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Thread: Calamity Jesse & Wild Ben Merasska Presents: A Wild Night On Canto Bight

  1. #41
    "Merasska!" She hollered out her throat vibrating with the intense anger that was flooding her system and turning her vision red. "You get back up here right now, you hear! I was so close!"

    Sitting up she looked down at the fallen ginger and then up at the viewport. It explained the situation, but did not excuse it for one moment. Setting her feet back down on the floor she stood up, shakily at first, from the pilots seat and stood over the fallen pilot; a scowl of disappointment on her face.

    "Looks like you get out of it this time..." Turning and kneeling down she positioned herself directly above his face as she reached down and grabbed him by his already softening manhood and squeezed it, her own thigh threatening to crush his face between them. "...but you still owe me a few more. Bring us into port. I'm going to go freshen up. I reckon you might want to put down a towel."

    Releasing him she headed out of the cockpit, grabbing her tossed clothing as she went on her way to the cramped refresher at the back of the starship.

    If that boy thought she had been rough before, he was in for a whole new galaxy of hurt when she got his hand son him next. His quota just doubled, and there was no way in blazes she was going to let him balk on his debts.

  2. #42
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    flying a starship is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put smashball cards in the spokes!

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Ben Merasska's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Take me out to the black, Tell them I ain't comin' back, You can't take the sky from me.
    Ben remained silent during Jesse's tirade, and watched her walk away.

    "Murha," he gasped, the sound a mix of a sob, a sigh relief, and a groan of frustration.


    It didn't take long to land, though it was definitely strange landing the ship mostly naked and standing up. What ended up taking a while was cleaning up after landing, as he managed to skillfully avoid the white-haired woman of terror and sex while getting himself cleaned and changed and preparing himself for the undoubtedly massive hangover he'd have in the morning.

    If he survived the night, that is.

  3. #43
    "Hurry up and get dressed!" She called up from the back of the ship when she was finally satisfied that she'd watched him pilot the ship naked for long enough. There was something mesmerizing about the ass on that man. However, there was still business for them to get to. Her employer was not the sort that liked to be kept waiting, and had the kind of resources and power available to him to effectively get them blacklisted in the entire civilized galaxy. That ain't much a threat, considering she rarely came to these sorts of places but it would be one less crosshair on her back. She had plenty of them already. Still, five more seconds of looking wouldn't hurt.

    Once every vestment was back in place she grabbed her blaster and slotted it into her hip holster. Canto Bight wasn't the kind of place that liked people to be armed walking around, but she wasn't going to set foot outside of the Bette without one, not with the Heart of Hapes in tow. Speaking of which, the hefty, multi-faceted gem was taken and loaded carefully into a bag. If it weren't for the big payout and potential enemy for life, she would have loved nothing more than to keep the massive diamond for herself. The way it twinkled and glowed from within. It was an impractical desire. What would she do with such a large gem? It wasn't going to fit on a ring, after all. It'd just be in a vault sitting on a pillow. Still, it'd be nice to look at. They also had all the other gems and diamonds that they got in the haul. A lot less than they could have had if they'd gotten away clean, but still a couple thousand credits worth at least.

    They'd have to find a jeweler for these. For now, just the Heart.

    "Here." She said, holding out the bag. "You carry the heart, and I'll watch your back."

  4. #44
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    flying a starship is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put smashball cards in the spokes!

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Ben Merasska's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Take me out to the black, Tell them I ain't comin' back, You can't take the sky from me.
    Ben nodded sagaciously.

    "Right. You do know that if something happens I'm using this as a weapon?" He tested the heft on the gem within the bag. One thing they didn't tell you about stealing jewelry; while the stuff wasn't heavy by itself, the weight seemed to grow exponentially with each centimeter of growth or each piece of jewelry taken. "One hit from this, and I..."

    He trailed off at the look on Jesse's face.

    "...I will hold it close and tender and do my utmost to see that no harm comes to it before we get the credits from Torgenstern."

    He took a further precaution of stuffing the bag holding the heart into another bag, this one slung over his shoulder and half open. Inside was an RK-3 blaster pistol and a spare power pack and a few false documents, just in case.

    They tromped down the ramp to the ground and he looked around; everything was quiet and nothing seemed to be that high end, least around these parts. In the distance a glow seemed to emanate into the darkening sky.

    "So, which way are we going?"

  5. #45

    She correctly sharply, cutting him off before he could dig himself further into a hole. Jesse was already feeling incredibly jilted and did not need his wiseass comments on top of that. She needed him to survive for at least a few more hours until she could finish what they started, and then his fate would be in the hands of whichever Gods he believed in, and no doubt had already tricked and stolen from. His odds of getting off Canto Bight were getting smaller and smaller by the minute. It was almost sad to see he had no idea. Just too damn busy coming up with his goddamn one liners and picking apart every damn thing she said!

    Stomping angrily down the ramp she left Ben to follow after her, from a safe distance by the sound of his footsteps. No sooner had they stepped down the ramp then they could immediately see the walls of the docking bay and above it the lights of the city illuminating the dark sky. Now she was kicking herself for being in the refresher instead of seeing the view on the way in. It must have been magical from the air!

    "We're meeting Torgenstein at his casino; the Stargazer. Real ritzy place, I hear. Look, Ben. I'm gonna need you to watch that lip of yours. Torgenstein is a flat out, good for nothin', measely excuse of a man; but that man gots his pride, and he gots a lot of power and credits. You best watch how you waggle them gums or your bound to get us killed, ya hear?"

  6. #46
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    flying a starship is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put smashball cards in the spokes!

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Ben Merasska's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Take me out to the black, Tell them I ain't comin' back, You can't take the sky from me.
    "I'm bound to get us killed?" Ben muttered quietly to himself in incredulity. "I am?"

    He didn't push his luck any further though.

    "Gotcha, don't make Torgersten mad. Got it," he said loudly. "In fact, I'll keep my mouth shut and let you do the talkin'."

    Cantonica, and by extension Canto Bight, was nothing like he'd expected. The streets and byways weren't shiny and wide, and the only glitzy and bright places were the huge casinos and hotels that dominated the landscape, though the closer they got to the casinos the better the buildings looked. There weren't really 'entrances' from the ground levels; not for people who wanted to go in and gamble anyway. The regular folks seemed to make due with small little gambling parlors ensconced in small alleys with brightly lit if tiny doorways. The entrances were for employees, who had to go through guard stations and present their credentials.

    The closer to the center of it all they got, the nicer everything looked and the heavier air traffic became. Ships arrived and landed on an almost constant basis, and air cars buzzed by above them, some more like yachts than speeders, the sounds of music and revelry echoing from above and falling down on the heads of the poor saps down on the ground like a gaudy rain.

    "Easy to get lost in a place like this," he commented, the bag slung over his shoulder long since secured and held close. "This guy couldn't get us a landing spot closer? Doesn't seem right to me."

  7. #47
    Jesse barely heard him, her attention was so enraptured by the sounds and lights coming from the city center. Each block brought them closer, and as they neared everything scaled with them. Buildings became grander, bigger, gaudier. Then everything was the color of marble. Gold filigree everywhere. The crowds grew in size, and so did their status. Casino hoppers out on a binge were slowly replaced with rich socialites spending daddy's credits in an unappreciative way that both disgusted and enthralled her. She wanted so badly to achieve that, to be so wealthy you could go spend your free time in a casino city just throwing it away. That was living.

    "He offered." She said at last, never taking her eyes off the glitz and glamor for a second. "I turned it down. I ain't parking my ship on some gilded rooftop if shit goes sideways. I'd sooner die than lose the Bette."

    The people they passed either never noticed them or looked upon them with curious disgust and a chuckle. Like they had stumbled upon some quant oddity. Jesse ignored them. For all their wealth and decadence, they would never know just how soft they were. They lacked grit. They thought their credits protected them, but she could gun them all down in the street right now and there wasn't a damn thing their credits would be able to do for them. They had no idea how close to death they are. That little secret gave her all the power she would ever need, and when she someday stole all their wealth from them she would have credits AND power. Without power, credits would be meaningless.

    "There it is. The Stargazer."

    The casino was designed to look very much like a space station had been grounded. Circular body and spires, with a large pinnacle in the center. It had enough lights to illuminate the Core and enough windows that you could easily see the masses of people moving around inside the body of the station, and all the way up the spire.

    "That's where we're headed. Straight to the top. Let me do the talkin', hun. If we're lucky, we'll live long enough to see the ocean tonight."

  8. #48
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    flying a starship is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put smashball cards in the spokes!

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Ben Merasska's Avatar
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    Take me out to the black, Tell them I ain't comin' back, You can't take the sky from me.
    "You're the boss, Jesse," he said, surprisingly without an ounce of wry sarcasm or double meaning. He was too busy looking at the casino with wide eyes, taking in the sight. For all the places he'd ever been in the galaxy, he'd never seen a place like this.

    They marched the last bit of distance to the Stargazer, and were stopped by a droid that looked suspiciously like an IG unit, and two guards.

    "You must submit to a search and questioning before entering the premises," one said.

    Friendly sorts, he thought to himself. He stayed quiet, however, as Jesse had told him.

  9. #49
    "Hey there, Sugar. Mister Torgenstein is expecting us, and you know he ain't the type that wants to be kept waiting."

    There was an urge to violence that was always just simmering underneath the surface, but something about this place, the lights and the people, she just couldn't bring herself to lob her usual threats of bodily harm at the guards that were wasting her time. She knew that she had a straight line to the client. These guards just didn't know that yet. However, violence was unlikely to get them what they wanted and might even turn Torgenstein against them. It hurt to repress it, but she always had a flare for the dramatic when she needed it.

    "I'm not going to cause any trouble, I promise. It's just little me and my butler."

    There was a fluttering of eyelashes and a thrusting out of chest that the guards certainly took notice of but were ultimately unphased by. Violence it will be then.

    "You call up and let Taphran know that Jesse Buchanan is here to see him, and I ain't in no mood to be kept waiting, and I would reckon neither is he. Make. The. Call."

    One of the guards backed away while touching his finger to his ear while the other guard and his droid kept a close eye on them, with their hands very close to weapons. Jesse was ready. Her boots dug into the ground and her shoulders haunched ever so slightly as her fingers twiddled restlessly; ready for the first move, ready to draw and fire. That moment never came, as the guard came back and ushered them toward the door with an apology and directions to the turbolift. Jesse didn't dawdle as she walked past them and through the doors.

    If the city was a shining star then the inside of the Stargazer was a galaxy of lights and sounds all concentrated into the space inside. Every where she looked was lavish rugs, antique artwork, exquisite wooden furniture, and rows upon rows of gambling machines creating every pleasant brain activating sound imaginable. It was not the shiny, cutting edge fancy out in the rest of the city, but a kind of smoky, elegant fancy from an older age. She could not help but spin in place a few times as she took in the whole floor. It was amazing! The trip to the turbolift took much longer than it needed to, as she kept stopping to look at various decor, machines, and people as they passed. The smile never left her face for a second, not even as Ben herded her along.

    The elevator was half full when they got on, but by the time they were halfway up to the top the other passengers had been let out on lower floors, leaving the two of them alone as the turbolift flung them skyward.

    "This place is amazing, Ben." Even the inside of the turbolift was gilt and magificient. She reached over and grabbed her companion roughly by the back of his pants, digging her fingers in deep and pulling the redhead closer to her. "Once we're done with this you better believe you'll finishing what we started in the ship."

  10. #50
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    flying a starship is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put smashball cards in the spokes!

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Ben Merasska's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Take me out to the black, Tell them I ain't comin' back, You can't take the sky from me.
    "This place is amazing, Ben,"Jesse breathed, her eyes wide and glinting with the reflected light of the holograms and flashing signs and the dazzling bursts from the machines as poor saps bought into the fantasy of making it big with one good push of a button.

    Ben, for his part, saw the dark alleys and stone streets in the flash and glare as his eyes adjusted to the massive difference between the outside and the inside of the casino.

    "It's somethin' all right," he answered.

    "Cooman playa!" One of the machines activated right next to him, a stylized and sultry Twi'lek looking at him with a heart pounding smile and hooded eyes.

    He yelped and jumped away. Jesse's voice rang out again, but the words didn't pierce the drone of his fear. She turned and continued on, and he followed, the bright shining lights and crowds of people sending shivers down his spine and a cold sweat drip down the back of his neck. Jesse, for her part, seemed to drink it all in and become more energized, seeing success and wealth in the tiling 'neath their feet. He didn't begrudge her for that at all; it was the way she was, and that was all there was to it at the end of the day. What gave her comfort and joy weren't what did for him, and if it were otherwise...

    Well, he'd certainly prefer that, but then chances were that he'd never have met her in the first place.

    Wait, was there a downside to all of this?

    While he was lost in his thoughts, he managed to keep enough focus to follow Jesse to another turbolift, followed by two pairs of elites with a single man who looked noticeably rougher than they. One of the pairs were older with greying hair and glinting accessories everywhere. The other pair were younger, a man probably no more than five years older than him with striking yes and a face that seemed like it'd been sculpted from clay for the very purpose of showing the 'ideal rich human'. At his side was a human woman, with red hair, red lips, brown eyes, and a dress that was so dark green that it seemed to be black. The wealthies (as he dubbed them in his head) glanced over at them, and the younger man glanced up and down Jesse before returning to his conversation with the older couple, who seemed more than a bit intoxicated.

    "Well, I'll be," the rougher man, obviously a bodyguard, said. "If it ain't Ben Merasska in the flesh."

    "Mweh?" Ben answered, glancing up at the man.

    "Oh, you know this man, Kerrick?" the younger man asked. The rough man looked at Jesse and then back at Ben, a smile that carried an odd weight with it on his face.

    "Used to, sir. Flew in the same circles, you could say. Heard he died, actually. Around Yavin." Kerrick answered. "Didn't really talk to each other much, but seein' him now makes me think we weren't that different after all. Where are you headed?"

    "Uh, just doin' some business," Ben said. "Then we'll see."

    Kerrick said nothing for a moment, before nodding. "Come find me after, and we'll talk a bit, yeah? Catch up a bit. We'll be over at the sabacc tables. Ah, that is if you don't mind, boss."

    He turned to the younger of the wealthies, who smiled enigmatically. "I don't at all. I'd relish the opportunity, really."

    "There we go, find me after Merasska; we'll catch up."

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