"Do you think you're going to get away with this?" A male voice asked malevolantly. "You sold me out!"

"Well it's what you get for crossing my family." She retorted, aiming a blaster at the man's head. He was a tall Mandalorian with a full suit of armor and dark hair, also aiming a blaster pistol at her as well.

"I didn't have a choice. They were interfering with our affairs. What's done is done." He said, moving closer to her. "It wasn't my fault they didn't tell you about what they were doing, so don't take it out on me."

"'What they were doing?' You have no idea what they were doing. They were a normal family and you had them eliminated!" Shandra squeezed the trigger harder, but nothing happened. Her teeth were gritted and knuckles white with fury.

Anger was boiling in her veins, and then it happened. A flurry of items began falling down from the walls of the ringleader's office, one being a large light fixture that nearly landed on his head. As he looked up and saw it, he dodged out of the way, a barrage of blaster bolts flying around his head from Shandra's blaster. Jumping out of the way, the ringleader managed to duck behind a table as she shot at him a few more times, objects still mysteriously falling from the shelves and all around them.

Shandra saw her moment, and ran through the door, knocking down one of the guards on the way. Sprinting, she made it to her speeder and climbed in, taking off as soon as she got in the driver's seat.

"She's getting away!" The man cried as he stomped out the door, firing at her now. "After her!"

Several guards boarded speeder bikes and fled after her through the crowded streets of Corellia. Several pedestrians either jumped out of the way, or were knocked down by their vehicles. Shandra then took a very sharp turn and made her way down a pitch dark alley, then coming out on another street perpendicular to the one from she escaped. Breathing a sigh of relief, she found that she made her escape that she had planned, and ended up at the docking station.

It was time for a change, as she pondered. Her past wasn't exactly the cleanest in the galaxy, but she hoped that she could make up for it by helping others.

"Miss? Excuse me, miss?" Shandra felt a light nudge on her shoulder, startling her. A young man sat beside her, prompting her to move forward. "Pardon me, but we've arrived and we're departing now."

"Thank you," She said, and gathered her things. Once she made it outside, what she saw was far from the exciting type. But she did finally be at peace with herself.

"Now all I have to do is find this Jedi enclave they keep talking about." She mumbled to herself, and soon made her way down the steps toward the large building she saw before her.