Alliera Tal'verda
30 :: Mandalorian/Jedi/Alliance(retired) :: Jedi Knight
Currently on: Ossus
Character Background
- Born on Mandalore, to a pair of loving parents.
- taught both Mandalorian Combat as well as piloting by her parents.
- Joined Rebel Alliance 2 years before Scarif/Yavin.
- Fought in the Galactic Civil War as a Pilot in various squadrons, as well as a Groundside Shock Trooper.
- At Endor, she lost the rest of her old squadron, feeling their loss through the force(though she didn't know it yet)
- Was put on medical leave after traditional recuperation methods failed, then found by Jedi.
- Resigned from Alliance, trained as a Jedi, and eventually becoming a Knight.
- Was about to rejoin the Alliance, after finding peace as a Jedi.
- News of Starkiller Weapons caused internal conflict, delaying return to service(possibly indefinately)
Raw Material
- While she is a Jedi, she still has Mandalorian Armor and weapons.
- Her Armor is marked with her kills as a Pilot during the GCW, over a Black and Green Color Scheme.
- Endor is still a bit of a wound for the character.
- Alliera feels somewhat guilty for leaving her fellows in the Alliance after Endor.
- As a Jedi Knight, she feels like she's still helping somewhat.
Plot Ideas
- A Drink with a fellow GCW Veteran, reminicing over battles and experiances.(Endor could lead into some fun drama)
- Jedi Flight School under Veteran Pilot and Jedi Knight Tal'verda!
- Maybe a thread about the develoupment of the T-70, with my character as the Test Pilot?
- More Force Learning.
- Alliera visits her parents on Concord Dawn and shenanigans ensue.
Existing Relationships
- Alliera and her Parents still have a loving relationship.
- (Non-Specific) Alliera's faith in the Alliance was shaken by the news of the Starkillers.
- (Non-Specific) Alliera is still very friendly and buddy-buddy with other Alliance Veterans.
- (Non-Specific) Alliera is very appreciative of the Jedi Masters, and goes to them when she needs wisdom.
- (Non-Specific) Alliera reacts to other knights like she does Alliance Veterans(see above).
- (Non-specific) Alliera is very protective of Padawans and Younglings, and enjoys teaching them.
- .
Current Plots