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Thread: Fears of Betrayal (open RP)

  1. #161
    Trace Sha

    :: After stepping off the lift once the door had opened, they follow the Deck Officer to the bridge of the Frigate, where they are greeted by a middle aged man wearing what looks to be the markings of a ranking member of the crew, on the front of his black uniform. The man bows before Mari and then Trace and stands back up, beginning to speak his greeting. ::

    Commander: “Welcome on board the Frigate Ziost, mine to command currently. Not very often we stumble across members of TSE out here on patrol. But I won’t bother with questions, isn’t my place. I just wish to extend you a welcome to my ship and let you know that anything you need, all you have to do is ask.”

  2. #162
    Mari Bean

    *She nods and thanks the commander in much the same way as she did the deck officer. The commander orders the officer to show them their quarters, and the officer bids them to follow. They board the elevator yet again, and exit upon reaching the desired floor. The officer shows Mari to her quarters first.*

    Deck officer: "If you need anything, there will be someone at the end of the corridor, or there is a comm. that signals the bridge."

    *She hesitates and glances at Trace before entering. She leans on the door after it closes, staring at nothing.*

  3. #163
    Trace Sha

    :: Standing in the corridor as Mari was shown her room, their eyes meet briefly and he felt as if something was out of place. The last few days aboard her ship had made him very accustomed to having her near and knowing exactly where she was. But now, they were on a ship foreign to him, and he wondered if she felt as out of place as he did, as the Deck Officer led him further down the hall and pointed out his quarters. ::

    Deck Officer: “Here you are sir.”

    :: Trace walked in and the door closed behind him. He sat on the edge of the bunk for a few moments and could feel the uneasy feeling of the Frigate entering hyperspace. Unable to shake his feeling of detachment from Mari, he stood from the edge of the bed and walked to the door. Opening it he turned and walked back down the corridor. Arriving in front of the door to her quarters, his hand neared the hail for the room, but didn’t press the button as he wondered if she wanted to be bothered by him any more. ::

  4. #164
    Mari Bean

    *She closes her eyes and unconsciously taps on the door. She wonders why she feels so different, why she feels unhappy. She finds herself thinking of Trace, the familiar feel of his presence, and the confidence that emitted from it. Even though she knew he was only down the hall, it felt as if he were no where near, as if he were far away. She didn't know why she had a need for him just to be near, and decided that she wouldn't think about it. She felt alone on this large ship, and lost without him.

    A small idea forms in her head. She would leave her quarters and walk up and down the halls, just in case he happened to leave his quarters. That sounded utterly pathetic to her but that was quelled soon by her need for company. Her excuse would be that she wanted to walk around, which she probably actually needed, after spending those days doing nothing. She turns and opens the door and sees Trace with his hand near the call button. Her excuse and her composure abandon her in seconds as she looks up at Trace, dumbfounded. Her cheeks flush and she lowers her head, beginning to fidget.*

  5. #165
    Trace Sha

    :: He feels like his heart is leaping out of his chest as the door opens and he sets eyes on her. He sees the color in her face change and thinks that his presence caught her just as off guard as her opening the door did him. His hand moves away from the call button and up under her chin, lifting it gently he looks into her eyes and feels himself warm up and feel whole again. ::

    “Mind if I come in? I felt out of place without you near.”

  6. #166
    Mari Bean

    *She smiles slightly as she hears her own thoughts being spoken to her by the other. Her hand reaches up to lightly touch his under her chin, and she nods and steps away from the door, allowing him to enter. The door slides shut, and she sits on the edge of the bed, motioning him to sit where ever he pleased. She feels confused by the swirl of emotions going through her, she now feels complete, and that scares her. She feels as if she is becoming dependent on Trace, and the slip of pride that she had left after all it had been through on this trip didn't like it much.*

  7. #167
    Trace Sha

    :: Smiling in thanks, he followed her inside and sat on the bed next to her. The silence she showed in allowing him to enter and taking her own seat made things seem uncomfortable and he began to feel somewhat guilty for possibly having bothered her. ::

    “Are you sure you don’t mind me being here?”

  8. #168
    Mari Bean

    *She leans inward slightly as he sits next to her, the bed sinking in under his weight. Feeling a little better than before, she is caught off guard by his question and tone of voice. She unconsciously begins to rub the heel of her hand on her leg as she answers.*

    "Of course I don't mind. I was actually... When I opened the door... I..."

    *She trails off nervously and avoids looking at Trace. She could feel each breath he took, he was so close, and had even convinced herself that she could her his heart beating. The oppressing ship suddenly felt lighter, despite her flustered composure. She wasn't alone on this big ship. She quells the urge to lean on his shoulder, and just wallows in the good feeling that courses through her.*

  9. #169
    Trace Sha

    :: His entire being washed over with comfort and familiarity as his senses were overwhelmed by the sight and scent of her. He no longer felt like something was missing. Looking directly into her eyes as she spoke, he was able to see and feel her nervousness about telling him what she was doing. ::

    “You felt as I did, and you were going to come find me, but I arrived here first?”

    :: He asked with an exuberant tone, his hopes that what he had just suggested obvious by how he spoke. Reaching out to her as she looked away, he placed a hand on top of the one she was rubbing her leg with, attempting to stop her fidgeting, so that she would pay him attention fully. ::

  10. #170
    Mari Bean

    *She looks at the large hand that had just swallowed hers on her lap, trying hard not to look up. Her hand twitches slightly under the weight of his, and she feels her heart leap up her throat and began to beat wildly. She attempts to quell that feeling, but fails, and she is overcome by the feeling he gives her.

    She sighs and closes her eyes tightly, her hand turning over under his, and leans against him slightly. She breathes in the smell of him, his being, and feels a weight lift from her chest. Her eyes open again, and she whispers, barely loud enough for him to hear.*


  11. #171
    Trace Sha

    :: Warmth washes over him as she returns the embrace of his hand on hers, and leans up against him. Closing his eyes he feels almost completely at peace and at ease. His mind is void of its dwelling on his past or what he has learned about Mari’s past to this point.

    His head tilts to the side and leans on top of her head and the utter tranquility of the moment makes him begin to feel very tired and ready to sleep at any moment. Not speaking any words in response to hers, he only continues to sit close, holding her hand in his own and embracing her against his shoulder in one of, what would most likely be, very few moments of harmony and peace. ::

  12. #172
    Mari Bean

    *She leans her head on his shoulder when he puts his head on top of hers, and she snuggles closer, drinking in the warmth and tranquility as if she were dying of thirst. She closes her eyes again, and forces her mind blank, wanting to enjoy this comfort without her thoughts getting in the way.

    She feels his breaths even out and his mass become dead weight against her, and she thinks that he may be asleep. His breathing rustles her hair, and a long lock of it falls across her forehead and tickles her nose. She ignores it completely, and wraps an arm around her stomach, shifting to the side slightly to get even more comfortable, burrowing into his side.*

  13. #173
    Trace Sha

    :: His back up against the wall, and his head leaning down on top of Mari’s, Trace found himself so content and relaxed that he dozed off. His thoughts were clear and his soul non-tormented for the moment. He hadn’t once felt this way since he had been reawakened by is brother, until now. The emotions running through him brought him a restful sleep, as Mari’s nearness made him feel warmth unfelt before. Such a slumber would surely be interrupted far too soon, by something, or another, trouble always found its way to his kind, whether brought upon themselves or brought unexpected. ::

  14. #174
    Mari Bean

    Sweat poured out of her skin, stinging the many wounds all over her body. Her back was against something warm and breathing, and she gripped the hilt of her saber so tight her knuckles hurt. The breathing behind her matched her own, erratic and labored. Both were physically drained, their plight exhausting and dangerous. A group of faceless men approached them from all sides, taunting and laughing, each brandishing a bladed weapon. They would probably be able to escape, as long as they made no mistakes, but she was unsure, and worried. One of the men called out, offering a proposition.

    "The girl comes with us, and you go free. Our business is not with you."

    She nodded to accept the offer, better her than... who was it...? A fierce scream comes from behind her and she is spun around by heavy hands. The pale face of Trace Sha, glistening with sweat, filled her eyes, the great pain and anger evident on his face. She only saw that for a split second for soon after, the expression was replaced by one of surprise. The end of a sword stuck out of his chest, and the point pierced her own about half an inch. The surprise was replaced by sadness and acceptance.

    "Why did you not believe in me?"

    His eyes glazed over and a rude arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back. The shock she felt was so deep, she couldn't even scream.

    *She jerks awake with a gasp, her eyes darting all about her, as she tries to regain her bearings. Her eyes go wide as she realizes exactly where she is and in what kind of situation. She tries to gently extract her hand from Trace's, but doesn't succeed in her haste. The third dream of her betrayal, the second one with Trace in it, seemed a little too real for comfort. Her fears of betrayal were beginning to dig a hole in her chest, her fear of betraying the things she was beginning to love.

    She finally pulls her hand free and stands, her head high and her face emotionless.*

    "Please... forgive me."

    *She turns towards the door to her quarters, and touches the side panel. The door slides open, and she steps out, for some reason feeling as if she had done the wrong thing.*

  15. #175
    Trace Sha

    :: He wakes up on the bed, that he and Mari had been sharing and finds himself alone. A nagging ache in his chest begins to creep into existence as his confusion about what happened before he fell asleep, sets in.

    He and Mari were close and seemed to be enjoying the company of the other, so much so that he had fallen asleep, feeling more peace than he had known since being awakened from cryo sleep by Rama. Finding himself alone now, he wasn’t sure what had happened or what she thought of him.

    Turning to look out the small window in the quarters he was in, he saw that the stars were no longer streaks of light, indicating they were no longer in hyperspace. He rose from the bed and stood, his expression sullen and saddened as he approached the door to find his way to exit so that he may finally return to TSE HQ, where he suspected the Frigate was now. ::::

  16. #176
    Mari Bean

    *An hour after the Frigate exits hyperspace and enters HQ, Mari exits it. She waited for Trace to leave first, not wanting to run into him, waiting until she could no longer feel his familiar presence aboard the large ship before leaving herself.

    Walking down the ramp slowly, Mari catches sight of the deck officer from before. She stops him and inquires if he might relay a message to Lord Summoner, to have any necessary repairs to her ship made, and that she would deposit the required amount of credits in the Sith Empire account. He nods in asquiesce, and she continues to walk, heading towards her quarters.

    She felt bad that she might have hurt Trace in any way, but she wasn't even sure if she had, or how. Even if she had, she was determined not to let her pride, or weakness hurt Trace in any way, sure that if she did, it would be much worse than what he was feeling now. Even though she hadn't realized it yet, the fears of her betrayal had changed. It had made itself personal, choosing a person that she would fear betraying the most. She no longer feared betraying the Sith Empire, for she would betray it if there was a choice between it and betraying Trace.

    A sadness washes through her, as she already misses his presence. Anger wells up in her chest and seizes the other feeling, dragging it down. It angered her that she felt as if she were becoming dependent on Trace, yet it made her feel better, as if she weren't as alone as she felt ever since her mother died. A part of her wanted to depend on him, but another part feared what would happen to him if she were to allow herself to get near, and it held her fast.

    She steps onto a lift with a saddened expression, feeling hollow, empty of the feeling that now only Trace could make her feel.*

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