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Thread: Never a dull moment (open)

  1. #1

    Never a dull moment (open)

    All was quiet in a small hotel on Corascant. Nathan Lin'an was in his hotel room, sleeping on is couch when he reinforced durasteel door was blown open. The force and noise of the explosion woke Nathan. He grabbed the blaster pistol that was laying on the low table infront of him and dove behind the couch.

    He peeked over the couch and saw a tall figure walking through the smoke and debree that was all that was left of his door. The person was big and tall. He was wearing a long black trench coat that covered his entire body except for his head, which look like a silver metal helmet "Mr. Lin'an" The thing said,in a dead monotone voice, when it saw him peaking over the couch. Nathan said nothing and loveled his pistol with the person's chest and fired.

    The crimson bolt of energy flew across the room and hit Ragnarok in the chest. Nathan saw that his shot had burned a hold through the coat to reveal a silver body beneath it "Oh, frell no" Nathan said "A bloody droid!" He turned to run but Ragnarok had pulled a blaster pistol from his coat and fired and hit Nathan in the back and burned a hole through his body.

    "Mission accomplished" He said before reaching into his pocket and pulling small coin out. it was a silver coin with a strange design on it. This was Ragnarok's signature and a wat of letting people know that he had been there or that he had killed a person in the room that it was left in.

    He walked over to the body and removed the silver necklace from Nathan's neck, it was a plain necklace with a tag on it a small insciption "Private Lin'an, Nathan" Rag did not know what group Nathan had served in but this was the proof he was requested to get in-order to get his pay for this assassination job.

    He turned and walked out of the room. If he was luckly he'd get out of here without having to fire another shot. He walked to the stairs and quickly stomped down them and into the lobby of the Hotel and out the front door and into the streets of Corascant.

    Rag pulled the hood of his jacket over his head to hide robotic head and headed down the street. After walking for fifteen minutes he walked into an alley and down it. It was a dead end with only a singe door. Rag walked up to the door ant silently knocked on it. A camera on the wall turned to focus on him "What do you want?' A a voice on the other side of the door "My blaster broke, can you fix it?" He said and the door opened.

    A short fat man poked his head out and looked up the alley behind Ragnarok, "Ok, come in" He opened the door more and let the seven foot tall droid enter "Why is the password so lame?" Rag asked as the man set down a blaster rifle against the wall "Because I made it up a long time ago and it'd be a pain 'n 'da buttocks 'ta change it" The man said as he relocked the door.

    The place Ragnarok had just entered was the "Bloody Baron" Tavern. A place where bounty hunters, mercs, and other such business men hang out or hide out in some cases. Anyone who had a bounty or a job to be done would come here to hire a man for their job, And this is where Rag to collect his pay for assassinating Mr. Lin'an. He looked around until he noticed a nervous looking man sitting alone at a table. He walked over to him and sat down.

    "Its about time you showed up" The man said angrily "I've been waiting here for who knows how long. Did you do your job?"

    "Yes. It is all taken care of."

    "Then where is the necklace?"

    Rag reached into his coat and layed the chain and tag on the table "Right here"

    The man picked up the chain and examined the tag "Very good. Here is your pay" He slid a cred chit across the table "five thousand credits as agreed" The man stood up and headed for the door while Rag examined the cred chit to make sure the right amount was on it, and it was.

    his attention was now drawn to the hole in his coat "I'll have to getS Scarlet to patch this up" He said before sitting back in his chair and looking around the room "Nothing but scoundrels as far as the eye can see."

  2. #2
    Guy Barak
    Normally he could sit, have a quiet drink, see if anything interesting was up, and enjoy himself, Normally. Tonight was different, it could be because he had been dropped by the 'lady' he had invited out, or it could be the large droid who had just entered after finsihing a job. Or it could be a combination of a lot of things, but he had to get rid of that feeling, and do it soon.

    He got up from his seat and moved towards Ragnarok, holding his half-empty bottle in one hand, and slamming the freen one on the table in front of the droid.

    "Having fun, 'roid?"

  3. #3
    Ragnarok looked up at the man that had just seated himself at his table "Fun is not something that goes along with my line of work. And besides, Droids arn't programed to have fun."


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