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Thread: Felix Fletcher, the Feist (X-Men)

  1. #41
    Andrew Crest
    “No no no no. No official memberships, no forms if that’s what you’re asking about. The government doesn’t sponsor us and neither does the city, we don’t have any trained professional teachers or anything like that.”
    People always got the wrong first impression when he said something like ‘not legally sponsored’, he really needed to come up with new term. Andrew looked toward the fountain drinks, man that Dr. Pepper was really starting to look good.
    The mutant lowered the volume a bit. “In fact we’re probably breaking a few laws by not registering with City Hall. But you know (Andrew gestured out the window), we’re trying to keep things on the down low. Trust me, you’re not only that has had….accidents”
    Eh, screw it. He wasn’t in the mood for paying for a drink, not when he could get free drink down at the Haven.
    “Only thing about bringing you on is…uh…you’re kinda young. What about your parental units?”

  2. #42
    Felix finished his meal and pushed the tray aside.

    "Both of 'em are working, alive, well, very concernicus about me and my crazy future in college, even though I'm not even into my junior year at high school yet. They'll both go bananas if they find out about my, uh...unique talents, and I'd like to postpone that as long as I possibly can."

  3. #43
    Justinian Janvrin
    Justinian had kept silent during most of the conversation, only doing a little salute and saying 'Yo,' when Andy discussed the different kinds of people who had ties to the Haven. By the time they had gotten to talking more, Justinian noted that all this secretive talk would ring a few bells in listeners' minds, if not the mutant bell. So, silently, he began to send out waves of telepathic signals to all the people sitting around them; sort of a little 'notice-me-not' spell, and not too strong either, strong enough to last fifteen minutes or so, and blow away after that. Justinian was not only well aware of the dangers of playing around in people's minds, but that was also some of the best he could do; he wasn't well versed in fine control of his powers.

    "...I'd like to postpone that as long as I possibly can."

    Justinian sniffed. "Iffy thing, secrets. Aren't they? When they find out, they'll think you've been lying to them about everything. So unless you plan on keeping them in the dark until they kick the bucket, I wouldn't recommend that."

    Justinian sipped at his Dr. P, noting that he would have to get some more; he was nearly out. "But, then I don't got much better plans to offer, so it's still your ball, kid."

  4. #44
    "I know hiding it isn't helping, but I wanna figure out how to break it to 'em as easy as I can. Just make the whole thing go a little more smoothly than just randomly hitting them with it at the dinner table, or something." Felix drained what was left of his drink and looked at Andrew. "You got contact info for your crazy group thing? I might drop by and at least see what's going on."

  5. #45
    Andrew Crest
    Andrew drummed his fingers on the booth, he agreed with what Justinian said to some extent. Then again Andrew had been on his own since he was seventeen, lying to family wasn’t such a big deal for him.
    “I’d really recommend getting some control before you talk to anyone else. We could give you a hand with that.”
    He grabbed one of those annoying mini-menus with all the stupid nutrition facts from holder and pulled a pen from his jacket pocket. Andrew wrote down the address and slid the card across the table, he hesitated a moment before jotting down his own cell number.
    The Haven

    2142 Woodbury Ave.
    “You’ll probably run into one of the guys at the door. They’re not too keen on letting minors in, just tell them ‘Slug’ sent you.”
    Andrew pocketed the pen again and glanced out the window to see how clean up was doing on the street. Looked like they got the wreck out of the road, but clean-up and investigators would be showing up soon.
    “If you have the time, I could try to help you out temporarily. No guarantees, though, each of us are different.”

  6. #46
    Felix looked over the information and pocketed the card. "Nah, not right now. I'm still a little wigged out. I think I wanna just go home and try to relax a little. Just decompress, you know? But thanks for the offer, and the info."

  7. #47
    Andrew Crest
    Andrew nodded his head, his was understandable that the kid wanted to head back home. Familiarity and sense of security did have a way of calming a person down, but Andy had concerns about the degree of control Felix had over his powers.
    Unfortunately Taco Bell really wasn’t the place to speak openly about such things. “Just be careful, find somewhere to practice. You need a lift back home?”

  8. #48
    "Nah, it's only a few blocks from here, and I need to go by my friends' houses and get the schoolwork I missed. I was, uh, under the weather a for a while before today." Felix disposed of his garbage and came back to the table to shake Justinian and Andrew's hands. "Thanks again, guys. I'll try to keep in touch you with. See ya." And with that he went into the world as a slightly more calm, collected mutant.

  9. #49
    Justinian Janvrin
    Justinian finished inhaling his Dr. Pepper as he watched Felix leave the restaurant.

    "Hm," he said, "Sorry 'bout calling you out here an' all that. The kid looked like he was about to explode unless he had someone to talk to."

    Crumpling up the food wrappings, Justinian continued, "And like I said to the kid before, I ain't any good at talking to people about their problems. At least, not unless you want me to mess up so you can laugh at me.

    "And I know you guys laugh at me," he said, sounding very serious. Too bad the effect was ruined by his grin. Taking a look at his watch, Justinian grunted in suprise.

    "Well, I'll talk to you later, and I mean it this time. Gotta go pick up Fran from school. Perhaps I'll drop by sometime, eh? I'll bring Fran and make a night of it or something."

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