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Thread: Signs and Portents - To Save a Soul (Adia and Daria)

  1. #21
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Baby.. I may be blind but what I lack in sight I make up for in sensuality ;)

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    Daria Nytherciria's Avatar
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    Daria followed up the ladder and watched as Lianna edged into the ship. Though she had known that the fighter was ill-equipped for so many passengers, she had underestimated just how small the bombers station was. With careful steps Daria slipped into what little space was left and slowly sat down, drawing her knees up close. There was barely an inch between them. Her back was pressed firmly against Lianna; she could feel the rise and fall of her chest. One hand brushed against some limb that was not her own and Daria murmured an apology.

  2. #22
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    It's all fun and games till one of you gets my foot up your ass.

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    Adia Issoris's Avatar
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    Adia said nothing, only lowering the canopy. He knew Lianna was tough, and could handle being sat on for several hours. She'd let Adia run the Y-Wing. For something of it's compact size, it handled in a rather boatish fashion.

    It had a decent climb rate, and they broke atmosphere quickly. Lianna had already programmed the hyper-drive.

    It would be hours before they were close.

  3. #23
    Lianna Mal Pannis
    Lianna smiled and poked her head over Daria's shoulder. A silly gesture since the Knight was blind, but there was no reason to act differently around her. "You don't need to apologize, otherwise you'll be doing it for the entire trip."

    She thought levity would be a good way to break the ice considering the situation. Daria was sitting between her legs, mostly, to offer some room for the other Jedi Knight, which was minuscule at best. Lianna found it difficult to find a comfortable place for her arms so she wasn't 'hugging' the red head. Eventually the awkward movements of her arms stopped and she placed them on either side of her legs. Then she focused her mind and dove inward, concentrating on falling into a trance for the first leg of their journey.

    Her breathing began to slow, her body relaxing as her head fell back against the seat. She could feel the hum of the hyper-drive kicking in before falling a little further away from her conscious self ... But the sweet floral scent of the silken hair that tickled her nose was making that process more difficult to achieve.
    Last edited by Lianna Mal Pannis; Feb 25th, 2008 at 10:13:16 PM.

  4. #24
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Baby.. I may be blind but what I lack in sight I make up for in sensuality ;)

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Daria Nytherciria's Avatar
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    Daria was not a fan of technology, spaceflight in particular, at the best of times. She couldn't sense mechanical objects the way that she could organic and that made her nervous, being suspended in space in what amounted to little more than a hunk of metal and wires. Still, there was something comforting in being close to Lianna. It reassured her that she was not alone, kept her connected to the living world.

  5. #25
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    It's all fun and games till one of you gets my foot up your ass.

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    Adia Issoris's Avatar
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    Adia took a glance over her shoulder. Daria looked uncomfortable at spaceflight, and she couldn't really see Lianna underneath.

    "You two should get some rest. We're going to be in here for several more hours."

  6. #26
    Lianna Mal Pannis
    Something she was trying to do but kept her difficulties at doing so to herself.

    "A good idea," she muttered and fell into a more stricter meditation, focusing on the hum of the hyper-drive to lull her into peace, which failed. Her mind was still concentrating on the present, still racing in concern and fear for Miranda. Adia said to wait and see how it played out, but it was hard to not dwell on it.

    She tried a new approach, focusing on the object of her distractions from earlier and felt Daria's nervousness. The Knight placed a hand over her friends and squeezed it. "Get some rest. Adia is an excellent pilot."
    Last edited by Lianna Mal Pannis; Feb 26th, 2008 at 08:53:50 PM.

  7. #27
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Baby.. I may be blind but what I lack in sight I make up for in sensuality ;)

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Daria Nytherciria's Avatar
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    “Rest,” Daria repeated and inhaled deeply. She felt her heart racing. Was it her own heart? The pulse seemed to throb right through her, through Lianna even. She felt her touch - the irrational thrill of it - and quickly tried to suppress all feeling of anxiety and confusion, knowing how receptive Lianna's mind must have been to her own in that moment.

    You're a Jedi Knight. You're better than this.

    The Force. It was in the Force that she would find solitude. She tried to draw upon meditation techniques, seeking separation from the world of the physical. She could slip into a trance-like state if she could focus long enough on the sound of her own breathing, instead of the breath on the back of her neck.

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