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Thread: Every Which Way But Forward

  1. #21
    Barton Henning
    “I was never much use with a lightsaber anyway,” he added, absently rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.

    At her question, he tilted his head to one side.

    “Peace.. no, I wouldn't say so – but it helps others. That's what we were always supposed to be aiming for, right?”

  2. #22
    "I suppose"

    Alex had yet to perfect the virtue of selflessness. Her main drive was less about helping others and more about clawing back the Universe from the oppressors..But he didn't need to hear about that.

    "Thats why I always liked you, Henning. You got a good heart"

    The look she gave him barely disguised that she liked alot more about him than just that. Damn, why did he get to her like he did? He was all wrong for her - they'd discovered that twice already now. Well, she had anyway. He was no doubt oblivious to her in all ways except as a major pain in the neck, just like back in the Temple days when they were growing up, and again when they'd tried to travel together for a short period of time looking for the Jedi.


    She always wound up right here, this same place, when it came to Barton Henning. Her wanting him in all the wrong ways, and he concerned with doing the right thing.

  3. #23
    Barton Henning
    There wasn't a lot Barton could think to say to that. Looking inward wasn't his favourite pastime, so instead he looked to Alex. Even with his small skill as an emotional empath, she'd always been easy to read. Then again, it seemed like a conscious decision, to wear her heart on her sleeve – or maybe her passion just wouldn't settle for simmering when it could boil over. He didn't hold it against her, though there was always a part of him that wanted to close up on instinct, to shut out any feeling of hers that might wash over him. Consciously, he forced himself to let go of that defence and tentatively expanded his field of awareness, his eyes flicking up to meet hers.

  4. #24
    Aaaand, there it was. The killer look, where all bets were off and a girl had no choice but to fall headlong into it.

    Henning had the best eyes. Kind, expressive, and they were looking right at her with as much wriggle room for avoidance as a dual barrel blaster. Coal leaned forward, touching her hand to his and doing her best to stop her voice from croaking with emotion.

    "I gotta heart too, ya know Henning. Its buried way down, but I like to think its a good one as well"

  5. #25
    Barton Henning
    “I know.”

    Henning nodded, making a nervous move to lift his hand but instead the tips of his fingers slid between hers. That heart she admired so much was beating faster than before, as much from that instant of contact as from his cautious brush with the Force.

    “It isn't buried at all.. I can see it in everything you do,” he added, with a small smile.

  6. #26
    This brought a bright smile from Alex who suddenly felt the world about her shrink and freeze-wrap itself around her to this one, lone, amazing moment in time. She could hardly believe that she was standing where she was - hand in hand with the man she'd only been able to fantasize about for the majority of her post-adolescent life - and he wasn't pulling away.

    "Is that all you see, Henning?" Her desire for him to consider her much more than just a good person was heartbreaking in its naked need. "Cant you see me as something good for you? Someone you might need?" She leaned into him, tilting her head so her eyes could look into his, fully hoping he would incline his head to hers, anticipating - expecting even - the kiss that should, must come any moment. "Henning?" she prompted.

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