This is - what - the ultimate test? How do you go about becoming a Jedi if you don't know where they are? How do I even hope to find them?

Maize Wayne licked his lips, thinking this through. Using the research library at the Corellian university of which he was an alum, he tried to gather information about the Jedi at least.

Knowledge is power. Maybe I can learn something, he'd thought.

It seemed, however, that the Jedi wished to remain hidden. All Maize could learn was where they'd been. And even that information was tenuous. Reports conflicted as to which worlds the Jedi had been located on, so it left him guessing about particular systems. But, no matter how long he stared at the notes he'd made on his datapad, Maize couldn't perceive a pattern to the data.

So where are they then? How do I find them?

He'd left the library hours earlier and had wandered his home city, Coronet City, on foot. Though he'd been raised in the countryside from adolescence to adulthood, it was the city that Maize considered home. That was where he'd lived with his parents, before their untimely demise. The would-be Jedi wandered into Treasure Ship Row, blinking against the glare of the glitz and color of the marketplace and cantinas. He didn't come down here often, though Maize had nothing against the garish lifestyle personally.

Vendors hawked their wares and souvenirs on either side of the tall, broad-shouldered man. Maize shrugged off the most aggressive salesmen, pausing in front of a quiet shop. He peeked his head into the tented entrance, guided by intuition... guided by the Force.

"Hello? Anyone here?" he called out in Basic.

"Back here!"

"Just looking around then!" Maize replied.

There were antiques, gadgets and miscellaneous clutter about. Maize poked his fingers through the various boxes and containers, picking up some items, bypassing others. His fingers wrapped around a circular, silvery disc; it was smaller than his palm and thin like an antique coin. It felt warm to the touch, which he found a little surprising.

"Like that, huh?"

Maize blinked, looking up at the Corellian he faced. "Yeah. It's... interesting."

"It's junk!" the vendor laughed. "And it'll cost you!"

He chuckled, fishing out the credits that the vendor demanded for the item. Out in the bright, flashing light of the Row once more, Maize took a closer look at his impulse item. His breath caught in his throat: it was the stuff of legend. Maize had just purchased a Jedi Credit, or JedCred for short. It was a tradition for some Corellian Jedi Masters to have such a coin fashioned and they were extremely rare, considering how Jedi tended not to advertise themselves.

Now, I just have to hope this is more than random chance... more than a fluke that I'd find it. Let this be an actual sign...