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Thread: The Ko Report - Edition #16 Cizeracks!

  1. #1

    The Ko Report - Edition #16 Cizeracks!

    THE CIZERACK - So, Who are these cats?

    What do we know about the Cizerack? I mean, rrrealljy know?

    Below is a general overview of one of the most exciting and loveable species developed from the imaginations of <a href=">Sanis Prent </a> and <a href=""> Nya Halcyon </a> (together with <a href=""> Lilaena De'Ville </a>) and built upon by the individuals who write the Ciz characters here at SWF!

    They are a species of felinoid creatures hailing from the Carshoulis Cluster in the Outer Rim. They are a Matriachial Society, founded by Jaissaarra Feessaarro and headed by the Pride Mother, where the females are the ruling class and the male of the species are basically indentured servants (a simplistic description) subject to their masters will. While it is true that some males achieve a higher caste level than some of their fellows, the truth remains the same - They live, to serve.

    Interesting factoids:

    1. They are creatures of Appetite - carnal, for the most part. They live large, eat large and love large! They like their personal comforts and they delight in eating. A particular favorite delicacy is live Sajoi, a little rodent creature with a long tail that wriggles all the way down the throat. Apparently, soaked in a kind of brine only adds to the enjoyment. The Cizerack are also well known for their energetic pursuit of amorous pastimes, they are a race that have a very liberal perspective on physical gratification, compared to most societies, and seek such with unflagging zeal and endearing creativity.

    2. They are a materialistic species and exhibit a strong drive for power, the Carshoulis Cluster being their main Trade Corridor. They are wiley and intuitive negotiatiors when it comes to deal-making and opportunity-seizing.

    3. They have a massive armada and an army that numbers in the hundreds of millions. They would be a formidable foe to any who might seek to intrude into their corner of the sky.

    4. They speak funny. Lots of ssss's and rrrrr's and jjjj's. The half-breeds speak a slightly different dialect, but to the unlearned it is every bit as much of a challenge to follow.

    5. They have a tendency to look down on us regular old humaniod folk, seeing us for the most part as mentally and physically inferior and, not to mention, rather ugly. Hard to beleive? I know, right?

    6. They dont have fur.

    7. They are religious. They worship the Sun Goddess (Saanjarra) The Moon God (Nomaani) and the Goddess of the Underworld (Traanjirra)

    8. They are exceedingly loyal and should, on the rare and wonderful occassion you make a friend of one of them, you just may have found a friend for life - a true treasure in a galaxy that is littered with false allies and dubious associates.

    In a nutshell, or to keep with the feline theme, "In a furrball" - the Cizerack (Ciz for short) are a culture of exciting, exotic and energetic beings who have a very special place in the hearts of the members here at SWFans.

    Below is an introduction to some of the personalities of this incredible race (disclaimer - warning: some of them may bite!):

    Meet the Pride!

    <a href=""> THE PRIDE MOTHER </a>

    <a href=""> KEERROURRI SARRATRROA </a>

    <a href=""> SASSEERI REEOUURRA <a/>

    <a href=""> KAJEELA TARRUURRI </a>

    <a href=""> TATAUR'AA SANSARRCKA <a/>

    <a href="">TAATAANI MEORRREI </a>

    <a href="">FEESSANNI AMARRA <a/>

    <a href=""> CIRRSSEETO RAURRSSATTA <a/>

    <a href=""> DAANARRI MEORRREI </a>









    **Important Note: Q & A sessions of some the Cizeracks listed above will be addended to this report as they become available. Keep checking back!**

    To know more details, please visit our Wiki via the Links below:

    The Cizerack

    The Carshoulis Prime

    <A href="" ?>The Carshoulis Cluster



    Fassshjionabljy jyourrrsss, Dakota Gue
    Last edited by Dakota Gue; Aug 6th, 2011 at 08:35:06 PM. Reason: fixed links.

  2. #2

    Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta (or Cirr for short) - loveable first mate of the Layla and mechanic extraordinaire - is not your typical male Cizerack. Son of Taataani Meorrrei, Cirr displayed at a young age that he was special - gifted some may say - and that his was not to be a destiny generally accepted for males of the time.

    As a youngster, Cirrsseeto showed a hunger to read and learn and displayed a great aptitude for both. His mother, recognizing his talent, wisely (yet discreetly) bucked the status quo of Cizerack society and allowed him such pursuits - opening up to him a world that he would otherwise be kept ignorant of. Futhermore, Cirr had a natural proclivity for things technical, which he developed and, over time, became a genius with wrench and hydro-spanner. His reputation for being one of the best mechanics in the galaxy is not an exagerration.

    Fleeing a very unhappy marriage and paired up (at the ingenuity of his mother's planning) with the enigmatic <a href=""> Sanis Prent </a>, Cirr has been able to lead a life of adventure and purpose - something few of his peers on Carshoulis Prime will ever know. Cirr has the freedom to make his own destiny and his own choices, even in areas of the heart (see, <a href=""> Lyanie Quez </a>) - all those things that lead us all to happiness.

    Lately, Cirr and the crew and of the Layla have been stationed at the Wheel, assisting the Jedi in their task of rebuilding and establishing a safe base of operations. However, they have been recently summoned to Dac and, as ever, Cirr will follow loyally his Captain and friend, Sanis Prent, where ever that might lead.

    Below is a short Q & A to help you get to know the delightful Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta (a personal favorite of mine) and the first of my Focus Report Interviews on the wonderful Cizeracks!


    1. What is your Station within Cizerack society?

    Prretty much nonexjistant. jI left my forrmerr mjistrress yearrs ago. Therre's no rreal gojing back afterr that. Makes jit harrd to see my famjily anymorre.

    2. Describe your 'best' day

    One wherre nothjing on Layla brreaks jis about the best one. jI don't know, gjive me an unljimjited supply pool of parrts, enough tjime to get my fjixes jin, and a bjit of alone tjime wjith Lyanjie.

    3. If you could change one thing in your life (or the world in general), what would it be?

    jI'd rreally ljike to be able to go home agajin. Not to stay therre, jI mean, jI have a ljife outsjide the Prrjide now, but jI do mjiss them, and get to see them so jinfrrequently.

    4. Are you happy?

    Usually. Depends on how the shjip's dojing and how everrythjing else jis gojing. jIf jI'm everr not, jI step back and rremjind myself how lucky jI am.

    5. Who or what do you love?

    Mama and the rrest of the famjily. Oh, and Layla, of courrse.

    6. What was the last thing you ate?

    Pjickled dewback trrjipe sandwjich wjith two rraw eggs and pepperr sauce.

    7. Humans are wasted space - yes or no?

    Nah, they'rre alrrjight. Sanjis jis my best frrjiend, and of courrse therre's Lyanjie too. People arre people.

    8. Where do you live?

    jI've got quarrterrs on Layla. She's my shjip, and jit's been home forr me forr yearrs.

    9. One word that describes you best?

    Smarrt. jI'm not gonna toot my own horrn too much, but jI'm the best mechanjic jin the Alljiance. jIf jI can't fjix jit, jit can't be fjixed. Of courrse, Lyanjie would say that too, so maybe we'rre tjied. She's not bad at all.

    10. Who is your favorite person?

    Mama. What can jI say? She's always been my herro.

    Recent threads that involve Cirr:

    Dress Whites
    Heroes Welcome
    Driving Mrs. Meorrei
    Where's the manual for women....or the warranty for that matter?

    Check out!
    Cirr's Wiki Page:
    <a href=""> Here! </a>

    Last edited by Dakota Gue; Aug 13th, 2011 at 07:00:16 PM.

  3. #3

    The fabulous, Sasseeri Reeouurra.

    has long been an absolute treat of a character. From her very inception I have loved the way this particular Cizerack thinks, speaks and behaves!

    She is sassy (wit - the appropriateness of her name shortening), self-indulgent and unapolagetically gratifies her own desires any way she chooses. She is exciting to follow as she tumbles and toussells from one (sometimes inapproriate) scenario into another, to turn up in the most unlikely of places - anywhere from her Nabooian Queen Casino in Imperial Center or to some locked accommodations aboard <a href=""> Tear's </a>Star Destroyer "Faceless."

    With sparkling ingenuity, Sasseeri wrangles, cajoles or bullies herself into and/or out of any circumstance she cares to, seeking to further her already not-unimpressive sphere of influence and prestige.

    While not a great deal is known of her past, we do know is that she is a Vigo of the Black Sun, at odds for years with <a href="">Sorsha Kasajian,</a> (previously of a similar claim to fame and a hated rival). Sasseeri is a half-breed Cizerack who has spent a large portion of her life defying the limitations and stigma of that label to create for herself a small empire over which to rule. She is a self-made woman (feline?) and operates from a position of power because of it.

    Sasseeri has many associates and, although I think friends are not in abundant supply, she does have some loyal flunkies who support her whole-heartedly, namely <a href="">Kal Olorin,</a> Tick and Tock (her twin body guards) and more recently <a href="">Grym Kandle</a> and<a href=""> Michael Cline.</a>

    If you are looking for an interesting and entertaining individual to read up on and follow, I can highly recommend this particular Cizerack to you!

    See below a short Q & A with Ms Reeouurra:

    1. What is your Station within Cizerack society?

    jI am a half-brrreed Ciz/human, so my statjion jis just barely above that of a forrda, and below that of a male. So, jin the peckjing orderrr jI'm the last, and just above bejings that Cizerack eat for food.

    2. Describe your 'best' day

    Wake up, have sex, eat brrreakfast, have sex, make some busjiness deals, make money, eat agajin, have sex, make morrre money, eat some morrre, and then have sex and go to sleep.

    3. If you could change one thing in your life (or the world in general), what would it be?

    jI would wjipe those smug grrrjins off the Matrrrjiarch's faces back 'home' jin the Carshouljis Clusterrr wjith my success jin busjiness. Except that jit has been made verrry clearrr that jis no longerrr my home.

    4. Are you happy?

    jI am rjich.

    5. Who or what do you love?

    jI'm parrrtjicularrrly jinterested jin money.

    6. What was the last thing you ate?

    Fjish. A lot of fjish.

    7. Humans are wasted space - yes or no?

    No, all beings have their place in the galaxy. Especially if they like to spend money in my casinos, or take part in some of my... shadier business deals.

    8. Where do you live?

    In the penthouse sujite in the bujildjing across frrrom The Naboojian Queen on Corrruscant.

    9. One word that describes you best?


    10. Who is your favorite person?


    ************************************************** *

    Recent Threads for Sasseeri Reeouurra:

    <a href="">Cloudy with a Chance of Espionage </a>

    <a href=""> A Rrrock and a Harrrd Place </a>

    <a href="">Past Debts: Payment Tendered<a/>

    Sasseeri's Wiki Page: <a href=""> Here! </a>

    ************************************************** **


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