(Tristan Tahmores)

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Name: Inyos Aamoran
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Height: 5'8"
Age: 39

Though not of an intimidating stature by any means, Inyos is not lacking in presence. Though confident to the extreme, Inyos is not over-confident, and is in fact acutely aware of his own strengths, as well as his failings. He posesses an incredibly fast mind, but does not think quickly: instead, he chooses to analyse things in great depth. When an opinion is formed, it comes after a great deal of mental deliboration: Inyos is sure that it is as correct as it is possible to be, given the evidence, and will take a great deal of convincing to sway him from his view. Combined with his confidence in his own opinion, some view Inyos as arrogant, and he certainly believes that he is always right. Annoyingly, he often is.

A loyal citizen since birth, Inyos is the son of an Imperial Officer, and grew up surrounded by the mythos of the Empire. His father died when he was only three, killed in Imperial service, but he took it upon himself to learn everything he could about the Empire as a means of getting to know his father better. Along the way he became fully indoctrinated, and though his mother remarried, and his new step-father attempted to curb his enthusiasm towards the Imperial cause, his mind was made up. As soon as he was old enough, Inyos applied to the Academy and, upon graduating, made a career for himself in the Imperial fleet.

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*Who are you?
Inyos Aamoran

*Do you play any other characters on swfans.net who are affiliated with other groups? If so, please list them.
1) Tristan Tahmores - Rebel Alliance & Black Sun
2) M.J. Anders - X-Men

*Any special skills we should know about?
Though I have a keen tactical mind, I also have a flair for unconventional thinking while under pressure, and am able to find innovative ways out of situations that often provide a strategic advantage to myself, and those with me.

*Were your parents killed by rebels?
Sort of - my father served aboard a Star Destroyer that was destroyed by a rogue faction, although they were not part of the Rebel Alliance (to my knowledge). He died doing his duty: a noble death, to be sure.

*If so, do you seek to avenge their deaths?

*Do you possess good spelling and grammatical skills?

*There's a battle going on. Is your role in this battle
3) the guy on the bridge of a star destroyer giving orders

*Why do you want to be an Imperial?
Because the Empire has brought law and order to the galaxy after the devastating chaos of the Clone Wars. Because the Rebellion's actions are nothing short of terrorism, and should be opposed by any means. Because theirs is the nobler cause.

*Being an Imperial means that you may have to follow an order which could result in the deaths of millions. Do you have any objection to this?
I object to millions of lives being extinguished without reason. However, the Empire does not issue such orders without good reason. While I may not understand or agree with doing so, I am part of something grander and more vast than I can adiquately comprehend. I would do my duty, as I would expect any loyal citizen of the Empire to do.

*You observe a loved one doing something or planning to do something which could be construed as anti-Imperial. What do you do?
Report them to the proper authorities. As mentioned before, the Rebellion is a disease. Any sign of infection should be dealt with swiftly and decisively to prevent the spread of a pandemic. Those taken ill by the disease should be...quarantined and given the proper medical treatment to ensure that they are eventually cured.

*Do you swear allegiance to the Empire, and to abide by the guiding principles that the Emperor put down, and do you further swear to combat the rebellion and all other enemies of the empire?
I do.<!-- / message -->