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Thread: Summer Box Office Contest!

  1. #1

    Summer Box Office Contest!

    I'm doing a Box Office contest starting thiss weekend at ccnet.

    Basically the object is to guess the top 5 movies for the weekend, and their grosses.

    I'll have 3 Star Wars prizes for the winners after the Labor Day weekend - 1 based on over all points, 1 based on most wins for picking the gross of the number 1 movie, an 1 will be a random drawing for everyone who participates in at least 4 contests during the season.

    You can post your picks Here or at CCnet, deadline is Friday night - midnight (Sat morning) Pacific Time, but the winners will be posted on Tuesdays at the CCnet BO forum.


    I don't mean to step on anyone's toes here at SWFans - if there's a problem with me posting this here you can nuke the thread.

  2. #2
    Jedi Master Carr

    I have no problem if you do it here as long as you don't mind me posting my answers here, it would just be easier and at the same time I would be interested to see how everybody else on this board votes. I think I will wait till friday to make my predictions I want to see how the reviews are for The Mummy returns. Does anybody know if anything else opens Friday?

  3. #3

    I can TRY to post the same 'wrap-up' thread with everyone's posts on Saturday or Sunday - then the Results thread on Tuesday here and at CCnet. (notice the word TRY).

    Looks like we've got 4 pretty definite players so far at CCnet (including me) - 3 of them even have side bets going. I'm hoping that some people at least enter the contest 4 times over the summer to be in the running for the big prize.

    Here are the rules, hopefully they're not too complicated. (they prolly are ). Basically I wanted to structure it so that even novices had a chace to get a decent number of points.

    Ok, The Rules (tentative)

    1. Pick the top 5 movies of the weekend, in order.

    2. Pick the total weekend gross for those movies. (rounded to the nearest 100k i.e. 1.5 million, 26.3 million etc. )

    1. 2 Weekend winners :
    2. whoever has the closest guess for the top movie's gross
    3. whoever gets the most points for the weekend.

    OK, now the complicated part.

    You get points based on picking the order of the movies. (everyone can get points):

    Order of the Top five:

    1st = 20 points,
    2nd = 10 points ,
    3rd = 5 points ,
    4th = 5 points and
    5th = 5 points.

    You also get points based on the movie grosses. (1 winner per picture):

    Weekend gross:

    number 1 movie: 25 points
    number 2 movie: 20 points
    number 3 movie: 15 points
    number 4 movie: 10 points
    number 5 movie: 10 points


    Example: (predictions from lee's movie info)

    1 Driven - $17.3
    2 One Night at McCool's - $11.0
    3 Bridget Jones's Diary - $7.4
    4 Spy Kids - $7.0
    5 Town & Country - $6.2

    If everyone picked the movies in the same order, and the movies ended up in this order, then everyone would get the max. number of points for that part of the competition.

    But only 1 person would get the 25 points for guessing how much money the number one movie makes, 1 person would get 20 points for the closest guess for the number 2 movie, etc etc.

    Weekend Winner Number 1 would be the person who guessed that Driven would make 17.3 million - or whoever was closest to that guess).

    Weekend Winner Number 2 would be the person with the most points for the weekend.

    At the end of the season (Labor Day Weekend), there are 3 (Star Wars) prizes:
    <ul>[*]1 for the person with the most points
    [*]1 for the person with the most Number One Gross wins
    [*]1 from a random drawing - anyone who participates for 4 weeks during the season is elligible.[/list]

    Now as long as Dutchy the Conspirator doesn't play every week, we'll all have a chance.

  4. #4
    Jedi Master Carr

    I'm in, I think we will all get the #1 movie right this week Darth don't worry about posting the result here if you aren't able to I can always check over there myself, hey I might even report back here and tell everybody how they are doing.

  5. #5

    Should we start a new thread for our predictions this week?

  6. #6

    Sounds like a plan

  7. #7

    Update: You you have the same guess for the Gross of a movie that someone else has, then the person to post first will win those points - if that's the winning guess.

    This is really going to be FUN tracking guesses on 2 different boards.

    Maybe we should change it to the nearest 10 k instead of 100 k. (i.e. 14.24 million instead of 14.2 million).


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