Random thought. What happens when Salem meets the Jedi? Are we assuming that he's powerful enough in the Dark Side that he can hide it from them, like Palpatine did? Or is he going to admit to being a former Padawan, and use that to his advantage? Would the latter attract undue attention? What if someone sees through his (admittedly ingenious :mneh) modification of his name, and recognises him? etc.

Also, we're going to end up with two powerful darksiders in the Rebellion. I have no idea what Dan's motives are... will they be allies? Rivals? Oblivious?

It strikes me that there are certain parallels between Dan and Salem's subordinates - one could argue that LDV and S'Il are counterparts to a degree; then there's that other Lupine that S'Il befrended to match Raz or the Queen... and then Chir'daki and Vega as the ferral attack dog? Lol.