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Thread: New Dawn -in the future 17 years-. (open RPG)

  1. #321
    Dr Quill

    Something wakens Quill. It may have been the weight of Jekaan's head falling on his stomach, or the foul stench of vomit that suddenly wafted into his nostrils, but more likely it was the unearthly voice from around the corner croaking "Ysanne Isard."

    A shiver ran down his spine at the ghost of a voice he'd thought he'd never hear again, speaking the hated name of Isard. His bowels loosened at the thought of what Isard would be capable of in revenge for the torment he'd inflicted for all these years, driven by his hatred of the ice-hearted former director of Imperial Intelligence.

    His dazed senses came back to him gradually, and he first felt and then smelled the puke-covered head of Jekaan laying on his belly.

    "Aach, get off me, you putrid slug," he yelled, but no response was coming from Jekaan.

    He pushed the limp body off himself, disgusted at the vile mess all over the two of them, when he noticed a large indistinct figure, standing at the medi-box Isard was in, turning to stride towards him.

    Oh *censored*! he thought. The large man loomed ever larger above his slight frame as he approached.

    Quill struck out desperately and connected with a cheekbone before Delete reached out and grabbed him like a rag doll.

  2. #322
    Seosaimhin Cauganagh

    Re: The Final Day,The Time Of Glory

    A figure seemed to appear in the door way on the SSD Titan. A woman about 34 years old, she held a wine goblet in her right hand and smiled evilly at the man sitting in his comand chair. Tsk, tsk, tsk Ket... she sent mentally. I thought you, of all people would sence a yiddle girl like me entering your ship...

    She stepped forward and lowered the hood of her cloak with her free hand, taking a sip of the wine she grinned up at Ket. As he realized who she was... an old "friend" or was she...

    She quirked a quick brow. "Miss me?"

  3. #323
    Jai Delete

    *And like that, the brink of the abyss was reached, and Jai stood perched on the guardrail of sanity. He opens his eyes to see that his reflexes are still in working order, and he's lifting the slight frame of once-doctor Quill off of his feet by his arms* you woke up finally?

    *He can't think of anything better to say. Behind him now, the husk of Ysanne Isard croaks and groans as her tired brain associates the reappearance of one of her tormentors with more pain and loneliness....but slowly, her humanity is again reviving forgotten brain cells and neural pathways. What was once a human, and a woman, is silent again.

    Jai returns his attention to the quivering lump of flesh and bone in the air before him*

    Hm. I would ask....I would ask the why, but I don't wish to discover the because. Nothing I could do to you would be justice. Get....away. Just get away from me.

    *Jai's voice breaks with some sort of emotion as he suddenly drops Quill onto the floor....Quill scuttles backwards on his hands and rear, not taking his eyes off the large human, but getting as away as he can. Once he reaches Jekaan's stinking and snoring form, he scrabbles to his feet and unsteadily runs out of the shack, destination unknown. Isard gazes at Jai as they both wonder what he is going to do next.

    Less than an hour later, Brother Doorkeeper finally shuts the gate for good on the departing form of Jai Delete, former Imperial Royal Guardsman and barbouncer. He'd lost a good handcart in the deal, something that was unfortunately destined to have occurred sooner or was one of the signs of the coming doom of the apocalypse, even! But finally, Brother Doorkeeper would get a little more peace and quiet as he and his brothers bemoaned their inevitable destructive fates.

    In the cart behind Jai, a medical storage locker and a limp human form lay. The human was covered with rags and otherwise naked, but the box seemed carefully placed, and Jai pulled it along with great care. It took him nearly six standard local timeparts to bring the cart back to his local residence and bury the ghosts of his past in the backyard.

    One mound of upturned dirt and rock he let gather weeds, and used it to burn uprooted and unwanted vegetation from the irrigated area around his small house.

    The other one he planted flowers and blue ones. They reminded him of someone he had cared about, more than he had about anyone else he'd ever met*

  4. #324
    JediMaster Skywalker

    as the jedi reach the temple, Ben helps his father store the rations and other gear outside the temple entrance.

    Luke watches as Leia and her son run around helping others as needed.

    "ahhh, I still can't beleive she would marry Liam..., she could have done so much better. of course that isn't saying much.

    well better get this group motivated a little. no telling when the sith will find us.

    ooc:just kiding liam nothin personal just thought it would make an interesting story line

  5. #325
    Chaos Alexander

    ::Chaos Looks at the four Jedi and gives Laim the coords for Chaos's "home". After hours of hyperspace the group looks at an old Space station. The place seems to barely be able to hold itself together. Chaos flys the ship into a hidden docking bay.::

    Laim- How can a human survive in a place like this?

    Chaos- I dont stay here for long lenghts of time. I just leave Greel here.

    Laim- Like I said, How can a human live here. It seems you leave Greel here alot.

    Chaos- You shall see.......

    ::The four Jedi follow Chaos through the many hallways as her gives them his personal "tour" of the old place. The jedi look on with looks of dought at every mention of Greel. After a while the find thier selfs in a vast open forest-like place. James speaks up::

    James- why is tehre a Forest in th emiddle of this place?

    Chaos- I wanted a wooded area for Greel to live in. And My race are Forest dwellers.

    James- Speaking of Greel, where is this "great" warrior?

    ::As if on Cue a low growl is heard behind the Jedi. With reflexes only a Jedi master could have Fett reachs out to the Force to find and see what/where ther creature is. Fett hears the growl to his right now. And gets a confused and scared look on his face.::

    Fett- I..I.....I can't sence him with the Force. Who is he?

    ::Chaos looks on without fear and answers Fett and the growl keeps switching places around the Group. The Jedi ignite their Light Sabers ready to fight. Laim feels hot breath on the back of his neck and spins around. In mid spin a huge paw slaps him 10 feet and sends his LS far away from him. Fett turns to face the foe, but sees a blurr run back in the woods. Fett gets in a defence stance. As he prepares a long think tail shoots from the underbrush and grabs his foot and pulls his feet from under him. Fett falls to the ground and James is knocked beside him. The Three Jedi look in awe as the beast comes out from the brush. The look to find a man, but out came a monster. Looking like a very muscled, hairless dog the moster waves his monsterus tail. Chaos whistle and the creature lays at his feet.::

    Chaos- I would like you to meet my best friend. Greel, the hell hound.......

  6. #326
    Darth Phantom

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