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Thread: Let It Ride II

  1. #21
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    Dalamar rolled and with a leap enforced jump landed on Je'gan. he bit into his neck savoring the hot blood. Je'gan struggled but the vampyre held him fast.

    He locked his arms and legs around him in a rock hard vice grip. Pinning Je'gan in his arms. There blood mixed from both there wounds but the vampyre began to suck him dry. The tendon on his leg snapped as the blood flooded down his throat.

    His leg better he threw Je'gan away from him like a rag doll. Swords again pulled he came. Je'gan had dared much but it was time for him to die. His blood was sprayed on the front of Dalamars armor. Je'gan looked like blood red pale death.

    His strength renewed from Je'gans blood his wounds where fading where as Je'gan was no doubt weakened from the massive loss of blood....

  2. #22
    Je'gan Olra'en
    Dalamar had made two mistakes.

    The first was that he was trying to suck the blood of someone who had been a subject of vampiric feeding before, and had not been anxious to repeat the experience. Underneath Je'gan's high collar was a band of Shadow, and beneath it a thin layer of plasteel. Between the two, Dalamar's fangs, powerful as they were, never touched skin.

    What he sucked in so enthusiastiaclly was in fact Shadow, which had healing properties only when it was made with positive emotion. This hadn't been. Smoke began to pour from Dalamar's mouth, nostrils and tear ducts as the Shadow began to burn him alive from the inside out.

    The second mistake had been to jump, bare-handed, at an armed Form Two Master. As Je'gan retracted the Shadowlightning, his blades had changed angle to point forward, punching through Dalamar's chest in mid-leap. Now, as Dalamar came again, those sky-blue blades were up and ready, flickering anxiously in tiny little circles. They wanted blood.

  3. #23
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    Dalamar coughed and gagged. The effects from the vial he had taken earlier was the cause of his renewed vigor not Je'gans blood. Steam rose out of his mouth as he ungourged the black filth...

    The purple hue of the force still surrounded him. He used it to lock himself in place. To cement him to the ground in a protective shield. He grabbed Je'gan around the throat in fierce power. His iron cable muscles dug into the thin layer of plasteel. His fingers making an impression he ripped it free from Je'gan. Then reapplying pressure and strength beyond Je'gans he choked him. His heartbeat sped up. Dalamar looked into the eyes of the man and spoke again.. "No illusion will trick me, no explosion will knock me back. Your black filth cannot penetrate my shield. So Je'gan as you push against my forcefield and see your life fade in my hands. Will you tell me what you have done with the Crimson Veil? Or shall I apply just a little more pressure and end all your concerns..?"

    Shall I take your life or hmmnnn? Maybe your hand would be good as a momento a reminder, not to take what is not yours...

    Dalamar saw the mans face turn red as the blood gathered there. Not an illusion but Je'gan. His heart beat like thunder under his Dark prescence... then slower... s l o w e r....

  4. #24
    Je'gan Olra'en
    For the first time, there was fear in Je'gan's eyes. His lightsabers, deactivated in his hands, had inflicted a new pair of gashes through the force field as Dalamar chose yet again to rush an armed Je'gan, but suddenly his hands seemed limp, inactive, hanging down by his sides as he appeared to give up. His mouth opened-

    Two things happened in an eyeblink. Je'gan's mind crashed against Dalamar's, slicing and stabbing and clawing away. Against anyone of lesser ability, it would have dominated. As it was, Dalamar's force field flickered, just for a moment.

    A moment in which the second thing happened. Je'gan's forearms, energized by a truly titanic amount of the Force, swept up in a pair of perfect, mirror-image inside-outside blocks. Dalamar was quick: the Sith Lord blocked one, taking the blow full-force and splintering the bones and cartilage of his hand. The other, however, hit Dalamar's outstretched forearm in the split second before the shield came back up. Dalamar's forearm stretched like taffy as the bones exploded in a two-inch spot. Ruptured flesh sprayed blood.

    The shield came back up. Je'gan was thrown backwards as his hands and arms were caught in the shield's matrix. What remained of Dalamar's grip broke, and Je'gan turned a full somersault in the air to land neatly on his feet. Burns covered his own forearms, and something around the cauterized stomach wounds had split to further stain the front of his tunic, but as he flicked both blue blades back online and assumed a new stance, there could be no doubt: he was still deadly.

  5. #25
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    Dalamars arm was hurt but he didn't care. He came at Je'gan swords slashing down then up...

    His blue blades sparked off his own... Sith lightning flew from the tip of his sword. Striking him in the chest. His shields still up he moved in to get the answers to the Crimson Veil... That precious fluid that he had worked so hard to come by.. Its worth incalculable..

    Je'gan blocked the lightning but the vampyre was relentless. He lunged and lunged Je'gan barely blocking every time...

    Dalamar brought the hard metal tip down hard into Je'gans boot. Pinning him to the floor. With his hand free he again grabbed his throat. His metal tipped black talon gloves drew blood instantly. His durasteel shield now so much crumpled metal on the floor behind them....

    Dalamar doubled the strength of his shield this time. Again he grounded himself.. Je'gan would be in his thrall and then the nothing would be hidden least of all the whereabouts of the Crimson Veil....

  6. #26
    Je'gan Olra'en
    There had been options - so many options - for dealing with the first choke hold. As Dalamar tried it again, Je'gan let a feral - if pained - grin seep over his features, replacing the vapid fear that he'd projected there.

    Dalamar had only one working hand, and thus the sword now pinning Je'gan's foot to the floor was untended. Both lightsabers still lit, he crossed them and brought them up point-blank, hitting the hilt of the katana at a perfect angle to send its blade scything up for the inside of Dalamar's leg. The lightsabers continued on, hitting Dalamar's extended arm at the elbow, and suddenly that shield was under severe stress. It could stop a lot, but it couldn't fully stop a lightsaber let alone two.

  7. #27
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    Je'gan underestimated Dalamar's power. His sword bounced off his leg. He then in his desperation tried to strike him with his lightsabres. The Vamprye modulated the strength of his personal field to the intended strike zone.

    Je'gans color was fading from his face as the blood was blocked by the crushing choke hold Dalamar held on him. A rasping wheezing sound was all he heard as Olra'en began to breathe his last.

    Slamming his boot down on the wounded foot he put Je'gan in a more painful position. He squeezed even harder as the mans eyes seemed to bulge in hazy death.

    "Where is the Crimson Veil? Speak or I will take your thieving hand and your life."

  8. #28
    Je'gan Olra'en
    Once again - almost surprising, really - Dalamar had screwed up.

    The vampyre's original shield hadn't been enough to stop a lightsaber's blade. Though this one had twice the power, there were two lightsabers, each cutting at the same place - the shield was taking twice the energy in a very localized area, and it failed. Je'gan's blades snick-ed neatly into Dalamar's elbow, removing much of the structure of the joint and leaving the vampyre's remaining forearm hanging by little more than a few tendons, some muscle, and some skin. The bone, for several inches both above and below where the joint had been, was gone.

    Je'gan fell back, smiling triumphantly as he jerked his foot out from under Dalamar's. His blades pointed forward once more as he stepped away, balance perfect.

    "You've messed up one too many times...and I've won. Accept that and I'll give you back half of your potion."

  9. #29
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    Dalamar was bleeding again. He flung his arm down locking the joint back in place. Grimace of pain covered him.

    "You've messed up one too many times...and I've won. Accept that and I'll give you back half of your potion."

    Dalamar laughed inwardly. This man did not know the meaning of a true fight. DeSang would never surrender never yield. He would come after Je'gan until he had what was his or he was dead. Him or Je'gan.

    As for making a mistake? Yeah he made a mistake he let this man get to close to his prize. That was the only mistake. The man though a formidable fighter was only human. He would tire, he would grow weary. Where as Dalamar was a Death Dealer. Powerful, unyielding. He would crush Je'gan against his Dragons heart.

    But time was running short and half of the potion was more than what he needed. He mulled over his options the time for the door to open was coming and if he didn't have the potion he would never find out about his past.

    So in a crushing blow to his pride. Dalamar who had never lost shamed himself. "I Yield." he said to Je'gan. His face twisted in pain again but none of it had to do with any wounds that he had received.

  10. #30
    Je'gan Olra'en
    The Sith Knight barked a laugh, but did not lower his guard. He could almost taste the truth in Dalamar's reluctant words; nevertheless, should Je'gan show himself anything less than totally prepared, he knew the situation could be reversed in an eyeblink.

    "Give me an address, then," he said. "To where do I send your half of the Veil?"

  11. #31
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    Dalamar sheathed his weapons and walked over to his. Gauntlet. It still mostly worked. Punching a few buttons a small disk slid out.

    He then handed it to Je'gan.

    Rapidly his strength was returning but still his arm and leg hurt. It would take a 3 or 4 days for the arm to be normal again. Maybe a 2 for the leg. He was wounded pretty bad. He had 6 days until the door opened. It would be cutting it close. But what was done was done. He took the vial out of his pocket and took another shot of fresh blood. It helped very little in such short supply but it still felt good on his dry throat.

    Dalamar had to trust that Je'gan had some honor. If he did not fulfill his part of the 'bargain'.

    'Well lets not go there until we had to'.... he thought
    He then left the bar with his bruised pride.

  12. #32
    Je'gan Olra'en
    To tell the truth, Je'gan had very little honour in combat. He would do whatever he deemed necessary. There was, however, no reason to be dishonourable in the other aspects of his life - or at least not right now. Half of the Veil would be sent to the address on the disk.

    He was cautious about accepting the disk, doing so by telekinesis only after he was sure that his danger-sense associated nothing with it. As Dalamar left, Je'gan flicked his right blade up in salute, then left in another direction entirely. He only slipped once on the blood.

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