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Thread: Hey you! Yes you! Lets get fit and trim!

  1. #401
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyl Staedtler View Post
    Crossfit WOD

    60x pushups
    I don't think I could do a full SIX pushups let alone 60

  2. #402
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    all at once or in smaller sets? I was pretty good at them back in November

  3. #403
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    All at once. I powered out 40, then did 10 on my knees, then the last 10 back in standard set.

  4. #404
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    At that point I'd rather freeweight. High rep stuff always seems like creative aerobic workouts with tasty lactic acid buildup. Maybe mixed with something heavy to emphasize range of motion on a recovery week?

    I'm kinda looking forward to cleaning up my workout cave!

  5. #405
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    IDK, I really enjoy CrossFit. Always a new workout so I'm never bored and I can be in and out in twenty minutes having had my ass kicked or spend an hour there. It changes things up, makes it interesting. If I were staying in civilization I'd start going more than twice a week, try and get to the point where I could do a full pullup versus a band-assisted or kipping version. Man, I really want to hit that point.

  6. #406
    I need to buy new bands. I'm losing them faster than redshirted ensigns. Its probably defeating the purpose of a pullup if you can carry your body weight across the floor by pulling resistance bands. I need an apparatus!

  7. #407
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    CrossFit WOD today was Annie. Also known as Liz's least favourite WOD ever. Ever.

    5 rounds for time, descending reps: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10x

    - Double Unders
    - Situps

    Ever since I was a little kid, I've hated individual jump rope. It's one thing to collect together in the yard and do double-dutch or single in-outs; there's a competition and camaraderie there that's satisfying. Going it alone? Not so much. I can remember when we went to school in Canada, they did this charity program called Jump Rope For Heart to raise funds for heart research. All the kids were given a pledge sheet and we went door-to-door (which was terrifying for me, a shy kid who hated asking for things. I made my dad follow behind in his truck and I sobbed on each doorstep... which, granted, got me bigger donations in addition to [emotional scars] building character) and collected donations and then took an afternoon to jump rope in the school gymnasium. It was a nightmare for a good cause.

    I've never, ever been able to do more than two or three double-unders in a row without smacking myself. Not sure if it's the speedrope I'm using or (more likely) my wrist motion that's throwing everything off kilter.

    Still, managed to finish in 12:03 and then went home to bake Paleo treats. Just popped dinner in the oven to bake and pumped out 20 oblique plank lifts on each side and 20 squat kicks on each side to round out my workouts for the day.

  8. #408
    I like my jump rope the way I like my dancing: done in a way acceptible for fat people. Keep your double unders thank you very much.

  9. #409
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    Started week 2 of abs, alternated daily with squats. Popping in plyo tomorrow for some cardio work, then Wednesday it's arms. My legs are still sore after last Friday's squats session

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    Quote Originally Posted by Figrin D'an View Post
    Haven't contributed at all to this thread, but I figured I could begin to since I'm actively exercising and losing weight. I'd post pics if I had some decent ones. Maybe if I actually remember to take some.

    Anyway, I finally joined a gym about a year ago, but didn't start going regularly until late last May. My goals all along has been general fitness and weight loss, with a secondary goal of a little bit of musculature for my upper body.

    I was heaviest at about 270 lbs around X-mas 2010. I'd typically been pretty stable at 265-ish for a couple of years prior.

    I'm at 233 lbs today. The weight is coming off a bit slower now, but I'm working on adding items to my workouts. A lot of the weight has come off from the core/torso area, which makes me pleased with how things are working. Even though I've had periods of time in which my weight wasn't necessary dropping very steadily, I could tell that my body was reconfiguring itself in reaction to what I was doing. Muscle mass was starting to replace the fat stores.

    The biggest single obstacle I had to face... accepting that I need to start running if I ever wanted to have a chance to lose weight and keep it off. It was a royal bitch when I first started, but I was amazed at how quickly my endurance improved. I now open my workouts every time by running at least 1.5 miles, sometimes more. Eventually, I want to be able to do 10k run.

    Dietary changes: less red meat, switched to skim milk, more greens, cut out all the sugary beverages besides 100% fruit juices, and more lean protein (my favorite post-workout snack has been Greek yogurt).

    Current goal is break the 230 lb barrier (I'm close); the next tier will be 215.

    We'll see where things go from there.
    Congrats on the good work done so far!

    I'm back to 155ish which is my pre-pregnancy weight. I won't be going to work out any time soon (maybe in a few weeks), but I am looking forward to finding that hour and a half of time that I'll be able to have all to myself in the gym.

    oh what a tangled web I weave

  11. #411
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    Ended up doing shoulders and arms today. I was a little leary of it since I didn't want to aggro my shoulder too much, but once I started and got into a decent groove, the pain mostly went away. Oddly enough my shoulder feel almost 100 percent better now.

    I also killed ab ripper. It was glorious

  12. #412
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    Got back in the gym this week. Considering I haven't gone since November, my slight losses on the lifts were perfectly acceptable. I have dropped about 10 pounds since October. It's going to take a lot of effort (eating) to remedy that.

  13. #413
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    Yay, everyone is doing so well! Good job!

    Died tonight. Oh, Christ.

    CrossFit WOD today was: Fight Gone Bad

    (Following description from the KCF email that goes out to everyone registered for classes at the beginning of each day.)

    The CrossFit workout will be ‘Fight Gone Bad’. In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for 3 rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises.

    Wall-ball, 8 ft target (Reps)
    Deadlift high-pull (Reps)
    Box jump (Reps)
    Push-press (Reps)
    Row (Calories)

    I'm a B Class so I followed this - Class B: Modified Men/Standard Women = 55 lb PP and High Pull, 14lb Wall Ball and 20in Box

    (Although by the end of round one I was wishing I'd gone for Class D: Beginner/Kids = 15lb PP and High Pull, 4lb Wall Ball (can be lowered 2in from standard height) and 10in Box!!)

    Coach Jake played great music during the warmup (standard CF warmup) and then had this on repeat the entire workout:

    Cooldown was 400m jog and then active stretching. I stayed behind a little bit to watch one of the dudes there try to beat his 1 minute strict pull-up record and ended up trying a few kipping pull ups. They still weird me out and I always end up straining my lower back on the reverse snap so for now I'm sticking with band assisted or jump-up slow release ones.


  14. #414
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    Took my lunch to the park today and slaughtered Helen, but subbed a 25# kettlebell in because it's the only one I own and I didn't feel like driving all the way to Kapaa and wasting gas and daylight just to do the WOD at the CrossFit studio.

    Love having access to a great outdoor space!

    Finished in 13:53 and then baked in the sun for a bit while munching on some apple slices.

  15. #415
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    My Physical Therapy stretches and strength training take me 80 min to complete every morning!!! ...when you go to bed at 11 on, getting up at 5 sucks. Starting a 21 Day Meditation Challenge last night... I was really tired, I think I almost fell asleep several times - lol

  16. #416
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    This thread has gotten too fat, too many posts. Go make a new one!

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