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Thread: Thank God! An EU forum!

  1. #1
    Ewyn Jasper

    Thank God! An EU forum!

    About bloody time! (no offense intended )

  2. #2

    You said it

    I'm so tired about people saying that the EU "doesn't count" when you're discussing Star Wars. I've always considered the Thrawn Trilogy to be the final episodes 7-9.

  3. #3

    Ok I was wondering...

    <FONT COLOR=#FFFF00>I wanted to see what other people thought about this. Of Luke's three female compainions, Who do you like best, Callista, Gaeriel, or Mara?</FONT>

  4. #4


    Since they're only in novels, comics, etc., I won't base my opinion on looks. Doesn't matter, though: Mara wins hands down. She knows how to get things done.(no innuendos implied) I mean, she ran Karrde's operation, she was the emporer's hand, she almost killed Luke, for crying out loud! I'd definitely want her to watch my back.(Again, nothing weird is implied)

  5. #5

    Mara Jade is Tops

    I agree, Mara is tops. She's cool and she's ruthless. What I don't like is that she ends up with Luke, but I guess Luke needs a strong woman! BTW, does anyone know if she and Luke get married?

  6. #6

    I think...

    <FONT COLOR=#ffff00>we'll find out in the next novel chronologically after "Vision of the future" Remember "Courtship"? I think they will have a similar book about Luke and Mara. (I am just speculating though)</font>

  7. #7
    Qui John

    RE: Mara Jade is Tops

    I agree totally, with one exception: I *like* the notion of her ending up with Luke! And as for the wedding, I was recently thumbing thru another EU paperback (I don't even remember which one), but it specifically mentioned Mara as Luke's wife. It was one of those with Corran Horn, I think. Anyway, my $0.02 worth.


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