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Thread: Symbiotic Soliquie

  1. #1
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    A radiation wave hit and I got shot through a wormhole. Lost in some distant part of the universe on a forum - a roleplaying forum - full of strange alien life forms. Help me!

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    Vishan Korogoth's Avatar
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    Sep 2002

    Training Thread Symbiotic Soliquie

    Ishitli, Felucia

    Ishitli is a small colony nestled against the edge of the Ferungal Fungi Forest. The denizens of this small community were mostly human and Twi'lek, decedents of escaped criminals and workers that used to work for the Commerce Guild. After two decades since the rise of the Galactic Empire, those lost and forgotten had learned to work with the planet for their survival. Wild game was everywhere, and the fungi that grew here could be harvested for food, as long as you could tell the harmless ones from the poisonous ones. Still the community had to be mindful of their surroundings. More often then they would like, a bull rancor would stray from its pack and attack the colony searching for food.

    In twenty years, they were able to import e-web repeaters and constructed towers around the entire colony as posts. They even built a small landing pad for small freighters that needed to refuel with no questions asked.

    Vishan had learned about this little retreat from an old friend of his that used to run goods for the Empire. After a bit of an ordeal with a Hutt taking his cargo due to a testoserone match with the Imperial Captain he worked for, he fled to this little colony to escape punishment. Now he and Soolin had arrived here for rest and training before continuing on their way Talasea to meet the rest of the Jedi.

    Eluna Thals had been a blessing in disguise. After a brief misunderstanding on Toola, the Rebel and the two Jedi came to terms and the pilot offered information as to where they could find more of their people.

    "Soolin. Dis is nuts. Are we dere yet?" He hacked at another fungus thing, he had no idea what species it was, with his vibro sword, unwillingly leading the way to somewhere. She had told him that he would eventually know when to stop. That was also two hours ago. It was 100% humidity which made for a sweaty and smelly Vishan. Most of the time he was blinking the perspiration out of his eyes so he wouldn't go blind.

    Grimya looked up and growled in agreement. Her plush white fur was a stark contrast to the jungle browns and greens surrounding them.

  2. #2
    Soolin Anjhurin
    Her long, dark hair was pulled back from her face, secured by a leather band across her brow, and braided into a tail that reached passed her shoulders. Although the heat of the day was stifling, the humidity was worse and her shirt sleeves had quickly become soaked from wiping at her neck and chest..

    Giving Vishan a look that clearly said all that was needed, she added her own little commentary. "I said you'd know, didn't I?"

    Grimya she felt bad for, wearing a fur coat through this mess was the epitome of cruelty, but she would make it up to them both in due time..

    Not much further..

  3. #3
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    A radiation wave hit and I got shot through a wormhole. Lost in some distant part of the universe on a forum - a roleplaying forum - full of strange alien life forms. Help me!

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Vishan Korogoth's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
    "Not very helpful, Soolin." The branch that his vibrosword cut off accentuated his annoyance with a fierce CRACK. And as his arm came back for another swing, Vishan realized that the foliage had finally opened up.

    He was about to silently tell Soolin to be ready, but the Padawan had a feeling that this was the place. With weapon in hand, Vishan stepped forward and almost dropped his weapon.

    "Wow..." It was all he could mutter. Vishan was bedazzled by the translucent mushroom tops that stood over three stories above. The light filtered from the tree tops filtered through the caps and illuminated the ground in a kaleidescope of colors. Foot wide incandescent spores floated in the air as food for the native felucian birds.

  4. #4
    Soolin Anjhurin
    It was a breathtaking sight. Soolin stepped forward, lifting one hand to the light so that the colors reflected from above played across her skin in a rainbow. It was nearly magical in it's beauty.. but not why they were here.

    "We can rest for a while..", she turned leaning against the base of one enormous stalk. From her hip she supplied a canteen and took a sip before tossing it to Vishan.

    "But.. we are not exactly arrived yet.", at his incredulous look, she smiled and looked upward to the giant caps, high above them. That was their destination.

  5. #5
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    A radiation wave hit and I got shot through a wormhole. Lost in some distant part of the universe on a forum - a roleplaying forum - full of strange alien life forms. Help me!

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Vishan Korogoth's Avatar
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    Vishan leaned forward, mouth dripping with water, as he realized what his Master had meant. He wiped away the excess and slowly stepped backwards until the top of the mushroom cap could be seen. "Ya can't be serious."

    He looked down at their backs and scrunched his nose. "Dun t'ink the grapplin' hook is really gonna work. It's such an odd angle. Bu' we kin try."

  6. #6
    Soolin Anjhurin
    "Who said we were doing it the easy way?" She crossed her arms before her and looked up again. It would take them a long time, but this wasn't about just 'getting up there'.

    "The journey is more important than the arrival, Vishan. We climb."

    Soolin stepped forward and swatted a floating spore out of her path, turning to decide which stalk would serve them best..

  7. #7
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    A radiation wave hit and I got shot through a wormhole. Lost in some distant part of the universe on a forum - a roleplaying forum - full of strange alien life forms. Help me!

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Vishan Korogoth's Avatar
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    "The journey is more important than the arrival, Vishan ..."

    Vishan had heard her say this all too often with him. For all of his potential, he had yet to break away and understand that he lived in a galaxy with unlimited possibilities. He had yet to unlearn everything he has learned, and so became stuck in answering his Master's questions with what he could feel and touch.

    To hunt a rabbit, you use binoculars; not stretching out with yours feelings to feel the Force surrounding it. Instead of using the power of the Force to lift the cargo into the Rocinante's cargo hold, he used the powerlifts instead.

    As he rummaged through the packs for rope, spikes and hooks, the Padawan's thoughts strayed from their task. Lately he had been questioning his reasons for joining Soolin as his Padawan. His love for her and the promise he made to become her Padawan bound him to her twice fold, but was becoming a Jedi his true path?
    Last edited by Vishan Korogoth; Dec 5th, 2008 at 10:43:03 AM.

  8. #8
    Soolin Anjhurin
    Soolin ran her hands over the stalk, digging her fingertips into the flesh of it, determing how pliable it was.

    What do you think, Grimya?, she turned and lofted her brows at her companion. At a toss of the wolf's head, as if to say... Like I'm coming with you?, Soolin smirked and backed up.

    She ran at the stalk, ignoring the startled look on Vishan's face. When she was close, she jumped, her fingers sinking into the spongy stalk, her boots braced on the sides, and she was ten feet above him. She looked down at her padawan with a look that clearly said he should have anticipated they were not doing this the traditional way... Then started climbing.

  9. #9
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    A radiation wave hit and I got shot through a wormhole. Lost in some distant part of the universe on a forum - a roleplaying forum - full of strange alien life forms. Help me!

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Vishan Korogoth's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
    With one eye closed, Vishan watched as his Master deftly navigated the stalk, climbing higher and higher ...

    "Ya gotta be kiddin' me," he said and looked down at Grimya, who just shook her head and laid down. "Yer no help as usual."

    Grimya yawned.

    The Padawan smiled and sighed. It was time to look at infinite possibilities instead of the obvious set before him. Balance and strength were needed to do this properly. He was sure he had one of those in supply ...

    Blowing out a puff of air, he face set in determination, Vishan ran at the stalk, leaped into the air, and slammed right into the stalk as his feet slipped off the grainy stalk.

    He hit the ground with thump that shifted the air around him, which blew the nearby spores away.


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