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Thread: Anyone for an SWFANS collecting section

  1. #1

    Anyone for an SWFANS collecting section

    this topic has been on-going for months, and we just don't have the time to get to it. if and when we do, we want to do it right. so, starting now, SWFANS needs feedback from you on how to go about a collecting section for the site. one fan suggested both a news part plus a part where fans can submit images of their collectibles and paragraghs describing it. any other thoughts? yes, i've been reading the threads over at the replica props forum about trademark issues and nekkid amidalas. i'll be keeping that in mind if and when we put a collecting section together.

  2. #2

    I think it would be cool, but what kind of collecting? The Replica props kinda, or all the other stuff(toys, etc)?

  3. #3

    everything else not props, i'd imagine. who knows. i'm so confused.

  4. #4

    I think it would be cool, as far as showing copyrighted pics, etc, I thought all you needed to do was give credit for them and they were ok?

  5. #5

    on copyright, you not only have to show the credits but FIRST get permission to use it! it's not a problem. i think swfans's position would be a hands-off thing. people are responsible for their own stuff, and i'd guess we'd just pull the plug off any outrageous abuses.

  6. #6

    What I'd really like to see in a collecting section would be something useful done with various reports ppl send in about new figure/product sightings. Usually how it works is that a news item is added that says something like, "So-and-so wrote in that Wave 9 Episode 1 action figures are in the Denver area." Nice bit of info, but I think it would be really cool if that could somehow be plotted on a map of the U.S. or North America, each state or region listed with the latest wave spotted there. That way, you could easily see which regions are apparently getting their stock in first, whether your region has the new stuff, etc. This would be great not just for action figures but for any special promotions (Like the SW pop cans that came out a while ago.)


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