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Thread: Self Medication / Self Destruction

  1. #21
    With the aid of inebriation, Untaaura allowed her thinking to slacken, and to imagine what a theater act of one would be like, starring this character she didn't yet know.

    "Who carress what people want to ssee. If the sstorrjy'ss good, jit'ss good on jitss own merrjitss."

    She pivoted, leaning back slightly on her seat as she tilted her glass slightly on edge.

    "Well?" Untaaura asked a bit pointedly, finishing her drink and letting her glass plonk down. "How'ss jit sstarrt?"

  2. #22
    TheHolo.Net Poster
    Has been a member for 5 years or longer Zwane Nkosi's Avatar
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    Jovan Station
    It really did not feel great to be put on the spot like this. Not only had he not thought about his one man show in years, but the actual show had been a complete failure. He still had dreams about watching every single member of the audience get up and walk out. No boos, no jeers. Nothing thrown. Just disapproving faces disappearing one by one. Zane had worse experiences trying to cut a place in the greater galaxy, but somehow they never stung as much as failure did back home.

    "It begins with a narrated intro sort of thing. 'The Igwe Clan gathers after the funeral of the family patron for a reading of the will'."

    He did his best to pull the proper narrator affect out from memory, which did not quite hit the deadpan, monotone that was tradition in the Thakwaashi theater to make it easier to tell the narrator from the rest of the characters. A drag from his cigarette was necessary to wash the taint of such a bad delivery from his mouth.

    "From there it becomes a murder mystery as one by one the members of the clan die and they all blame each other up until the very end."

  3. #23
    There was a bit of a spark in Untaaura's blue eyes, undaunted by the late hour and the alcohol. He had her.

    "Well," she breathed out a wreath of purple smoke, "how doess jit end? Unlesss jyou need to hold that closse to jyourr chesst to deljiverr the full effect. Therre'ss alwajyss motjivatjionss and grrjievancess, and those arre alwajyss morre jimporrtant than how the deed jiss done."

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