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Thread: Search for Peers

  1. #1

    Open Thread Search for Peers

    The past two years have been a none stop case around the galaxy. His travels took him to the furthest parts of the outer rim. The Empire on his tail the whole way. It seemed that as soon as he had gotten rid of them more showed up. He couldn't count how many times he cursed them under his breath. But now they were gone... for the time being.

    His ship dropped out of hyperspace and he saw the planet of Bothawui through his cockpit. The Blue green planet glimmered in the light's of its star. Only one of it's moons was currently visible in it's northern hemisphere. Dushall turned towards the corridor as Buck came into the cockpit beeping and whizzing, "Yes, this is it i promise." A beep and a chirp followed then he left the cockpit to do who knew what.

    Turning back to the view of the planet Dushall pushed the throttle forward and started his descent to the surface. "Wildfire to traffic control. Requesting permission to land." There was a brief moment of static and then the warm reply of a females voice. "Permission granted Wildfire. You may land at landing platform Alpha 3 Charlie."

    With a smile Dushall guided the battle damaged freighter into the appropriate angle for it's descent to the surface. As he guided the ship through the upper atmosphere the things started to get a little rougn. "Come on baby..." He whispered to his ship. There was a shudder and he heard a sharp snap. Yelling above the noise he pressed the ships comm, "Buck... What was that!" He heard the faint beeping, chirping, and whizzing of his R9 unit. "We dont need that right?" A laugh escaped his strained grin as he struggled to keep the ship straight after it's aft dorsal thrust vector pad decided to go solo.

    Once the upper atmosphere was cleared the sailing was much smoother. He brought the wildfire to the landing pad and set her down as gently as he could. Getting up he walked to his cabin and grabbed his green robe and pulled the hood over his head. He double checked to make sure that both his lightsabers were on their hooks and that his blaster was fastened tightly in it's holster inside his vest.

    When he finally stepped down the starboard ramp he was greeted by the ports engineering team. "Did you just escape from a star destroyer?" Dushall stopped and turned to his 2 year old freighter. "If only... A story like that could get me a pretty lady." The man chuckled and motioned for his men to come over. Dushall looked at him and waved his hand over his face, "You will repair my ship." The over weight portly engineer repeated his words. "You will tell no one of this." Again he repeated his words. Satisfied that his ship would be safe he turned and headed off into the city.

  2. #2
    Jehkran Dmath
    "Nice trick..."

    Jehkran had docked not 10 minutes before. He had been assigned to visit the Bothan SpyNet and grab up his next mission. Bothawui wasn't his favorite place in the galaxy, but there was some comfort knowing that a man like him didn't have to look over his back. A lot of times in the past the Echani had to worry about just landing on a planet. It wasn't the safest way to live, being a Rebel - but it was for a good cause. And his interjection was for a good cause too.

    The white-haired SpecOp walked pass the engineer. A pitiful chuckle escaped him as he caught up with the boy. The two lightsabers gave the kid away. Although whispers of the Jedi survivors had circled the galaxy's for decades, it was wildly known amongst the Alliance higher-ranks what was truly happening. The boy's presence was not a surprise.

    "...But don't go around doing that too much. Never know when one of those bucket-heads might be watching..." Stormtroopers were everwhere - more than likely not Bothawui - however, Jehkran's motto was to be safe, not sorry. It was why he had watched Eragon land, instead of speedily head off to the next shuttle that would take him to the base. There was no telling if, somehow, he had been tailed in hyperspace from Mon Calamari.

    The galaxy was a dangerous, dangerous place....
    Last edited by Jehkran Dmath; Jul 20th, 2010 at 02:43:54 PM.

  3. #3
    Dushall immediately sized up the stranger. Average night and build, not much of a threat really but there was something about him that told Dushall not to underestimate him. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." he said a warm smile crossed his face.

    The thought of doing a mind trick crossed his mind but was instantly dismissed as he figured the man was too strong mentally to fall for what was considered a Jedi parlor trick. Instead he decided to open up to the man. "Where might one find a good drink after a long and tiring journey?"

  4. #4
    Jehkran Dmath
    Jehkran had did the same. Before the conversation had even started, he had sized up the man. He was young. Too young to be waving his hand around, but by the strength in the man's eyes, it was obvious he had seen far more than most students of the Force had.

    The galaxy was a hard place - especially for the talented & gifted.

    "Well damn, boy - Follow me, I'm heading to the base."

    The Echani took the lead. Passing the kid up, he took of his pilot gloves, and placed them in his back pockets. "I'm sure you were heading there anyway - now aren't I right?"

  5. #5
    As the man passed him up he gave a quizzical look as he followed behind him. Either this is a trap or he is a really good judge of character. Following him with just a few paces in-between them. His hand ever so ready to grasp his lightsaber at a moments notice. Although he wasn't quick to trust someone he had a feeling about this gentleman. Call it a force intuition.

    "What base are you talking about..." He smiled as he came up to the mans side. "I didn't catch your name."

  6. #6
    Jehkran Dmath
    Bothans waltz past. Women chuckled. Babies cried. The docking bay was filled with many faces. Crews jumbled about, dropping tools. Rumbles of work were all about, while visitors and spacers alike chattered on their way to shuttle stops. Jehkran swivel about in the crowd, back-peddling with a pecuilar smile, as he took the lead for a second.

    "You know - the Alliance..." Turning about, he kept on heading to the shuttle pad, walking along side the Jedi-boy. One was flying in, and the folks were packing together, forming a line. A bit, fatty of a girl was pushing people out the way, bumping herself to the front.

    Not exactly the finest sight in life. Looking up ahead, unphased, Jehkran continued, "And the names Jehkran - most people just call me Jay, though."

  7. #7
    "Nice to meet you Jay, my name is Eragon." He said as he caught up to his new companion and looked at what he was speaking about. "Yeah... But to each his own." Dushall said as he pointed at the skinny man who was coming in right behind her holding her hand.

    This was where Dushall took the lead. He edged past Jay and moved into next small opening. Using the force slightly he was able to open the path larger by gently pushing or nudging the people in front of him. Turning his gaze over his shoulder to Jay he motioned for him to follow. "This way."

    Making their way past the different people waiting in line Eragon was introduced to new smells and auromas that were once fresh scents that would cause him to gag. When they made it to the front he looked at Jay. "Your Turn."

  8. #8
    Jehkran Dmath
    Jehkran followed suite. The smell of funk was everywhere. At first glance, the Echani thought it was the big lady. It wasn't. At least, it wasn't just here. Men and women in the line had been eating the airport food, and their breathe...and their "releases" made the little space given a hellish spot to be.

    Before he knew it, Jehkran had his hand over his nose. Diving between the crowd, he elbowed his way through. Few of the folks noticed. Everybody was fixed on the big lady. As she stepped onto the shuttle, she repulsor lift gave in a bit. The shuttle went down a few notches in the air before leveling back out. Even the droid conductor's eyes lit a bit as the obese woman trotted on pass to the back.

    "Hmph," the Echani was relieved that she knew it was better she sat in the back. To wait on her again would when they finally landed would've been the last straw. Watching Eragon go on the craft, he jumped in behind him. The stench, and musk were still there, but his hand was firmly planted over his nose.

    He rather not bask in the glory of funk.

    "Lets sit here," he mumbled in a mufffled voice, nodding at the first row of seats. One arm out-stretched, gesturing the young Jedi to sit, he covered his mouth and nose - hoping the smell would be done away with when they finally lifted off.
    Last edited by Jehkran Dmath; Jul 23rd, 2010 at 02:37:00 PM.


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