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Thread: Looking for himself

  1. #21
    Jeseth Cloak
    He smiled at their willingness to go along with his dangerous game. In one hand he held the Sith holocron, and in the other he held the coin. "Then it's heads for you." he said to Alpha, who had armed himself to the teeth.

    With a flick of his wrist, Jeseth tossed the coin high into the air. It rung out, spinning wildly and reflecting light down upon them all. Heads, tails, heads, tails; each side of the coin spelled victory for one of the men... and death for the other. Jeseth reached for one of his lightsabers and unclipped it from his belt. The ancient weapon waited in his hand silently.

  2. #22
    Alpha quickly loads in two smoke-darts to his wrist launcher as Jesseth Tosses the coin into the air. Knowing it would not do anything, but trying anyways, Alpha reaches out to the coin, trying to will it to heads, putting all his effort and all of his mental capacity to it. He did not want to fight this lightsabre-wielding stranger. Soemthing told him that he would have a very rough time of it.

    Heads, Alpha thinks, reaching out. Heads, heads, heads...

  3. #23
    While the other two checked their weapons, Ezra simply crossed his scrawny arms across his chest and looked at the dropping coin defiantly. He watched it as it flipped through the air, dropping ever lower with each rotation of it's reflective sides. Head. Tails. Head. Tails. Head. Tails. Where it ended was anyone's guess. It was a 50/50 chance. He had just as much a chance to win as a chance to lose. One's life on the flip of a coin. It seemed to unfair, and yet the odds were as good as one could hope for.

  4. #24
    Jeseth Cloak
    Jeseth sensed a disturbance in the Force. The coin had suddenly stopped spinning, and was falling back towards the ground... one of the two men had forced his will upon it. Which one had it been? The fallen Jedi's suspicious, alien eyes, moved back and forth between the two. His grip on his lightsaber tightened, and his eyes closed.

    And then the coin hit the ground with a ring. When they two men looked to it for the results of their gamble, they saw that it had landed, against all odds, on its side. "Hm..." Jeseth said curiously. "It seems there was no clear winner." His lips formed a faint smirk, and he clipped his weapon back onto his belt. Bending down to pick up the coin, he placed the Sith holocron on the floor and gave a brief nod to the others.

    "You may decide amongst yourself who's to keep the prize. After all these years, I've grown tired of safeguarding it. May the Force be with you; you'll need it." he said to the pair, and then narrowed his eyes at Alpha. Yes, now he knew why the man's presence felt so familiar. "Safe travels to you both."

    "And Alpha," the Dark Jedi added, "you've grown."

    Yes, Alpha had once been a Jedi, too. It seemed as if he had discarded all traces of his former life. That was quite the contrary to what Jeseth had done: he had held on to his past, allowing it to wither away within his very hands. He was twisted and evil now, a mere shade of the man he had once been, driven by revenge and obsession.

  5. #25
    Alpha's eyes widen, reflecting in the light of the landing bay, then narrow. His hand rests on his sword. He quickly covers the ground between himself and Jesseth, ignoring Ezra and the holocron. He grabs the former Jedi by the arm. "What do you mean 'I've grown'?" he asks, a slight, low growl in his voice. "You know me? You know who I am?"

  6. #26
    Ezra, seizing the moment, walked casually over to the abandoned object and picked it up. He looked the metallic pyramid over, moving it around in his hands, examining all the sides. He had a vague idea what it is, but he would have to consult his books first before he was sure. The two other men seemed completely taken with each other. From what he'd gathered from the conversation, one knew the other, and the other was perplexed by this. Regardless, the object was his and no one was dead, which was a joy and a let down at the same time.

    Slipping the holocron into his pocket, he moved on, heading for the other end of the docking bay were he'd found the little hole in the wall he'd slipped in through in the first place. That was one of the merits of being undersized. He could fit into all sorts of places larger people could not.

  7. #27
    Jeseth Cloak
    What? Jeseth thought in shock, turning to look at Alpha. He wasn't at all accustomed to being touched... much less grabbed.

    "No." he responded, catching a glimpse of Ezra making off with the holocron out of the corner of his eyes. "I don't know who you are; I only know who you were." he added, pulling his arm away slowly. "I thought you simply didn't want to remember... but now I see that you simply can't remember, can you? You were a Jedi." he said as he continued walking, forcing the other to follow him for more answers.

  8. #28
    Alpha didn't like this. He never did like being baited, and that was exactly what it felt like here. Running forward, coming up in front of Jesseth, Alpha jumps, landing in a wide stance, pulling out the lightsabre he had taken from his ship. One of his only clues to his past. Thumbing it on, the weapon emites a low, drawn out hiss as the blade springs out. It was an odd colored blade. A silver sliver of a core, with the remainder of the blade glowing black. Alpha had always thought it was a little bit on the creepy side, but he liked it. He points it at the stranger. "No games. Talk."

  9. #29
    Ezra continued to stroll away. He had no interest to pursue the other two men and possibly lose the prise in hand. They seemed quite agitated when he left them, and the last thing he needed was to walk into a fight with nothing but his head to fight with, which while it was an incredible weapon, it was likely to be ineffective against two force adepts.

    Now was not the time for heroics. He simply wanted to return to his hotel and study this so-called artifact.

  10. #30
    Jeseth Cloak
    Jeseth stopped himself before taking another step. If hadn't, he'd have been walking right into the humming beam of Alpha's lightsaber. It would have been unpleasant at best, and lethal at worst. His red eyes met with the Human's. There was a great deal of desperation in them. Did Jeseth have time to draw his own weapon? He wasn't sure.

    "I see." Jeseth said, taking a cautious step back. "It's that important to you, isn't it?" he asked. "You're name is Jonas Capashen. Your father's name is Satine Capashen. You trained alongside my sister and my apprentice at the Jedi Academy on Coruscant, just as I once trained alongside your father in my youth." The fallen Jedi's hands clasped together. "Unfortunately, your father and I didn't see eye-to-eye on a great many things, and we grew distant in our old age. He's dead now, isn't he?" Jeseth asked.

  11. #31
    Alpha's hands go slack, the weapon falling out of his hand and deactivating once the pressure plate was released. Him? A Jedi? That would explain the weapon, and his instinctual use of it. His head felt like it would explode as he frantically searched his memories for something--anything--that would confirm or deny this story. All he got was pain when he pushed too far. He curses silently to himself.

    "He's dead now, isn't it?" He hears Jesseth ask.

    Alpha swallows hard, meeting the former Jedi's eyes. "I don't know. I don't remember anything before I found myself in Chiss space, a year ago. If he's alive, then I can't help you find him, I'm afraid."

  12. #32
    Jeseth Cloak
    Jeseth shook his head. "It's for the best. If your father and I met, he would try to kill me." he told Alpha. "And I wouldn't allow that. It would be a messy affair, to say the least."

    The fallen Jedi's eyes glanced down to Alpha's weapon. "You held that lightsaber flawlessly. Your memories aren't completely lost... just hidden away. I'll show you." he said, placing a hand on Jonas' shoulder. As soon as he reached out with the Force, he felt powerful resistance. "Interesting." he said. "I can't show you..." The expression on Jeseth's face was a bitter one. "Someone's supressed your memories. I can't undo the damage." he said.

    "What will you do now?"

  13. #33
    "I guess..." Jonas says, thinking. "I guess, I'll have to find someone who can help me break those blocks...Or I guess I could try and find a trainer somewhere." He picks up the lightsabre, turning the handle around in his hands. He asks, in a quiet voice, almost impossible to hear, "Was this his?" Alpha wasn't sure if he was asking the universe in general, himself, or Jesseth, to be honest. This was all just happening incredibly fast.

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