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Thread: The Finding

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    Training Thread The Finding

    "So this place," she had started haltingly, "... this place is where Dama sometimes comes?"

    The view from the port window that they shared was concerning, in her opinion. It was an impressive space station for sure, but at the same time it just looked... plain. Zem had said that it was once an Imperial station, but beyond that there wasn't much he could tell her. And she had had a LOT of question. Each one had been answered with an 'I'm not sure' or a 'you should ask your mother when you see her next'. At least, that had been her interpretation. But now that they were out of hyperspace and drawing close to the station itself, things that had seemed so hand-wavy were now real and she could set her own eyes to them.

    As their liner made the approach, the young Lupine turned once more to her traveling companion.

    "Ok so," she started with a healthy amount of reserve, "this place. It used to be Imperial. And it didn't used to be here."

    Zem's eyes looked down at her, and she could see that he wasn't sure about the final endgame of her line of thinking. All the more better for her. At least for now, she would start with the easy questions.

    "How did they move it?"

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Master Vymes looked at his charge with a raised eyebrow.

    "Well, there was a large fleet sent to retrieve it from where the Empire had once placed the station. Alliance ships, mostly Cizeri if I recall."

    Questions like this rarely existed in a vacuum for young minds, so Zem pressed.

    "Why do you ask?"

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    She sighed, in the way that most young ones do. Except, she wasn't really a youngling anymore, was she? She wasn't an adult, but she wasn't a youngling; she was stuck between the two.

    "I was just curious."

    Another look out the port window, and she made a face.

    "Dama never told me about this place. She never really tells me about a lot of the stuff she does for the Alliance, so I just... I just don't know."

    Another inhale, and she let the exhaling breath out with a long, drawn out sound.

    Finally, she turned her attentions fully to the man who now was her father.

    "Have you ever been here?"

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "Once or twice." Zem responded with a nod, watching the station grow ever-larger in the viewport. The inertia shifted suddenly as the pilot took his assignment from the port master, and changed course to approach the nearest spire.

    "It sits at an important crossroads, in a galactic sense. There are a lot of starships that pass through the Hydian Way, and that sits between the Alliance and the Empire. Combine that with the Cizeri, you are certain to find interesting and unexpected things here."

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    His explanation was enough to send her back in time, to when her mother would take her to the Joffa Market on Cather. It painted a rather bright picture in her mind's eye, yet the station - from the outside - gave off no such airs. It just seemed like some dead creature floating in space.

    "So it's here because of trading between the different governments," she finally ventured after a few moments of silence.

    She had paid enough attention during her economics classes to get a general feel for how things mostly worked in the galaxy. Of course, it was still a bare-minimum.

    Unconsciously, her hand slid to the side so that she could grab a hold of his own, holding tight as the liner began docking procedures.

    "Do you think they have good food here?"

    It was a serious question for her, as the young Lupine had begun to develop a healthy obsession with well-prepared meals. Maybe it was the biggest thing that set her apart from her mother? The elder s'Ilancy was perfectly happy with potted nerf meat heated over engine cowlings. The younger however, had begun to be much more discerning of the sort of meals she ate.

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "That's right." He nodded to her question about trade routes. "But even without the border, the Hydian Way is a corridor of stable space that is relied on by trillions to easily move from place to place through hyperspace."

    Maybe a discussion on stellar cartography wasn't as good a way to pass the time, and Zem grinned in a wordless apology. Undaunted, Teagan asked about more basic concerns, like food.

    "I have no idea. I imagine with so many different people coming together, you're bound to find something good somewhere. The concourse is full of interesting vendor kiosks from what I can recall."

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    There was a slight rocking, followed by a jostling that signaled the liner's successful connection with the docking spire, and Teagan blinked owlishly as she stared through the viewing window that she sat beside. There was a flurry of automated activity as maintenance droids of all sizes swarmed about, making sure that all safety protocols were in place before giving the crew the all-clear to begin offloading passengers.

    It wouldn't be long now, and she'd be able to explore somewhere new. She'd be able to see a few friends as well; Uncle Kes, and even the Major. Oh, she'd known that her Cizerack friend had been stationed here, on Jovan. It was that knowledge that largely fueled her desires to see the station.

    Her eyes shifted back to Zem then, and she gave him a thoughtful look.

    "How long can we stay?"

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    "We have two days. I have to attend to a few Jedi matters while I'm here, but we should have enough time to spend on the concourse if you'd like. I've already been assured by K'ohta'rrou Meorrrei that our quarters have already been pre-arranged, and she has a porter assigned to take our luggage there directly."

    The Jedi paused, a bit of a smile on his features.

    "I'm curious, Teagan. You've been spending all this time arranging for this trip. Why Jovan?"

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    "I've never been here before, and I remember that the last time she visited, Dama said that there was a lot going on at Jovan."

    Making a face, the girl felt another small jolt of movement from the liner as it settled fully, and the sound of one of the attendants could be heard over the normal din of other conversations.

    "Assaga Hyperliners would like to thank you all for traveling with us today. In just a few minutes we'll be getting ready to clear the shuttle, so please make sure that your carry luggage is with you and we hope that your stay on Jovan Station is a lovely one."

    One last shrug, and she reached down to pull her small carry-pack out from under her seat.

    "Besides, it's a nice break from Ossus."

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    "It's not a bad place to start." He agreed, tending to his meager luggage.

    The pair took a moment as the passengers ahead debarked, and stared out the viewport adjacent to their seats.

    "When I was your age, I'd traveled to at least two hundred systems. It was a different time, sure, and it's not like anyone will get to see them all, but seeing new places and meeting new people is one of the best ways to grow as a person. So let's make up for lost time."

    The line thinned away ahead of them, allowing an opening to leave the ship. The conveyor corridor of the spireway gave each the surreal feeling of traveling faster than they walked, until they were at last met at the end by a crisply-uniformed Cizeri junior enlistedwoman.

    "Ja irra korra'nai, Massterr Jedji Vjymess and Rrou'eita s'Ilancy. jI am Suun'da'rrou Inrraiye Ayurrdaala. On behalf of Commanderr Akjiena, welcome to Jovan Sstatjion. jI've been assjigned to be jyourr porrterr, gujide, and perrssonal attache forr jyourr tjime herre."

    That part at least hadn't changed. Cizeri officers presented themselves so crisply and smartly as to make the finest pomp of the Empire seem shabby. Ayurrdaala's coal-dark hair was a wavy bob that bloomed out just below the rim of her cap. The deep dark tones of her skin contrasted with cerulean blue eyes, one of which was covered by a translucent pane of material connected to an ocular interface that clamped over one ear.

    She politely extended a hand.

    "jIf jyou don't mjind, jI'll brrjing jyourr luggage to jyourr quarrterrss."

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    Teagan looked wide-eyed at Suun'da'rrou Ayurrdaala, not exactly prepared for the crisp words and exceptionally sharp uniform. It was such a far cry from how the Marines on Ossus had dressed when they were stationed there. Of course, perhaps it was because they were there in a working capacity, and didn't need to wear fancy dress uniforms? As if in a trance, the girl handed over her carry-pack, and eventually blinked, giving a nod and a smile.

    "Thank you," she managed.

    It was so different here already! Different from Cather, different from Ossus, and different from all the myriad of other places that she'd been while traveling with Sanis, Feathers, and even her father.

    Of course, the fact that she'd not eaten since leaving Ossus earlier in the morning guided her next words.

    "Are there any good restaurants here?"

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    Suun'da'rrou Ayurrdaala didn't skip a beat, taking each of her guests suitcases while navigating foot traffic and answering questions.

    "Therre arre overr thrree hundrred rregjissterred rresstaurrantss on the sstatjion concourrsse, caterrjing to mosst djietarrjy rresstrrjictjionss. Djid jyou have ssomethjing jin mjind?"

    Zem, for his part, was content to keep quiet as he followed along. His attention stayed on Teagan, albeit passively. No teenager wanted to be seen with a guardian figure looming over them.

  13. #13
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    Over three hundred?!

    The sheer number was enough to strike her momentarily silent, as her thoughts raced to think of what she might be interested in. Using the time spent getting into the lift, Teagan bit her bottom lip as she considered her apparent options.

    "Well," her eyes went to their guide, and she let out a long breath.

    "... I think we'd like something... easy? Definitely nothing fancy, but fresh for sure. Is there a Twi-Lek place here? They usually have really good food with lots of meats and vegetables."

    In truth, she'd never even had Twi-Lek cuisine, but a few of the Padawans back on Ossus that had, spoke very highly of it.

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    The Suun'da'rrou's gait slowed ever-so slightly as she settled on an answer."

    "Therre's Tondeela'ss jin ssectjion G, level fourr."

    As Teagan watched, she began to figure out what was happening, as Irraiye's blue eyes juddered slightly back and forth, while the transparent eyepiece on her ocular shifted a phantom image as a personal assistant heads-up display.

    Caught in the act, the guide's ears bobbed in what appeared to be a shrug, and a rare show of humility for a woman in crimson and gold.

    "Perrssonalljy, jI haven't been, but jI know otherrss who have ljiked jit. Honesstljy, thjiss jiss mjy fjirrsst posstjing and mjy fjirrsst tjime outssjide of home clussterr, sso jI'm jusst sstarrtjing to trrjy ssome of thesse new thjingss.

    How about Chandrrjilan. Do jyou ljike Chandrjilan food? Therre'ss a place...hang jit. Dez Cannece. Ssectjion B, level one. jI went therre mjy ssecond week herre esscorrtjing the Chandrrjilan Conssularr Corrpss. jI have no jidea half of what jI had, but jI do rrememberr that everrjythjing came wjith thjiss thjing called bread."

    There was a sincerity in her voice, and she even lowered her tone as if she was trading insider information with her guest.

    "jI love brread."

  15. #15
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    The hushed tone, as if imparting insider knowledge, was enough to fire up her curiosity, and Teagan smiled wide at that thought. Suun'da'rrou Ayurrdaala seemed completely truthful, and it was enough to steer the young Lupine away from her original intentions. After all, she'd not heard of any of her friends having Chandrilan food before!

    "Chandrilan sound amazing," she got out, reaching up to scratch at an errant itch on her earlobe.

    "I've never had it before, so that sounds great."

    Of course, she wasn't completely unknowing of the tone of their guides last words, and Teagan couldn't help but lean in closer, her voice dropping to a close whisper.

    "Bread is amazing."

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    Her grinned broadened in the secret knowledge they both possessed.

    "Well, jI guesss jyou have jyourr ansswerr then!" she pepped, resuming her leisurely-brisk pace that she used to get guests to their meeting places on time without giving the impression they were rushing.

    "Sso, whjich one of thesse hundrredss of bjillionss of sstarr ssjysstemss arre jyou frrom?"

    For Zem's part, keeping quiet and in the back was working so far. Already making friends.

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    For the moment, Teagan was absolutely taken with the Suun'da'rrou.

    She matched the pace of their guide, her eyes going to either side before once more settling on Ayurrdaara.

    "Oh, well, we come from Ossus," a fleeting look to Zem, and she returned her attentions to the Cizerack, "... but I was actually born on Cathar. It was fun there, with a lot of places to see in the markets."

    For a moment she paused, but soon enough pushed onward.

    "What about you? Which planet in the Cluster are you from?"

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    "Cana'daari ssjince jI wass verrjy jyoung, and Fey'dann beforre that. Mjy motherr wass a shjipbrreakerr forr the Rrojyal Sshjipwrrjightss, and jI enljissted jin the Navjy becausse we werre arround sshjipss all the tjime, sso jit'ss all jI've everr known.

    Catharr huh? jI've rread about that planet. Wassn't therre an ancjient cjivjiljizatjion therre?"

    To her credit, Irraiye could gab and move at the same time, and they quickly reached a stopping point at the consular residential block.

    "Okajy, herre jyou arre." She briskly unlocked the door with a code cylinder, recovered the luggage, and entered to show the amenities and to place their bags in the closet alcove. "Djid jyou want me to sset a rresservatjion at Dez Cannece forr jyou?"

  19. #19
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    Momentarily distracted from looking about at their temporary lodgings for the next few days, Teagan turned a bright smile to their guide.

    "Yes please!"

    Her gaze went back to the small rooms. There was a living area with a sofa, comm screen, and a few chairs, and further back a compact kitchenette that looked like nothing but an afterthought, as if someone hastily made a small section of counter to accommodate a sink with a reheater on one side, and a mini cooler unit on the other.

    To the side, down a short hall, were three doors. One led to a fresher, and the other two led to small bedrooms. Teagan inspected both, but only from the doorways. They looked normal enough, with a bed, nightstand, and small dresser in each. They reminded her of the rooms in the Padawan dormitories, if she was honest.

    Turning to Suun'da'rrou Ayurrdaala, she smiled.

    "Thank you so much, Suun'da'rrou."

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    Eyes still moving in small motions corresponding with the image in miniature in her ocular, Irraiye didn't get distracted in technology for too long.

    "Done. jYou have a rresserrvatjion forr two jin one hourr, fjifteen mjinutess. jI've ssent confjirrmatjion to each of jyourr comm frrequencjiess."

    At Teagan's thank you, the Suun'da'rrou's ears buoyed noticeably.

    "Of courrsse. jIt'ss mjy pleassurre, Rrou'eita. jI'll ssend jyou mjy comm asss well, jin casse jyou need anjythjing elsse. jI'll leave jyou to get accomodated now. Ja'i ha'laauna."

    And as expertly as she guided them, Irraiye disengaged, and made her exit, leaving Zem and Teagan alone.

    "Well," Zem was already unpacking his modest belongings, "I'm going to meet with Commander Akiena and go over a few things before we eat. Until then, you can go walk around the concourse if you'd like. Here."

    Zem glided from the closet alcove to the living commons, his long Jedi robes obfuscating the movement of his feet. He placed a bundle of credits in Teagan's hand.

    "That's 50 credits. Don't feel like you have to use it all, but you're here to experience life, so get busy doing it. You've got my comm. Ping three times if you're in trouble, but by then I'll probably know."

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