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Thread: Vector Prime: "Belkadan"

  1. #41
    Commander Tla

    Re: Victory Campaign: "Gathering Point"

    There were exactly three dreadnaughts and two Bulk Cruisers. X-Wings and other Hyperdrive equipped fighters had followed to escort them. Tla studied how they attacked. He knew that the Vong would eventually overcome them. He guessed they probably knew that too.

    <font color=silver>A Yuuzhan Vong Light Cruiser engaged in battle with one of the Dreadnaughts. Plasma projectiles were launched at it's hull. The Command ship released another Coralskipper squadron to engage in battle with a Bulk Cruiser.

    <font color=white>Commander Tla cheered as he watched a Dreadnaught under attack by a Light Cruiser explode. That left only two dreadnaughts now. Tla commanded that the Command Ship focus all guns on the next Dreadnaught. He ordered 2/3 of the skippers deployed to engage in battle with the Bulk Cruisers. So far they had only lost 3 coralskippers. It was turning out to be a most impressive battle.

  2. #42
    Warmaster Vong

    Re: Victory Campaign: "Gathering Point"

    From the Victory War Fleet hundreds of Transports launch and head towards the surface carrying the first Praetorite Warriors to the first Praetorite Occupied Planet.
    On Vamosk

    <font color="red">"Commander Tla, status please."</font>

    <font color="silver">"Warmaster, we have destroyed one enemy Warship-- a closed clamp shaped one. We have lost Three Skippers"</font>

    <font color="red">"What?!?"</font>

    <font color="silver">"We have lost three Coral Skippers Warmaster."</font>

    <font color="red">"That is unacceptable, dying to infidels. When this is over, the Squad Leaders will be punished as will you."

    "I expect no more losses Commander."</font>

    <font color="silver">"Yes Warmaster, I understand."</font>


    [i]One of the Troop Transports landed on the surface. From the external hatches, 87,500 Yuuzhan Vong Warrior poured out and filed into rank lines a Kilometer away from the Troop Transport. All around the planet, more transports landed and soldiers debarked, filling the planet with Yuuzhan Vong Warriors.

  3. #43
    Commander Tla

    Re: Victory Campaign: "Gathering Point"

    The huge Commander turned away from the villip. He spoke into a new villip, one that allowed him to speak to all the Vong ships in that area. His voice was loud and mad.

    <font color=red>"We have already lost three fighters and the Warmaster is most displeased. If any more are lost due to incompetence, you will have to deal with me personally."

    <font color=white>The last words were spoken in a low growl. The Commander walked back and watched the battle, asking for status reports every so often.

    <font color=silver>The Coralskippers were symbiotically binded together so they could move swiftly and skillfully. For every fighter, there was at least 4 Coralskippers on it's tail. It didn't take long for the fighters to be destroyed. Only a few remained, and they were being taken care of.

    The Command Ship focused all it's weaponry on a Dreadnaught. The plasma hit the shields, damaging them each time.

    At the same time, a Light Cruiser moved in on a Bulk Cruiser. The Vong ship used it's Dovin Basals and ripped the shields right off. A group of nearby Coralskippers shot at the ship, while the Light Cruiser moved back. Moments later, the Bulk Cruiser exploded.

  4. #44
    Commander Tla

    Re: Victory Campaign: "Gathering Point"

    Commander Tla bellowed a laugh as another Dreadnaught exploded. That left only one Dreadnaught and one Bulk Freighter. All the fighters had been destroyed with ease. Luckily, no more Coralskippers had been lost, and the Light Cruisers had taken minimal damage. The gravitic anamolies were too much for the fighters to handle. Now all the coralskippers were being called back to their ships. The Command Ship changed it's target to the Dreadnaught, while all the Light Cruisers focused on the Bulk Freighter. In moments, the battle would be over.

  5. #45

    Re: Victory Campaign: "Gathering Point"

    Days of Hyperspace Travel, A battle against a new enemy, A long intelligence meeting in a Coruscant Penthouse, hundreds of cups of a Dantooine Caff Drink, Pre-Mission Briefings, and anxiety of the unknown, left Grand Moff Poreon unusually tired. It had been almost five days since Poreon, a Sith Warrior, bested the Extra Galactic Warrior in battle and returned to Coruscant to share his newfound knowledge with fellow Sith. Now, in an effort to better understand the Extra Galactics, the Sith departed his Sith Infiltrator on a Sith Naval Moon in the Tingel Arm of the galaxy.

    Making his way inside, the Sith saluted the technicians doing the post-flight check on his Infiltrator. Once reaching the Compound, the Sith was promptly greeted by Flight Colonel Jet Rok.

    "Sith Poreon, ridin high isn't it?"

    Answering, though in monotone unlike Rok's jumpy energetic manner.

    "Flight Colonel, good to see you. I hope you're well rested, your squad will be leaving soon."

    Not taken aback, the Flight Colonel Answers

    "Ofcourse Sith Poreon, lot's o' partyin and drinkin pre-mission always lead to a good mission."

    Rok falls over like a drunk. He gets up a minute later.

    "Fooled you Poreon."

    "I didn't know we were on first name basis Flight Colonel."

    Shrugging, the Flight Colonel leads the Sith to the briefing room. Upon entering the briefing room, the Sith is saluted by twelve Starfighter Pilots and a meager few hundred from the Growler Crew. Stepping up to a podium with a holo projector, The Sith begins to speak.

    "Greetings. As you all have been briefed by the Intelligence Officer on Duty, you are up against almost impossible odds.

    Intterrupting, Jet Rok steps foward.

    "I think not Poreon. Do not underestimate the power of Outlook Squadron."

    "Flight Colonel Rok, please sit down and do not speak again until you are out of my sight."


    "Now, as I said, you are up against almost impossible odds. There are atleast 30 believed Capital Class Size Rock Ships where you are going. You are a single fighter squadron and a Growler. You are not expected to save the galaxy, only advance the cause.

    Outlook Squadron, you are to do as much reconnosaince of the Rock ships as possible. Find weakpoints, Keep the Comm Channels full of descriptions. The Grolwer will be recording everything and sending it on a feed back to the main base.

    Dismissed, mission starts in an hour."

  6. #46
    Jet Rok

    Re: Victory Campaign: "Gathering Point"

    Jet Rok clapped his hands as the pilots and crewmen began filing out of the briefing room. He left through a back door and headed towards the Mission Hangar Bay. Entering the Hangar Bay, he saw twelve brand new TIE Executioners lined up, one Growler Class Communications Ship, the Outlook Squadron Members, and a bunch of techs preparing the ships for the Mission.

    Jet walked up to his TIE Executioner and dragged his hand across the painted hull. With his hand reaching the hull near the cockpit, he traced the outline of his kills painted on. Going over a Y-Ball, he counted the red horizontal lines painted underneath. Each line counted for 10 Kills of that fighter style. Reaching the opening to the cockpit, Jet saw his best kill, a Rebel MC-80a Cruiser.

    Jet reaches his hand into the Executioner and pulls out a comlink. He begins speaking into it.

    "Ten minutes till take off! Outlooks, get to your fighters! Growler, begin lift off. We Outlooks will rendezvous with you in ten minutes."

  7. #47

    Re: Victory Campaign: "Gathering Point"

    Severion opened the hatch to his craft, taking notice of the fully loaded launcher, equipped with advanced proton torpedoes. He looked over to his wingman, who was already swinging himself into his fighter from above. Severion followed in the same fashion, entering through the main overhead hatch.

    Once inside Severion applied his helm, making sure it was sealed and activated. He plugged the tubes and routed the oxygen from tanks to mask, setting a flow that he enjoyed. Severion pressed several buttons and the hatch closed and engine igniter activated, heating up the engine and preparing it for flight. The high-tech diagnostics systems and targeting computer came to life, lighting up the small cockpit. Severion looked to his left, the view port was amazing, allowing him to look up, down, left, right, and forward! He activated his targeting computer’s HUD, which projected a circle on the forward view port section telling distance and location for each ship in the area.

    Severion smiled at the sophisticated new craft, caressing the yoke slightly. He flicked another switch and the light inside tinted red, his engines burst with power as the clamps released his fighter and he screamed into open space, he circled the ship waiting for the other fighters to launch so they could begin their mission.

  8. #48
    Warmaster Vong

    [i]The Warmaster ordered one of his Prefects to show him a fly-by villip of the progress on the ground.

    In the villip the Warmaster saw the great shaping grounds growing in the Southern Plains. A great spire shot up from the center of the grounds and an opening around it looked similar to a Sarlaac pit. Around the great spire, hundreds of Chazrach and Lesser Shapers worked to breed the ground into the equivalent of the Master Shaper's World.

    The villip moved west towards the deep blue Spitz Sea. The villip plunged under water and an underground water base became visible. The great spire present at the Shaping Grounds was also present in the Underwater Base, titled Spitz Base.

    The Villip came up out of the water and to the Western Valley in the Southern Hemisphere. Here, a river flowed by, giving the soil a richness perfect for agriculture. Yuuzhan Farmers had begun planting crops and making fields for growing the food that would serve the Vector Prime Warriors. Here too, the great spire lay.

    The Villip turned north, to just north of the Belkadan Tropics. Here, the great spire was present, but instead of just one great spire, there were many great spires. Each one branched off from one enormous spire and headed towards the respective Belkadan Regions. The spires were the main construction objects used by the Vong. They cut through the ground, releasing the minerals prime for breeding of what be needed. Here, with the many great spires, a large military compound was being built.

  9. #49
    Kater Phyre

    Walking slowly through the halls of the ship, Kater Phyre begins to think ahead of the mission at hand. His helmet is tucked under his arm, his brightly polished boots making a loud clacking noise with each step. Finally he comes to a large door. It opens with a swish and he can feel the rush of the warm air escaping from the hangar bay. Inside is a squadron of TIE Executioners, their solar panels reflecting in the light.He steps inside, a dark smile creeping onto his face at the sight of the powerful war machines. Inside the bay, his comrades and the other members of his squadron were fast at work, preparing their crafts for lift off.

    "There's my boys. You sorry excuse for pilots ready to do this thing?"

    The response came quickly

    Would you shut up and get your ass ready!!!

    Kater only smiled at the remark. His playful and nonchalant attitude often caused others to mistake him for an uncaring and under-achieving pilot - a rather lethal mistake that resulted in many a pilot being shot down...and shot down quite handily.. Slowly he began to make his way over to his craft. He stops and looks at it for a second, admiring it's design and it's craftmanship. Walking briskly around the ship, he quickly does a visual check, making sure everything is ok. Finally he climbs inside of his beloved fighter and begins to power it up. He sets his helmet down beside him and starts the pre-flight checks.

    "Weapons, are fine. Shields in perfect condition. Engines come back good."

    Running the diagnostics one more time, wanting to be sure, knowing there is no room for errors or faulty equipment in the field. He had been recognised as one of the best for a reason, and his need for perfection in his ship was part of it. At last, everything came back in operatinal status. Opening his comm unit, he begins to speak to the hangar flight controller.

    "Uh...Control, this is FLight Major Phyre, in Outlook 2 reporting all systems are green and ready to go. As soon as Outlook 1 is green, we'll be ready to go."

  10. #50
    Maxwell Drown

    Re: Victory Campaign: "Gathering Point"

    The nervous on the inside, yet calm and collected on the outside Maxwell, hurried to the hanger bay after the mission briefing mission. His gaze immediately fell upon the TIE Executioners, brand new, and a sight to behold. As the rest of the Outlook piolets ran to their respective fighters, Maxwell jogged to his. He arrived at his ship and quickly entered the hatch.

    Once seated, Maxwell sealed his helment and applied his oxygen mack. The view allowed by this craft was excelent, able to see to his sides and up and down. He then flicked on his onboard computer system. He made the adjustments needed, making sure everything was in perfect working order. Once that was completed, he flicked a switch as the engines burst to life.

  11. #51
    Kyle Rayner

    Kyle Rayner sat on a crate on the main flight deck. He looked at the brand-spanking-new TIE Executioner, the latest and greatest from Tarot Labs on Kyrin. He had been there once, nice planet, and one helluva good pub. A lot of thoughts raced through his head now; this mission would be the biggest one yet, and the odds were stacked against them.

    This made him wonder many things. First, he wondered if he could ever reach the skills of the pilot Mark Fenix, a young pilot from the same academy he attended a few years earlier. He was the best of the best, but supposedly he died more than four years ago. Also, he wondered what his future in piloting held after this mission, maybe he'd get a job working for some private organization.

    He climbed into the cockpit of the Executioner, strapped himself in and adjusted some switches on the overhead control panel, checking to see if the engine vectoring was still fully functional. With all systems go, he took off into the vacuum of space, circling around the command craft, waiting for orders.

  12. #52
    Koh Striker

    A man entered the hangar as he came in with his flight uniform on. He walked casually down the ramp to his ship and smirked. Koh walked beside the TIE Executioner and nodded as the rest had already left, or were ready to launch out the hangar. Running his hand across the ships frame, he closed his eyes and concentrated on the task. He went over the briefing a few times and was ready to go. The hangar was full of busy droids and crew members as they got ready for the operation. He heard engines being reved up and watched ships leave the hangar. Koh shook his head as he was the last, but he was one of the best. Simply getting into the open cockpit, Koh fastened himself into the ship. The cockpit hatch closed above him as he looked at the control panel. Koh put his fighter helmet on and rotated his neck a bit.

    "Time to bust out."

    He activated the engines as he was let out of the hangar. The engines activated as he was let outside of the rather large hangar. Drifting in the vastness of space for a brief time, he look outside his cockpit from under his helmet and mask. Koh spotted his other wingmen in the near vacinity and proceeded to follow. Koh immediately set his throttle and targeting systems. Making sure his shields were at full hull coverage, he made his way on the outer perimeter of the ship. Guiding the ship, he slowly manuvered the ship with the yoke. His finger ran across the weapons activating system. He ran a diagnostic check on the lasers and warhead launcher system. The results were normal on the ship as he nodded in satisfaction. Koh began to circle the command ship as well and checked into the command. Some static was on the frequency as it cleared, Koh proceeded to speak.

    "Command, Outook 6 is ready to roll."

  13. #53
    Jet Rok

    Outside the Magfield on the moon base, one Growler Communications Ship and eleven TIE Executioners orbit the moon base in a loose formation. It was a ritual for Outlook squadron to have its leader be the last to leave the hangar bay. With everything in place, Jet ignited his repulsers and fired his Executioner to life.

    He gave the engines a five second full speed burn to make sure they were in order. With everything working, Jet pulled his fighter up to the front of the other ships. Jet opened the mission comm channel and spoke,

    "Outlooks, delta jump formation!"

    The 12 TIE Executioners form up in a delta formation.

    "Growler, due to your slower hyperdrive, you will be jumping three minutes before us. We will arrive simultaneously. Growler, Jump!"

    Jet pushed a button on his control pannel and a Three minute countdown started.

    "2:30 remaining. Outlooks, we are going in hot, make sure all weapons are ready for immediate fire! 2:00..."

    Jet counted off the time at every thirty second interval. With 15 seconds remaining, Jet counted outloud.

    "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, JUMP!"

    The 12 Executioners jumped into hyperspace for Belkadan
    Three Hours Later[/c]

    "Keep the unnessacary chatter away. Open Fire!"

    Jet Rok and the other Outlooks emerged from hyperspace right over Belkadan. Jet Rok, the cocky fighter jock, totally erased his good natured interrupting matter and became serious. Starfighter Fights were his life.

    "Stay in Bomb Squad Formation, we are taking bombing strafing runs on the biggest Rock Ship about a click or two away."

    The Executioners speed off to the largest rock ship, which seemed to be an equivalent of an SSD made of rock.

  14. #54
    Warmaster Vong

    <font color="red">"Warmaster! Infidel warskippers have arrived and are heading towards Vamosk."

    "How many Subprefect?"

    "12 warskippers and one Warcruiser. The Warcruiser seems to be staying back."

    "12 Warskippers and One Warcruiser? That is it? They expect to destroy the Victory Warfleet with 12 Warskippers and one Warcruiser? Are they crazy?</font>

    The Warmaster looked out the Command Ship and saw the 12 Warskippers coming towards the ship.

    <font color="red">"Send the Clot Skipper Wing out to intercept. Warn them that if the Enemy kills any of them or comes near the Command Ship or any other Victory Ship, they will be punished."</font>

    From an opening in the Command Ship, Thirty Six Light Coral Skippers swarm out and into the newly created battlefield. They intercept the 12 Warskippers and engage in aerial battle.

    OOC: Vong ship stats can be found at

  15. #55

    Ixar commands the flight of skipper, giving orders to each one. The rock like craft twist and turn as they approach the first of the infidel’s fighters. Two skippers break off and fire off shots of plasma that hit into the craft’s shields, waking the pilot up and almost bringing down the shields of the craft.

  16. #56
    Commander Tla

    Commander Tla watched as both ships went down, almost at the same time. He uttered an excruitiatingly loud war-cry. They had destroyed the infidels and at the same time, lost no ships. Maybe the Warmaster would not be so displeased after all.

    The Commander ordered all ships return to the Warmaster's area. He ran across the bridge area, to where his tactician was sitting. He grabebd the Warmaster's direct line villip and spoke into it.

    Commander Tla: <font color=red>"Warmaster, we have lost no more ships and the battle is over. All the infidels have been destroyed, and a few have been captured for testing and sacrifice. Commander Tla, awaiting further orders."

  17. #57
    Commander Nom Anor

    (Is this still on, now that there were alot of changes?)

  18. #58
    Commander Tla

    Warmaster Vong:<font color=red> "Belkadan has been won, and the forces have been scared away. Prepare to dock. The Master Shapers have already begun their work."

    <font color=white>Commander Tla:<font color=red> "Yes Eminence."

    <font color=white>Commander Tla diverted the small taskforce to the atmosphere. They were now in the galaxy. They would cleanse it slowly.

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