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Thread: Inauguration

  1. #21
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Call me... Sassypants.

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    Grace Van-Derveld's Avatar
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    May 2003
    Of course it wasn't realistic and Grace wasn't asking for complete control. She didn't want absolute power like her brother. It was why she worked so hard to do what she felt was right in her heart to complete the mission, save lives and make the tough decisions with a clear conscious. No, it wasn't easy deciding who lived and who died but in the end, the greater good of the Alliance's purpose continued. Those sacrifices were not in vain but allowed the celebration of freedoms throughout dozens upon dozens of systems.

    She didn't need the Force. She didn't need to accept her lupine heritage. Her brother Vega's and Captain s'Ilancy's corruption was proof enough the dual power within her held too much temptation to stray from the mission. Her purpose was to serve and protect the systems of the Alliance without having every single move approved by a fucking committee.

    The minister was offering her that opportunity again.

    "It's not really my forte but I suppose I can fluff up the news when needed, Minister."

    Though Meorrrei was smart enough to know that if the news was shit, no amount of polished and posh words would make it shine.

    She locked eyes with Meorrrei and inclined her head out of respect. "I accept your terms and take the du’arri, Minister Meorrrei."

    Her accent was as perfect as a human could achieve with Cizerack, wanting to display how serious she was in continuing the work of Alliance Intelligence under new leadership.

  2. #22
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    A larrrge penjisss jisss alwajysss welcome!

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Taataani Meorrrei's Avatar
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    Mar 2002
    Bothawui, or one of her many villas in the Carshoulis Cluster
    If Taataani knew Grace better, she'd have replied with a teasing nobody likes a kiss-ass riposte, no matter how appreciated the touch might have been. Since she was still at the periphery, the First Minister merely smiled, though the expression certainly met her eyes. By now she was moving down the priority of jewelry, and she draped a necklace over her collarbone, working the hasp at the nape of her neck.

    "Good. jI'd love to fête jyou forr jyourr acceptance tonjight, but jI have a ssusspjicjion that jyou don't apprrecjiate that ssorrt of attentjion."

    As if to point out the obvious, Taataani gestured to the action-ready state of Grace's attire.

    "Sso the next besst thjing jI can offerr jiss the opporrtunjitjy to get to worrk."

    Bangles came next, and Taataani carefully selected a half dozen, sliding each in sequence over her hands and down her arms.

    "jI want jyou to take the temperraturre of mjy counterrparrt, howeverr djirrect orr jindjirrect jyou can. jI need to know what sshe jiss thjinkjing about thjiss, and what sshe expectss and antjicjipatess."

    It was a simple request, but at the same time one that was large and fraught.

    "Doess sshe feel thrreatened, orr doess sshe perrcejive weaknesss, orr ssome degrree jin between."

    No need to waste time over the how's and the why's. Taataani just needed to know that Grace could do it.

  3. #23
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Call me... Sassypants.

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Grace Van-Derveld's Avatar
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    May 2003
    Grace's lips quickly flexed upward in a smirk before confirming, pocketed hands reaching outwards as she shrugged. "Always have work to do and this invitation was last minute, Minister."

    Meorrrei would eventually learn, if not already, that the director did everything in her power to avoid formal functions. There were times her presence was mandated by Alliance Command or the previous Minister, but she was dressed to blend in, not stand out, and chatted on the peripherals of the function. Grace always found a loophole to complete her obligations without being the center of attention.

    The first order by the Minister was easy enough and she nodded, easing up her stance. Her mind was already going through a list of assets in the area and ones planetside that could start data mining. "Give me 48 standard hours and consider it done."

  4. #24
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    A larrrge penjisss jisss alwajysss welcome!

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Taataani Meorrrei's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Bothawui, or one of her many villas in the Carshoulis Cluster
    Taataani's expression turned steely. "Fourrtjy-ejight hourrss. jI'll hold jyou to that. jI don't have the luxurrjy of bejing able to wajit to fjind out. jI expect that jI and Mjirranda Tarrkjin wjill be takjing each otherr'ss meassurre wjithjin the dajy orr two forr cerrtajin. jI want to have herr at a djissadvantage."

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