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Thread: Arrival at the Wheel

  1. #1

    Arrival at the Wheel

    Hey there, I have a question.

    I know that in most factions you just start posting because their knowledge is public, but with the Wheel being secretive, do I need to post how I got there, wait for someone to tell me where it is at, or just post like I've always been there?

  2. #2
    SW-Fans.Net Admin

    Good but Damaged Goods

    DragonCon 09
    Morgan Evanar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Where I need to be.
    That's a really good question. You could post as your first mission to the wheel. Its fair to assume you're decently established within the rebellion and now have the clearance needed.

  3. #3
    I'll do that and throw up a little backstory to how I came to be with the Wheel just for some continuity.


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