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Thread: Posse Comitatus

  1. #81
    Jack Brocius
    "You said it was your parents idea to cure you? I take it you weren't enthusiastic about it? I know most mutations tend to onset during puberty, which is an awkward time for even normal human teens. How did that work with classmates and friends?"

  2. #82
    Taya Robbins
    "Well, it's not like I knew what was going on with me, either," she said with a shrug. "But once it got to the point where I couldn't hide it with a shave every morning, my parents took me out of school. I tried to keep up with my friends, but we sorta lost contact. Most of them just stopped answering their email or IMs."

  3. #83
    Jack Brocius
    "Did you face any overt discrimination, abuse, or threats during the time you discovered your mutation? If so, tell us about any instances, and what was done."

    Jack jotted down notes as he spoke, looking up to smile politely. Fortunately, Miss Robbins was a much easier subject, and seemed quite forthcoming.

  4. #84
    Taya Robbins
    Taya took in a breath and held it a moment.

    "Well... nothing overt. I pretty much lived in hospitals for a year and a half, because... even when they weren't trying to stop me from changing, or changing me back, there were times it was pretty rough. I couldn't walk for three months because my feet weren't the right shape yet. I was even blind for a few days. But, you know..."

    She shifted in her seat, and her ears visibly drooped. "Some of the nurses and doctors were great. And some of them, you could just tell they weren't quite thinking of me being human anymore. Kept talking about my deformities. My condition. I guess, once I figured out I was gonna be this way the rest of my life, I got sick of being talked about that way."

  5. #85
    Jack Brocius
    "That's understandable. You don't stop being a person because you have a mutation. It's good that you haven't been subjected to any other ill treatment. Unfortunately there's still intolerance and bigotry, even in the 21st century."

    Jack turned a page, and continued.

    "I know it's short notice, but how's your first week been? Have you bonded with any of your classmates?"

  6. #86
    Taya Robbins
    "Starting to," she said - it was almost, almost an expression of resignation. "Like I said, coming here was my parents' idea. I guess I'm still not sure this is where I really belong. But everybody's been great, my roommate is awesome, and at least I'm not treated like a freak here."

  7. #87
    Jack Brocius
    "Well, I hope it works out for you. Speaking with Professor Rhee and the other students, it sounds like a really good thing."

    Jack gave her a smile, allowing himself to slowly become more personable again.

    "I know it's an open-ended question, but I've been asking all of the other kids. Where do you see yourself in five years? In ten?"

  8. #88
    Taya Robbins
    Taya laughed and gave a shrug that would've pulled a normal human's shoulders out of joint. "Oh, geeze, um... well, I'd like to go to college. Not sure what in yet. Maybe art school. After that, who knows? Just take life and roll, I guess."

  9. #89
    Jack Brocius
    "I like that. You've got your head in the right place, it sounds like."

    Jack rose to his feet, closing his folder as he reached for another info packet and a business card.

    "That's about it, Taya. Like I said, just a couple of questions to get a feel for things. I want to give you some information to just browse over, and if you experience any ill treatment or any possible hate crimes, please let us know. We're working to keep you safe, and appreciate your input."

  10. #90
    Taya Robbins
    Taya took the card in her very large thumb and forefinger and looked it over. Her catlike nose flared - a reflex more than anything else, part of her feline nature - and something made her jolt to a stop for just a moment. Something in the smell of the card that reminded her of something else...

    Brocius's words pulled her back to the present, and she dropped the card in with the rest of the materials in the packet. "Oh, well, thanks," she said. "Nice talking to you."

    She tucked the folder under one arm and nimbly hopped over the arm of the chair on her way out the door. "See you, Mr. Rhee!"

  11. #91
    "Thank you, Taya."

    John stood as well and extended a hand to Jack Brocius. "Once again, I hope this has been helpful for you. Thank you for your interest and concern."

  12. #92
    Jack Brocius
    "It's been a pleasure, Mr. Rhee."

    Jack took John's hand in a firm shake, nodding as he did.

    "I've got a bit of work to do on this, but I'll be giving you a next level briefing, maybe in two weeks or so. Nothing big, just tying loose ends together, and maybe getting your opinion on some findings."

  13. #93
    That was to be expected. But, as far as John could tell, nothing had been divulged in the interviews that could possibly betray the Institute's more covert interests - at worst, Brocius could report that one out of four mutant students may be a paranoid beatnick.

    And maybe, just maybe, Brocius and his associates really were just trying to do some good. He always had to hold that option out there somewhere, even if it was at the end of a long pole.

    "I look forward to it. I'm eager to hear what you come up with."

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