I'm ready to go guys!

  13. #33
    Garrett Blade

    Garrett and his technical team..along with 100 Dark Troopers as escorts..enter the mainframe computer room. He steps forward to the security door. "open door alpha-one!"


    Garrett activates his lightsaber, then quickly destroys the security scanner. The doors open immediately.

    "Okay team..I want you inside that mainframe network in 5, then I'll slave the ships together from the bridge..then its back to the sovereign and then HQ..capishe?"


  14. #34
    Itala Marzullo

    The 20 SSDas start firing at Piett's ship constantly...

    Kill him...he's not escaping...hurry with those ships and let's get out of here.

  15. #35
    Lady Vader

    *LV salutes Garrett*

    Garrett... I'd better get out there... thanks for inviting me aboard... if I need repairs, I'll be back...

    *LV sprints for her ship, jumps, sommersualts, and lands in the @#%$pit... she pulls on her helmet as the ship begins to take off*

    *she clears the landing bay and heads towards the task force... covering there tail*

  16. #36
    Gav Mortis

    *Gav boards his Infiltrator, The Demon, and from within he opens a comm frequency to the rest of the Fleet*

    Sovereign, provide covering fire for any ships attempting to intercept the flagship on which garrett is.

    Eclipse, await the arrival of Piett, provide heavy fire power for any attackers.

    Itala, the rest is up to your wise tactics.

    Once the attack begins I will post specific orders for the Eclipse's attack strategy.

    *The Demon leaves a hangarbay from the Eclipse and cloaks, it's course is unknown...*

  17. #37
    Live Wire

    ::looks over at her apprentice Lady DeVille sitting next to her::

    Are you ready? This could get rough.

    ::heads toward piet's ship causing damage with her souped up weapons system::


  18. #38

    Piett pops out of hyperspace and orders all fighters to launch

    Piett orders the superlaser on the NSD Spectrum to rev up its superlaser. Nearly 500 X-M1 missile boats swoop out and kick in their Sub-light-acceletartion-mode. (SLAM) their speed doubles and they scream towards the SSDs. Quickly manuevering, the fighters avoid being shot and unleash their payloads at the bridges of the SSDs. The sheilds fall and Several squadrons of Tie/d zoom in and take out the sheild generators on 6 of the SSDs.

    Piett frowns as he hears talk of the Sovereign and the Eclipse. Knowing there was no time to build such ships, he frowns. He orders the fighters to keep barraging the SSDs.

    Meanwhile, several mole-miners filled with X-1 viper automadons and clones launch and head towards the Khatana. The burrow through the hull and the clones run towards the bridge, and the X-1s follow. Knowing that more X-1s would be needed, he orders the mole miners to return and pick up some more X-1s. on the Bridge of his NSD, Piett sits in a throne like chair to see what happens next . . .

  19. #39
    Live Wire

    damn mole's!

    ::swings her ship around::

    We cant let those little buggards get the fleet now can we!

    ::fires forward turbolasers and knocks out a mole::

    wooohoo!!! thats how we do it baby!!

  20. #40
    Lady DeVille

    *looks out at the fleet, and smiles* Rough for Piett, you mean. I cannot wait to start my formal training so I can help next time. *grips the edge of her seat with her long fingers, white knuckles betraying her nervousness* Lets kick ASS!

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