I'm the guy who used Slayn Cloak pre-reset and tried to come back recently but failed. I've now invented this guy and have decided that Slayn dosen't exist post reset as he was more or less a clone anyway.

Daedalus is an Echani who predates the sun guard, is as strong with the force as Slayn was ( IE gets his "rank" pre reset ) but at this time isn't interested in either's respective sqabbles and for the most part avoids using it anyway ( accept for in the inate way Echani fight ). He was placed in stasis in lue of being killed out of respect and / or cruelty; due to that he's slightly weary of he current "advanced" technology.

He's on tatooine at the moment {insert arbitrary reason here} and will soon have to come to terms with what has happened to him. I plan to have him hook up with a bounty type and kind of just learn the trade.

he will also constantly mistake normal tools / items as weapons and be very weary of containers.

Anyone who wants a bounty partner, body guard, or plot coupon who has a reason to be on tatooine send me a PM? ( or respond here )

Also, charley PM me if you want someone to play with, he could just as easily end up indebted to you depending on how you play sanis these days.

EDIT** Also for clarity, he's unfamiliar with nearly all tech, anything that wouldn't have changed much since about 4500BBY he could maybe figure out but be awful with. So I doubt he'd be able to pilot a ship or use most weaponry with any real proficiency.