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Thread: Lost Infamy (Sorsha)

  1. #21
    Darth Lucid
    Lucid released his hand around her neck and promptly slapped her hard across the face with that hand. He could kill but what would be the point, there was no real fight. There would be no gratification that he accomplished something if he just killed her.

    "I'm going to break you Sorsha. I'm going to make you better and whole again. Despite you being weak at the moment you will be strong again."

    Lucid Stared into her eye's as she still struggled being pinned to the wall. It was time for her to know exactly why he was here. He hadn't just come to torture a face of the past no, Lucid wasn't like that.

    "Quit your screaming and listen now. If you want to know who told me how to find you and how to destroy said person. I need you to do something for me. I bet you thought I was just here to kill you?"

  2. #22
    Sorsha Kasajian
    "No." she hissed. "Do whatever you wish, but don't bore me with talk."

  3. #23
    Darth Lucid
    Lucid's hand came on a back swing to backhand her across the face. If he could spite through the mask he would have added that to but he couldn't. He would get her to do what he asked.

    "Next time I will show you just how bad the force can hurt you. Now listen and listen well child. You will find a man for me his name is Vega Van-derveld."

    Lucid slapped her again for good measure before he continued to speak.

    "You will find him and in exchange I will give you the name of your traitor. I will give you one week to find him. I will then return and if you know where I can find him you will get your reward. If you don't I kill Miranda. If you tell Miranda about this meeting, she dies. If you tell anyone she dies, along with any of your close friends. So you better do as I ask or you will find out just what hell is like when you’re still living."

    He waited for her to answer. If it was more back talk she would be taught yet another lesson and another until she agreed to do what Lucid willed her to do.

  4. #24
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Sorsha remained defiant through the abuse, her hatred for the sith rising for a boil. She didn't answer, but it showed in her eyes. She wanted to kill him ::

  5. #25
    Darth Lucid
    Lucid reached up and pulled the knife from the wall he had imbedded there. He brought out in front of sorsha's face put the flat metal right next to her cheek. If she could only see that grin behind his mask she would have been fully aware of what was going to happen next.

    "How about a case of stigmata since you think you’re a martyr now."

    He stabbed the knife through here right hand with procession missing all the bones. Then he yanked it out and repeated the process on the left hand. With the exception that he left the knife in. As he did that he stepped back and let the force holding her up against the wall go.

  6. #26
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Sorsha screamed, the volume of which stung Lucid's ears in spite of his protective armor ::

  7. #27
    Darth Lucid
    Lucid watched her cry for an instant and then he moved forward. His movement was smooth and fluid as he came up with a nice sidekick. His aim was her rib cage. If she wanted to die it would come after allot of pain first.

  8. #28
    Rathe Maris
    Gerbo walked into the office just then. He had been missing for sometime and no one had known where he had been. He looked around the office it was oddly empty he thought to himself. Then he heard weeping from with in sorsha's office. He shrugged figuring sorsha had gotten angry at her secretary and was giving her a verbal lashing.

    So he went and sat down behind the secretary desk. He could wait for his turn to talk with the Crime Boss. However his business here would be short and sweet he hoped he wouldn't have to wait long.

  9. #29
    Sorsha Kasajian

    :: Sorsha lay on her back, in a pool of her own blood. Her body had been abused savagely by the Sith, and she was numb as she looked up at him with glassy eyes ::

  10. #30
    Darth Lucid
    Finally feed up a half an hour later he stepped over top of sorsha and looked down at into her glassed over eyes. Sad and pitiful he thought to himself as he looked at her. He would finish her off but something inside held him back. Then he spoke.

    "You have one week to find Vega, then I come back and do this again if you don't have what I want. Then another week after that I will return if you still don't have it, it will happen again. It will happen over and over again until I get board with it or you give me what I want."

    Lucid then stepped away from the bloody mess and walked off to the door. He walked out right past Gerbo with out even a word to the man. He didn't even seem to care that whelp had seen him.

  11. #31
    Rathe Maris
    Gerbo was startled awake as a man stormed out of sorsha's office. Well gerbo thought it was man, or maybe it was a cyborg. Sudden confusion hit his face as he got up and ran into the office. There he saw a sight Sorsha broken and beaten on the floor.


    Gerbo ran to her as fast as he could and he knelt down next to her checking her pulse on instinct. She was still alive but she wasn't in good shape. He picked her up just then and ran for his speeder. He laid her in the back seat of the speeder and jumped into the front. He flipped open his comm link and dialed the second number in the log as he speed off.

    "Tirsa get OW and meet me at the hospital, Its Sorsha."

  12. #32
    O.W. Outcast
    OW eye's shot wide in horror as he noticed his precious sandwich was in danger of being crushed. Sorsha's hand balled in a fist was coming down hard and fast. The shock and the horror on OW's face was unbelievable.


    Screaming it came out almost as if in slow motion. His hands shot forward as if a superhero had been sprung into action by his girlfriend being tortured. He grabbed the sandwich almost as he had super human speed and sorsha's hand slammed against the table. He quickly unwrapped his sandwich and proceeded to make sure it was all right.

    "Are you alright my lovely? Yes I know sorsha about ruined your goodness."

    He then took a bite of the sandwich and let out a blissful sign.

    "Now that's love."

    He then Elbowed Sorsha in the rib's to wake her up. There would be no more near sandwich deaths this day. Well not if OW could help it anyway.

    "Wake up you silly girl. You are flailing about and slamming your fist everywhere. Drooling too ewwwww."

  13. #33
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Sorsha blinked at the Duro, her face white as a ghost. Standing up shakily, she left the table in haste ::

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