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Thread: A Trip to Coruscant (Semi-Closed)

  1. #61
    Sasseeri Reeouurra

    Sasseeri's grin got even broader, seemingly spanning over the entire length of her face. There was something wild and uncontrolled flickering in her eyes as she stepped up closer to Sanis.

    Oh he could help alright - in lots of ways.

    A suggestive leer sneaked into that grin, and she licked her lips. She was about to bend forward and whisper into his ear when a female human stepped up next to Sanis Prent.

    Sasseeri's mind flipped. This was... this hadn't... she'd never... HE HAD A WOMAN??????

    Her eyes flickered once, shortly, her face contorting into a snarl, when she finally got herself under control again, and her face turned into a calm mask of friendliness

    "My assocjiates tell me you have yourrr fjingerrrs in many pjies, Mrrr Prrrent. You arrre a man of some notorrrjiety, jI seem to underrrstand."

    Under that cool, smooth voice, her anger boiled and bubbled, something wild and ferocious at the back of her mind screaming to be released at that female. As she talked, she was mentally digging her claws into the soft female at Sanis' side, imagining splitting her head open with her fangs...

    "Well, Mrrr Prrrent, jI am a woman of some jinfluence on thjis worrrld. jI wonderrr jif you would be jinterrrested in dojing some busjiness togetherrr jin the futurrre, forrr mutual benefjit?"

  2. #62
    Sanis Prent

    (Well, when it rains, it pours. Sanis had just finished one job and brought in a fair sum of money. As much as Sanis wanted to take the money and have a night on the town, he realized now that he would probably have to put the funds to a more practical finding the bastards who hijacked Layla. So, while he couldn't do anything about it now, he could surely make some money while he waited. In the back of Sanis' mind, a determined thought grew:

    Whoever you are, I'm going to find you. Nobody steals from Sanis and gets away with it.

    His thoughts moving back to the forefront, Sanis remembered what the woman said. She wanted to go into business with him. was a start at least. Now, it was time to get some particulars.

    Out of the corner of his eye, Sanis noticed Dalee approaching. She had a slight look of concern on her face, but otherwise, did nothing. Sanis gestured slightly to her, as if to say he would be okay. He turned back to the strange woman.)

    What do you say we discuss the particulars of this job over dinner, Miss...?

  3. #63
    Sasseeri Reeouurra

    An oily smile appeared on her face. This was going much better than expected, and the woman seemed to be in his control - probably just one of the bits of fluff he kept around to amuse himself with. She didn't look like one of the common girls, though, and that's what made Sasseeri's mind spin.

    She looked back at Sanis, and her doubts vanished. Great skies, but was he damnably sexy! No matter what it would cost her, she had to have him. Preferably soon. Preferably as dessert after that dinner.

    Sasseeri held out her hand to him, and smiled a most winsome smile, purring in her smoothest manner.

    "Sasseerrrji Rrreeouurrrra. But you can of courrrse call me whateverrr you ljike, sweethearrrt."

    Her big eyes winked at him.

    "And djinnerrr sounds verrry good. Shall we say 8? Shall jI meet you herrre?"

  4. #64
    Sanis Prent

    (Sanis smiled slightly as he shook Sasseeri's hand. The smile turned into a slight grimace, as Sasseeri squeezed down on his hand. Wow, she had a pretty strong handshake for such a lithe girl. After a few seconds, Sanis was able to work his hand free.)

    So, how does Paynean's by the Shore sound? They're pretty good when it comes to seafood.

    (Sanis turned to Daleethria, and tossed her his comm device)

    Dalee, can you book reservations for three at Paynean's for eight o'clock?

    (Sanis turned back to Sasseeri)

    Alright, meet back here at eight. Nice meeting you, Miss Reeouurra.

    (But in the back of Sanis' mind...that tinge of a weird feeling still persisted. Was this more than just a job? Was there something else that she wasn't saying?)

  5. #65
    MARCUS v4

    MARCUS worked idly in the background, but at the same time, allowed several modules to approach close enough to overhear the conversation. The MARCUS module's visual indicators zoomed in on the woman's face.

    Oh dear oh dear.

    The module intensified its scan of the woman. According to MARCUS' anatomical and physiological database, there was an 84.34 percent chance that this woman was one half Human, and one half Cizerack. MARCUS' visual indicators zoomed out at this revelation.

    Oh my. I do not like this at all. Sanis has no idea. Well, I hope she has at least been deloused.

    MARCUS continued to listen, and the woman spoke her name in her gutteral dialect

    "Sasseeri Reeouurra"

    Always one for being thorough, MARCUS quickly dispatched another module to the computer terminal at the other side of the hangar. Once it arrived, the module began to access the General Citizen Database, in order to pull up possible background information on the feline woman. It took several minutes, but what MARCUS found nearly left him at a loss for words.

    Oh my. I do not like this.

  6. #66

    She caught the comm expertly in her hand and looked down, wondering what she was suppose to do with it. Daleethria's eyes grew somewhat wider since Sanis knew she didn't talk. Why would he ask her to make reservations?

    The bouncing and fretting droid, MARCUS, caught her attention. A pink droid that could pace without legs would catch anyone's attention. Seemed that the little droid knew something about Sanis' possible business partner.

    Daleethria would have to concur. Something wasn't right about this being and her intentions were far from just a simple business transaction. She would have to be very cautious when dinner time came around.

  7. #67
    MARCUS v4

    Although Sanis was busy with the Cizerack woman, MARCUS empathized with Daleethria's situation.

    Don't wory, Daleethria. I am capable of transmitting communications independently. I will place the appropriate reservations for you.

    As MARCUS said this, another module wheeled over to Daleethria, speaking in a softer tone

    Daleethria, I am concerned about Sanis. I do not think he understands who he is talking to. That woman, Sasseeri Reeouurra, is one of the Vigos of Black Sun. She is powerful, wealthy, and ruthless beyond measure. In addition, she has garnered particular notoriety for the execution of several bloodbaths against her enemies.

    Daleethria, please be careful. I would not like too see Sanis or yourself hurt.

  8. #68

    Daleethria pocketed the comm unit and was grateful that Sanis had these little droids to help him out. He seemed like the one to forget details once in awhile when he was conducting business.

    Before she could stand up, another of the small units came up to her. As it spoke, her suspicions were confirmed. Sasseeri was someone that Sanis did not want to deal with. Problem, the Vigo already had her sights out to snatch Sanis and she'll be damned to let that happen.

    Daleethria patted the top of the droid's head and stood up. She eyed Sasseeri with a cold stare, already calculating the best options to take her out if needed.

  9. #69
    Sasseeri Reeouurra

    What a nice strong grip he had! She savoured that grip for a while, enjoying the feeling of his hand on hers, and her mind wandered off, imagining the things he would do with that hand of his on the rest of her body.

    Soon. After dinner.

    She was therefore less than pleased when he told that woman to reserve a table for three. This wasn't going to plan. The other one would be in the way...

    But she could work with that. What would be easier than having one of her boys come around and find a way to get rid of the third unwanted party?

    Her eye observed the girl closely. Not much of a catch there. Didn't say much either, that one. No, this was no competition for her.

    She put on a charming smile and looked Sanis full in the face.

    "Of courrrse - jI shall be therrre, awajiting you. jIt has been a pleasurrre meetjing you, Mrrr Prrrent."

    She suddenly darted forward, grabbed him by the shoulders and smacked a kiss on each of his cheeks, then let go and marched backwards to where she had come from, leaving a thoroughly stunned and bewildered Sanis behind her.

  10. #70
    Sanis Prent

    (Sanis watched Miss Reeouurra strut off, away from the hangar area. Feeling quite confused, he scratched his head.)

    Hmm...interesting way to show gratitude, I guess.

    (Sanis turned back to look at Dalee, and didn't have to look long to tell that she was rather unhappy with the entire situation. Sanis could empathize. After all, Miss Reeouurra came on rather...uh...strong. Sanis walked over to Dalee, and tried to assuage some of her concerns)

    Dalee, relax. Lets just think of her like we would any old customer. We'll go to eat tonight, talk about the job, and leave. I have no intentions to make this into anything other than a business call. Besides...

    (Sanis placed a hand on Daleethria's shoulder)

    ...I'll have you there with me, so nothing can go wrong. We'll go out, have a nice dinner, and talk to the lady about the job. Open and shut case.

    (As Sanis stopped talking, he wiped away at the wet spots on his cheeks. Hmmm....she certainly did lay it on rather thick. Even Sanis was wondering if this was a simple business call.)

  11. #71

    Something about Sanis putting his hand on her shoulder sparked ... something inside and she wanted to feel better, but couldn't. She shook her head and looked up at him concerned, pointing to the MARCUS droid that spoke to her about who Sasseeri really was.

  12. #72
    MARCUS v4

    MARCUS approached Sanis quickly

    Sanis, I do not like this. Do you know who Sasseeri Reeouurra is? She is one of the Black Sun Vigos. The fact that a person of such power is approaching you in person disturbs me enough, but Vigo Reeouurra is infamous for her brutal terror tactics. She is implicated in approximately 8,000 homicides.

    Sanis, I do not know why you have garnered her attention, but if I were you, I would not welcome it. Judging from her dossier of similar encounters with people, there is a 92.45 percent chance that you will experience serious bodily harm or death from her actions. I do not think any job, no matter how much is involved, is worth competing against such risks.

  13. #73
    Sanis Prent

    (Sanis' eyes widened)

    What? A Black Sun Vigo?!?....HER???

    You've got to be kidding me! How is that? She can't be older than 28.

    (As Sanis thought, he remembered seeing several news reports over the past several months, about brutal hit jobs being done, with large body counts. There was a monorail station about 20 clicks from here that got hit by....)

    ...Holy Krasst!

    (Sanis looked at Dalee with wide eyes, and she responded with a facial expression reminiscent of, "See, I told you so.". Sanis grimaced, and scratched his head. He turned to look at MARCUS.)

    Oh Frell, I've really done it this time, haven't I?

    (The droid module simply blinked at Sanis)


    (Sanis quickly grabbed his comm and started to punch in several numbers)

    I know what we can do...we can cancel the reservations. Heh, yeah! We'll just call this whole thing off. She'd understand if we couldn't make it...

    (Sanis looked at MARCUS)


  14. #74
    MARCUS v4

    MARCUS sprung up onto a nearby table

    I do not think that would be prudent either, Sanis. For someone of her reputation, I doubt that Vigo Reeouurra would take "no" for an answer. Now that we are already involved, we should at least try not to anger her.

    If you simply go to dinner with her, and appease her as much as possible, we can still make it out of this in one piece.

    Another MARCUS module continues to access the computer records. It comes across something interesting, and stops.

    Oh my, this is rather disturbing. It appears that a sizeable portion of the murder victims the Vigo is implicated in killing are young men from the ages 18 to 25.

    MARCUS began to cycle through several rather-gruesome crime scene photographs

    Oh dear, oh dear. I don't like the odds of this, Sanis.

  15. #75
    Sanis Prent

    (Sanis had begun to pace again)

    Okay...take her out to eat. Talk to her. Yeah, I can do that. Hell...maybe even do whatever job she's asking, like I have a choice, dammit.

    (Sanis frowned)

    ...and she'll probably force me to do it for way less than I would usually charge. Ah Hell, like I have a choice.

    (Damn, how did he not recognize her face? Hell, it had been in the news quite a bit recently. You can't really miss something like that.

    Sanis began to chuckle slightly to himself. Well, he'd always wanted to make it big in the underworld. He just didn't know making it big was so damn harmful to your health.

    He looked at Dalee. Her face was showing a great deal of concern, and Sanis suddenly felt rather guilty for the recent situation. He walked over to her, trying to shake off a lot of nerves...both his and hers.)

    Dalee, I'm sorry bout this. I didn't know. But don't worry...we're gonna make it. Count on that.

    (Sanis began to discretely place a few small blasters into his clothing. One in particular, a wrist-mounted single-shot, would be especially helpful if things got dicey. He could fire it with the flick of his wrist. Once he loaded up, he looked at Daleethria.)

    I won't go out like that. I promise. We'll make it out of there okay.

    (With that, there wasn't much else to do but wait. Sanis and Daleethria sat at a work bench, and watched a few shows on the holoprojector, while MARCUS accessed the computer terminal at the far side of the hangar, trying to randomly come up with any tidbit of helpful information. The hours passed, and before they knew it, it was nearly eight o'clock.)

  16. #76

    Continued here

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