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Thread: NCAA tourney pics and discussion

  1. #121
    I'm at 46-14.

    Here we go.

    (1) Ohio State


  2. #122
    I am picking the same teams.
    I think Georgetown and UCLA are playing the best right now.

  3. #123
    Green played terrible which is why Georgetown lost, IMO. He only took like 6 shots. He is there best player he should have shot three times that many. He was way too passive when he had the ball.

  4. #124
    Decent, if unspectaucular semifinal game.

  5. #125
    Yeah the game could have been better. What is funny is other than the fouls on the two big men the refs hardly blew the whistle. Georgetown just didn't play their game for the whole 40 minutes. OSU wasn't dominant just did enough to win.

  6. #126
    Both Centers played great considering they were only in about half the game.

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by CMJ View Post
    Both Centers played great considering they were only in about half the game.
    Lol that is true.

  8. #128
    Afflalo only plays about 6 minutes...gets 3 fouls and no points, and yet UCLA is only down 6.

  9. #129
    And now Florida looks like they're gonna blow UCLA out.

  10. #130
    Florida wins by 10. They were the better team, though I wonder what would've happened if all those Bruins hadn't gotten in early foul trouble.

  11. #131
    Well it was a really boring day. Plus I dislike both teams so I have nobody to root for lol.

  12. #132
    I don't really care for either school either, but I'm sick of Florida.

  13. #133
    Well I hate Florida worse so I would probably go with OSU as well. The ironic thing that could happen is OSU was favored in football and lost to Florida and now the opposite could happen.

  14. #134
    That would be ironic. I don't really have a vested interest in the outcome, but I'll watch anyways, because college basketball is my favorite sport, and it's a loooong time till October practice.

  15. #135
    Going with Florida tonight...

  16. #136
    If you ain't a Gator, you're Gator bait.

  17. #137
    Well at least we know there won't be no three-peat. Florida will lose 6 players next season and maybe even Donvan. They will be in rebuild mode like Duke and Uconn were this year.

  18. #138
    If Oden and Conolley Jr come back I think tOsu is the favorite next year. I know the PG is expected to already, and he and Oden are very close. As unlikely as it may have seemed a few months ago Oden might play as a sophmore.

  19. #139
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    I might return to RPing if those scrumptious Gue twins would come back. Figrin Sandwich, am I right?
    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

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    Sep 2001
    If Donovan doesn't take the Kentucky job, he'd better make Florida pay a king's ransom to keep him. His stock is never going to be higher than it is right now, and should he turn down Kentucky, he's basically saying that he's staying at Florida until he retires... he won't get another opportunity to take over one of the legendary programs.

  20. #140
    I think he should stay at Florida, because at Florida he'll never be anything more than a great coach among a slew of great coaches. At Florida, he's creating his own Mount Rushmore...and he's the only face on it.

    But yeah, he definitely deserves a pay raise.

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