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Thread: Sith Kat vs. Lounge Lizard (Personal Challenge)

  1. #61
    Anbira Hicchoru

    OOC: No.

  2. #62
    Jedah Lynch

    The Sith looked on at this new series of events, a hand to his chin as he contemplated what had happened. He had not foresaw this and it had surprised him greatly. One of which was Ogres expression, for a moment Lynch had thought he saw something in his fellow Siths expression.

    Was it hope?

    The Sith looked into the night sky watching as a falling star cascaded through the Heavens. A moment later, he was gone.

  3. #63

    OOC: but no dying or I'll hurt you....

  4. #64
    Lady Vader

    *LV blinked a few times, still playing back what she'd just witnessed in her head... she watched as Ogre came and stood in between where Kat had gone and where Anbira had fallen... she knew he wouldn't do anything, yet she tensed slightly*

    *suddenly forgetting about Ogre, she looked to where the small ring Rama had given Kat lay... Kat, her good friend, her Sith Sister... one of her Sith Amazons... gone... she blinked furiously a few times, shaking her head slightly, trying to believe, knowing she should, but wanting to deny it all... but she could not deny what she'd just seen... what had just transpired... she clenched her fist in frusteration*

    *turning, she walked over to where Anbira lay, not sure what to do... she unfurled her fists and knelt down, placing a hand lightly on his shoulder blade... she felt his body rise and fall slightly... at least he was still breathing, but he was obviously spent from all the power he'd just used*

    *she remained kneeling there beside him, with her hand still laid atop his shoulder, hoping the warmth from her touch would revive him*

  5. #65
    Rama Sha

    :: Rama drops his head and sighs. He walks over to where the bones lay. He slowly begins to collect them and plave them in a bag ::

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